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Animal behavior

Animal behavior. Brainpop-Behavior. Behavior. A behavior is anything an organism does in response to a stimulus in its environment. Brainpop- Behavior. Behavior.

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Animal behavior

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  1. Animal behavior Brainpop-Behavior

  2. Behavior • A behavior is anything an organism does in response to a stimulus in its environment. Brainpop- Behavior

  3. Behavior • A stimulus is any kind of signal (chemical or physical) that can be detected by an organism; a response is the organism’s reaction to the stimulus. • Ex . Lowered blood sugar causes a release in insulin which triggers a feeling of hunger.

  4. Fill It In … Give any example of a stimulus and a response:

  5. Behavior • Behaviors have evolved as a result of natural selection. • A behavior that is beneficial to an organism has adaptive value- it allows the organism to survive and reproduce better than those organisms that do NOT display this behavior

  6. Behavior • These behaviors may be directed by genes (DNA) and can therefore be inherited by organisms from their parents.

  7. Behavior • Most behaviors occur as a result of inherited genes AND environmental influences

  8. Fill It In … Don’t forget! Behaviors occurring as a result of genes and the environment illustrate the concept of ___________ vs. ______________

  9. Two Main Types of Behavior • Innate behaviorsare inborn (genetically programmed), so the organism is born already “knowing” the behavior.

  10. Two Main Types of Behavior • Learned behaviorsare aquired during an organism’s life and may change with practice and experience.

  11. Check Yourself! • What is a behavior? • What are the two main types of behaviors? • What is adaptive value? • Circle the stimulus and put a square around the response: • The skin itches and the dog scratches. • Chimpanzees bare their teeth at the approach of a baboon.

  12. Check Yourself! • What is a behavior? ANYTHING AN ORGANISM DOES IN RESPONSE TO A STIMULUS • What are the two main types of behaviors? • What is adaptive value? • Circle the stimulus and put a square around the response: • The skin itches and the dog scratches. • Chimpanzees bare their teeth at the approach of a baboon.

  13. Check Yourself! • What is a behavior? ANYTHING AN ORGANISM DOES IN RESPONSE TO A STIMULUS • What are the two main types of behaviors? INNATE & LEARNED • What is adaptive value? • Circle the stimulus and put a square around the response: • The skin itches and the dog scratches. • Chimpanzees bare their teeth at the approach of a baboon.

  14. Check Yourself! • What is a behavior? ANYTHING AN ORGANISM DOES IN RESPONSE TO A STIMULUS • What are the two main types of behaviors? INNATE & LEARNED • What is adaptive value? ALLOWS ORGANISMS TO SURVIVE & REPRODUCE BETTER • Circle the stimulus and put a square around the response: • The skin itches and the dog scratches. • Chimpanzees bare their teeth at the approach of a baboon.

  15. Check Yourself! • What is a behavior? ANYTHING AN ORGANISM DOES IN RESPONSE TO A STIMULUS • What are the two main types of behaviors? INNATE & LEARNED • What is adaptive value? ALLOWS ORGANISMS TO SURVIVE & REPRODUCE BETTER • Circle the stimulus and put a square around the response: • The skin itches and the dog scratches. • Chimpanzees bare their teeth at the approach of a baboon.

  16. Check Yourself! • What is a behavior? ANYTHING AN ORGANISM DOES IN RESPONSE TO A STIMULUS • What are the two main types of behaviors? INNATE & LEARNED • What is adaptive value? ALLOWS ORGANISMS TO SURVIVE & REPRODUCE BETTER • Circle the stimulus and put a square around the response: • The skin itches and the dog scratches. • Chimpanzees bare their teeth at the approach of a baboon.

  17. Innate behaviors • Simple innate behaviors: • Automatic - quick, unconscious reactions • Ex. Reflexes such as blinking

  18. Innate behaviors • Simple innate behaviors: • Fight-or-Flight response - the body prepares for action in response to stress or fear • Ex. Increased heart rate and respiration rate when in a car accident

  19. Innate behaviors • More complex innate behaviors (and urges) are often referred to as INSTINCTS. • Simple instincts include “suckling”, allowing animals to be able to feed right after birth. • Other instincts are more complex; these behaviors may be classified as one of the following:

  20. Innate behaviors • Courtship behavior - pre-mating behavior designed to help an organism recognize and pick the “best” mate • Ex. Fireflies flash lights The Mating Dance

  21. Innate behaviors • Territoriality - defending physical space against other animals; reduces competition for scarce resources • Ex. A cat scent-marks its territory to warn others

  22. Innate behaviors • Aggression - a threatening behavior that one animal uses to gain control over another • Ex. Lions show their fangs and snap at other lions

  23. Innate behaviors • Dominance Hierarchy - a social ranking within a group that establishes dominant and submissive members • Ex. A puppy rolls over and exposes its belly to adult dogs

  24. Innate behaviors • Orientation behaviors • Animals display TAXIS behaviors • Movement toward or away from a stimulus • Phototaxis - movement in response to light • Ex. Moths are attacted to light (positive)

  25. Innate behaviors • Chemotaxis - movement in response to chemicals • Ex. Insects are attracted to chemical signals from other insects (positive)

  26. Fill It In … Innate behavior summary: • Simple a. b. • Instincts a. b. c. d. e.

  27. Innate behaviors • Behavioral Cycles (Biological “Clock”) • Many animals respond to periodic changes in the environment with daily or seasonal cycles of behavior; these cycles allow for survival during periods when food or other resources may not be available.

