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Institution Research Update. John Porter AIRPO June 20, 2006. End of Term SDFs. Objective: Capture unit records on all funded FTE Change resulted in unforeseen issues with campuses that have late starting courses.
Institution Research Update John Porter AIRPO June 20, 2006
End of Term SDFs • Objective: Capture unit records on all funded FTE • Change resulted in unforeseen issues with campuses that have late starting courses. • Despite the problems, if I to do it again, I’d would. One change would be to require two SDFs in spring semester as in the Fall. • Submitting two Spring SDFs would still be optional as it is in the Fall.
Special Study • Explored influence of funding on campus graduation outcomes • Our model calculated a “normalized” funding per undergraduate FTE, which turned out positive in the model • Other variables in model: SATs, demographics (gender), and % full-time • Finding: Finances do explain differences in graduation rates, particularly 4-year rates
Special Study (Continued) • Continuing analysis of the data using a methodology called “Frontier Analysis” • Analysis focuses on identifying institutions that are more “efficient” in producing graduates given available resources • Graduate student is assembling IPEDS data from several years to run the model over a period of years
SOS • Administration of SOS complete with a few interesting twists: • Two campuses requested to administer the SOS in fall • ACT sent one campus their version of the SOS, which was not caught until after administration. This campus will also administer SUNY’s version of the SOS in fall • Several campuses reported that students found the SOS too long • Several campuses reported problems with student pen and ink markings • In-class administration recommended, mail OK, but two campuses wanted to administer survey on line. The results were amazing! • ACT is waiting for a few campuses to send them surveys. • Campuses will receive the reports and data in August • Reports will contain sector benchmarks • ACT will also provide campuses an SPSS program
Statistical Abstract • Objective: Create standard enrollment report formats • Summarizes basic enrollment characteristics before the current IR system is retired • 13 tables in enrollment series (Excel) • Each table has ten years of data • Tab for each campus and sector • Retention series focuses on ethnicity & gender (Access) • Associate program retention into second year • Baccalaureate program retention into second, third and fourth years
Teacher Education Alumni Survey • 11 campuses participating in alumni survey • Administering EBI graduating survey to students graduating in 2005-06 and 2006-07 (paper) • EBI administers an alumni survey to same population two years post graduation (web) • EBI administers employer survey to same population to graduates responding to the alumni survey (web)
Teacher Certification Examination Database (TCED) • 15 SUNY campuses with teacher education programs • Access DB that combines certification test scores with SUNY data • 1999 through 2005 • Supports academic program assessment and accreditation • Non-disclosure agreement
NSSE/CCSSE • Recommended to meet some requirements of “Strengthened Campus-based Assessment” • Scheduled administration in Spring 2007 • ?
SED Changes • Considering unit record data collection to support VTEA reporting (gender splits next year) • NYSED 2H-1 Personnel Development for Special Education • Start thinking about NPSAS 2008 (field test planned for Spring 2007)
Graduation Rate Comparison Source: 2004 IPEDS Graduation Rate Survey, Fall 1997 Cohort as of Fall 2003 and SUNY data based on official Student Data and Automated Degree Files.
SUNY Educational OutcomesFirst-Time, Full-Time Cohort Entering Fall 1998Status after 6 Years Earned Degree Baccalaureate 13,750 (65.5%) 13,128 (62.6%) Transferred toNon-SUNY Associates EnteringCohort 2,387 (11.4%) 622 (3.0%) Persisting Still Enrolled at Initial SUNY N = 20,977 1,027 (4.9%) 376 (1.8%) Still Enrolled at Other SUNY Drop-out 651 (3.1%) 3,813 (18.2%) *-excludes Cornell Percentages do not total to 100 due to rounding.
Baccalaureate Percent Transferring to Another SchoolFall 1998 Full-Time, First-Time Cohort as of Fall 2004 All Baccalaureate Programs = 28.4%
Baccalaureate Percent Transferring to Non-SUNYFall 1998 Full-Time, First-Time Cohort as of Fall 2004 All Baccalaureate Programs = 11.4%
Associate Percent Transferring to Another SchoolFall 2000 Full-Time, First-Time Cohort as of Fall 2004 All Initial Associate’s Degree Enrollees = 37.1%
Associate Percent Transferring to a Non-SUNYFall 2000 Full-Time, First-Time Cohort as of Fall 2004 All Initial Associate’s Degree Enrollees = 16.1%
Distribution of EnteringFull-Time Undergraduates Fall 1998 Cohort