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Extemporaneous Speaking Skills

. Does anyone know what Extemporaneous speaking skills is or what it means?. Extemporaneous Speaking Skills. Extemporaneous speaking is similar to prepared speaking, except for preparation time. Speeches or presentations are delivered with little or no time given to prepare written information.. Do people use this kind of speech?.

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Extemporaneous Speaking Skills

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Presentation Transcript

    1. Extemporaneous Speaking Skills By: Tom Farmer

    2. Does anyone know what Extemporaneous speaking skills is or what it means?

    3. Extemporaneous Speaking Skills Extemporaneous speaking is similar to prepared speaking, except for preparation time. Speeches or presentations are delivered with little or no time given to prepare written information.

    4. Do people use this kind of speech? As students do you use extemporaneous speaking? Do people in the real world use this kind of speaking skills?

    5. Yes As students Sum up a story As professional must think quickly with little or no rehearsals logical order

    6. Logical Order It means Simple and Understandable way. (Who thinks they are quick thinkers)

    7. Items that should be reviewed before orally delivering a speech. Content Related to Topic Knowledge of Subject Organization of Material

    8. Content Related to Topic Appropriateness of the content to the subject addressed Make sure that you are knowledgeable and comprehensive about the information about the topic

    9. Knowledge of Subject Important and appropriateness of the subject Suitability of the material used Accuracy of the statement including

    10. Organization of Material Unity of Thoughts Logical development Language used Accomplishment of purpose

    11. Things to remember when orally delivering your speech Power of Expression Voice Stage Presence General Effect Response to Questions

    12. Power of Expression Fluency Emphasis Directness Sincerity Communicative ability

    13. Voice Quality Pitch Articulation Pronunciation Force

    14. Stage Presentation Personal Appearance Body Posture Attitude

    15. Stage Presence cont. Confidence Personality Ease before the Audience

    16. General Effect Evidence of purpose Overall, your speech or presentations should hold the audience’s attention by being interesting, understandable, and pleasing.

    17. Response to Questions During and/or after some speeches or presentations, questions may asked by the audience. You should be able to answer questions about the speech to show originality, familiarity with the subject, and the ability to think quickly.

    18. Summary The first time you give an extemporaneous speech will be the most difficult. This is because you will not have much time to prepare or practice. The most important thing to remember is “stress the main idea (s) and deliver the speech or presentation with confidence!”

    19. Quiz

    20. Quiz Answers Q. 1- What three major items regarding your extemporaneous speech or presentation should be quickly reviewed before oral delivery?

    21. Quiz Answers Cont. A. 1- Content Related to Topic A. 2- Knowledge of Subject A. 3- Organization of Material

    22. Quiz Answers Cont. Q. 2- List five items related to oral delivery of an extemporaneous speech or presentation that you should remember during the oral delivery?

    23. Quiz Answers Cont. A. 1- Power of Expression A. 2- Voice A. 3- Stage Presence A. 4- General Effect A. 5- Response to Questions

    24. Quiz Answers Cont. Q. 3- What are two things that a person has to remember about stage presence when giving an extemporaneous speech or presentation?

    25. Quiz Answers Cont. A. 1- Personal Appearance A. 2- Poise & Body Posture A. 3- Attitude A. 4- Confidence A. 5- Personality A. 6- Ease before Audience

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