  28. Innate behaviors • Circadian rhythms are daily cycles of behavior • Ex. Sleeping and waking • Based on 24-hours z z z z

  29. Innate behaviors • Seasonal rhythms occur at certain times of the year • Migration - movement from one place to another and then back again in response to environmental stimuli

  30. Innate behaviors • Hibernation - a decrease in metabolism in response to colder temperatures https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TpY4frpheWw

  31. Innate behaviors • Estivation- a decrease in metabolism in response to warmer temperatures

  32. Fill It In … Give 4 examples of “biological clocks”: 1. 2. 3. 4.

  33. Check Yourself! • Name two simple innate behaviors. • More complex innate behaviors are called ______________. • Define a taxis behavior. • What is a “biological clock”?

  34. Check Yourself! • Name two simple innate behaviors. AUTOMATIC & FIGHT-OR-FLIGHT • More complex innate behaviors are called ______________. • Define a taxis behavior. • What is a “biological clock”?

  35. Check Yourself! • Name two simple innate behaviors. AUTOMATIC & FIGHT-OR-FLIGHT • More complex innate behaviors are called INSTINCTS . • Define a taxis behavior. • What is a “biological clock”?

  36. Check Yourself! • Name two simple innate behaviors. AUTOMATIC & FIGHT-OR-FLIGHT • More complex innate behaviors are called INSTINCTS . • Define a taxis behavior. MOVEMENT TOWARD OR AWAY FROM A STIMULUS • What is a “biological clock”?

  37. Check Yourself! • Name two simple innate behaviors. AUTOMATIC & FIGHT-OR-FLIGHT • More complex innate behaviors are called INSTINCTS . • Define a taxis behavior. MOVEMENT TOWARD OR AWAY FROM A STIMULUS • What is a “biological clock”? RESPONSE IN PERIODIC CHANGES IN THE ENVIRONMENT

  38. Make a chart of Innate behaviors!

  39. Learned behaviors • Learned behaviors are present mostly in animals with a more highly developed nervous system. • Learning requires motivation - an internal need that causes an animal to act (i.e. hunger)

  40. Types of learning: • Habituation - occurs when an animal is repeatedly given a stimulus with no punishment or reward; eventually the animal stops responding • Ex. You are able to sleep through the night even though you live close to the train tracks.

  41. Types of learning: • Classical conditioning - occurs when an animal makes a connection between a stimulus and some kind of reward or punishment; also called “learning by association” • Ex. Pavlov’s dogs

  42. Types of learning: • Pavlov showed the dogs food. • The dogs salivated. • Pavlov started to ring a bell every time he fed the dogs. • Eventually, the dogs would salivate whenever they heard the bell - even when food was not present. Brainpop- Conditioning

  43. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eo7jcI8fAuI

  44. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7OynlzqtxmY Types of learning: • Operant conditioning - occurs when an animal learns to behave a certain way through repeated practice, in order to receive a reward or avoid punishment; also called “trial-and-error” • Ex. A mouse learns how to get through a maze in order to get the food at the end

  45. Types of learning: • Insight learning/Reasoning - the most complicated form of learning that occurs when an animal applies something it has already learned to a new situation. • Ex. A pianist is able to play a new piece of music by “ear”

  46. Fill It In … Types of learned behaviors: 1. 2. 3. 4.

  47. Check Yourself! • What is motivation? • What is the difference between classical and operant conditioning? • Who was Ivan Pavlov?

  48. Check Yourself! • What is motivation? INTERNAL NEED THAT CAUSES AN ANIMAL TO ACT • What is the difference between classical and operant conditioning? • Who was Ivan Pavlov?

  49. Check Yourself! • What is motivation? INTERNAL NEED THAT CAUSES AN ANIMAL TO ACT • What is the difference between classical and operant conditioning? CLASSICAL = LEARNING BY ASSOCIATION; OPERANT = TRIAL-AND-ERROR • Who was Ivan Pavlov?

  50. Check Yourself! • What is motivation? INTERNAL NEED THAT CAUSES AN ANIMAL TO ACT • What is the difference between classical and operant conditioning? CLASSICAL = LEARNING BY ASSOCIATION; OPERANT = TRIAL-AND-ERROR • Who was Ivan Pavlov? STUDIED CLASSICAL CONDITIONING WITH DOGS

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