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Opening Question (4/7/11). What image is shown below? What city is this building located in? What happens to the city and this building in the year 1453 CE?. Get out a sheet of loose leaf paper and number it # 1-14 on left side and 1-8 on the right side… Vocab
Opening Question (4/7/11) • What image is shown below? What city is this building located in? What happens to the city and this building in the year 1453 CE? Get out a sheet of loose leaf paper and number it #1-14 on left side and 1-8 on the right side… Vocab ** Schism A split within a group of people over a difference in opinions EX) The Sunni/Shiite schism happened after the death of the Ali, the fourth rightly guided Caliph
The Great SchismHow the Christian Church Officially Split into Two Halves (East and West)!! 4/7/11 What you need to know today You need to know what a schism is You need to know why the church split into two sides You need to know the characteristics of the Eastern Church and the Western Church
Great Schism Notes: The Split of the Christian Church • Definition of a Schism – a split because of a difference of opinion • What was the split over? * Using icons in the church – the argument last for many years * Iconoclasts – what are they? People in the east who believed that having icons were the same as worshipping idols (against the first commandment) * Iconoclastic Controversy – Debate about Icons ** Many in the West could not read and needed icons to learn about Christianity
The East Side vs. The West Side • Eastern Church – Lead by Emperor of Byzantine Empire • 726 AD – Byzantine Emperor orders all icons to be destroyed in the Eastern Church * Supports Iconoclast and disapproves of Icons • Western Church – lead by Roman Catholic Church • 787 AD – Pope decrees that it is heresy to not allow icons * Pope threatens iconoclast with excommunication – (means to get kicked out of the church)
THE GREAT “SPLIT” SCHISM • The Great Schism (1054 AD) • The permanent split between the Eastern and Western Churches • Eastern Orthodox Church vs. Roman Catholic Church
What were the two churches characteristics? (What were they like?) Eastern Church (Centered in Constantinople) Eastern Orthodox Christians Masses conducted in Greek Bible is translated into various languages Emperor selects leaders of the Church (leader called Patriarch) Emperor is supreme leader of the Church Bishops had to be celibate, but priest could marry have kids and divorce Icons less important and not used
Western Church (Centered in Rome) • Roman Catholics • Masses were only in Latin • Bibles were only made in Latin • Pope was the supreme power in church • Pope approves and crowns Kings/Emperors • All bishops and priest had to be celibate and could not marry • Icons become very important because many people could not read in the west
Effects of Split Byzantine and Russian churches controlled by Emperors Orthodox Church spreads to Russia - Lack of contact with Western culture for Russian empire Greek language divides Byzantium from the Latin-speaking peoples of the West.
End of Day Question (2/17) • What year did they East and West Churches Split? • What was the cause for their split? • Do you believe that either church was right in their arguments before the split? Why? • Do you think the split was inevitable (going to happen regardless? Why or why not (explain yourself)?