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Volunteering At Our Lady of the Snows Catholic Academy. Orientation Presentation. Thank you for showing an interest in volunteering your time to work with students at Our Lady of the Snows Catholic Academy.
Volunteering At Our Lady of the Snows Catholic Academy Orientation Presentation
Thank you for showing an interest in volunteering your time to work with students at Our Lady of the Snows Catholic Academy. Please review this presentation to be aware of our volunteer guidelines and expectations
Jesus often invited his disciples to love one another. He urged them toshow their love through what they did as well as by what they said. Gifts and talents not only help individual growth, but they support and enrich the whole community. In offering to volunteer in our schools, parents and community members truly provide the students with real life models of service. Volunteers have played a major role in Catholic education since the time when parishioners joined their efforts to establish the first Catholic schools. The tradition of volunteerism has been strong in our schools and each year grows stronger as more people, parents as well as community members, become involved.
An important aspect of the culture in each school is the creation and maintenance of a dynamic faith community. It is this aspect that Christ the Redeemer Catholic Schools strives to ensure permeates the learning environment. The opportunity to volunteer in CRCS schools is seen as a mutually beneficial relationship where the volunteer's response to others in need is hopefully returned in the form of opportunities to learn, to contribute, and to be an integral part of a vibrant, exciting, learning community. CRCS is thankful to support the theme of service, which is a prominent one in the Christian tradition. Becoming a volunteer within CRCS involves reaching out and ministering to others. In fact, the word ministry means service.
At the same time, it is important that district volunteers understand some basic background related to the aspect of Catholicity in the schools. In this way, expectations are clear and misunderstandings are avoided. It is essential that everyone working within the school community understand that the Division is guided by the values of Catholic tradition and Gospel values when working with students. It is possible that sensitive issues and questions, not always directly related to the assigned task may arise as volunteers work with and get to know our teachers and students. In these cases, volunteers are asked to re-direct the discussion to the classroom teacher or school administration. It is critical that sensitive issues be addressed in the context of our Catholic philosophy. The classroom teacher is in the best position to respond should this situation arise.
GUIDELINES AND EXPECTATIONS In making the decision to volunteer in CRCS schools, it is critical for volunteers to understand the following guidelines: The principal of the school has the responsibility, in consultation with staff, parents, and the community, to determine who will volunteer in the school and what form each school's volunteer program will take. The principal is guided in all decisions, including those related to volunteers, by the provincial Education Act as well as Division policies, regulations and practices. It is expected that all schools will have a volunteer handbook and will ensure all volunteers attend an annual orientation prior to service. In developing their school-specific Volunteer Handbook, Principals will use this guideline and attached documents.
Volunteers must clearly understand that all work in the school must • be within the context of the beliefs of the Catholic faith. This means • that volunteers working with students are asked to: • Respect the Catholicity embedded in the school environment; and • Refrain from taking advantage of their access to students to discuss religious questions since this is the responsibility of the school staff. The expectation here is that directions and/or activities related to religious themes occur at the direction of the classroom teacher or school administration.
Maintain the strictest confidentiality about the students, staff, parents, and school. This reflects not only the need for volunteers to follow ethical practice, but privacy provisions under Alberta's Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIP). In particular, this responsibility is captured in the section of the act quoted below: 1(1)(e) "employee", in relation to a public body, includes a person who performs a service for the public body as an appointee, volunteer, or student or under a contract or agency relationship with the public body...
The consequences of this section are that volunteers now have the same duties and responsibilities as regular employees in relation to privacy issues. This means that the district has a responsibility to better inform volunteers about our expectations relating to the protection of personal information and privacy. Volunteers have the same duties and responsibilities with regard to sexual, physical, and psychological harassment or abuse. In addition to the legal mandate above, it is important that volunteers and school staff realize their general responsibilities in the area of ethics and confidentiality. Volunteers receive the trust of the students, parents, teachers and administrators of the schools in which they work. An important part of that trust is related to ethics and confidentiality.
ORIENTATION • A Volunteer must not share information about students, staff, or other volunteers with other people. If a volunteer has a concern, bring the matter forward to the appropriate school staff or school administration; • If a volunteer has a problem with a student, he/she should redirect the matter to the student's teacher and speak with school administration; • If a volunteer has a problem with a teacher, he/she should discuss the matter first with that teacher, and if necessary, speak with school administration; • A volunteer cannot use his/her presence in the school as an opportunity to dialogue with teachers concerning his/her own child's situation. Volunteers, who wish to speak to a teacher about his/her own child, should make an appointment for another time;
All volunteer work is done under the direction and immediate supervision of a teacher and may need to follow an appropriate work style to meet the expectations of each individual teacher; • Within CRCS, the role of volunteers is viewed as a supportive one. Volunteers are not there to replace paid staff, but to support and supplement work that is already being done within the district schools; • Individual teachers shall decide whether they wish to utilize the services of volunteers. Every teacher has the option of deciding not to have volunteers in his or her classroom; • School administration must take responsibility to explain to volunteers all school and district rules regarding entrances, exits, emergency procedures, parking, access to staff areas, etc. All volunteers are expected to abide by the rules of the school and district regulations;
It is the school personnel's responsibility to ensure that volunteers are properly informed abouttheir tasks and welcomed in the school; • It is the responsibility of the volunteer to do his/her assigned tasks to the best of their ability. A volunteer is expected to work co-operatively with all staff members and seek clarification whenever necessary; • A volunteer has the right to refuse a task if he/she feels that they are not properly prepared to do what is required. It is the responsibility of school personnel to give volunteers adequate on-the-job training; • After reading this orientation, a volunteer should direct her/his questions or concerns to the staff member with whom he/she works. If more information is required, then the volunteer should consult with the school administration;
The achievements of students are to be valued and their rights preserved. In the course of his/her service in schools, a volunteer may learn personal facts about students, their families and their problems. As a result, a volunteer must agree to keep this information confidential and not discuss it with people in, or outside the school, other than the school administration (see Appendix I). He/she is bound by what they sign in the confidentiality agreement ; • A volunteer is not, under any circumstances, to be placed in a situation where he/she is responsible for the direct supervision of students (one on one); district volunteers will always be supervised by a teacher or school staff member when carrying out his/her duties; and
The aim of the school staff is to build a caring Catholic community in which students and teachers can work to ensure that each student feels that he/she is an important and unique human being. With this as our underlying philosophy, volunteers are expected to try their best to build a school climate that will reflect the Catholic commitment of the school. • It is important to remember that clear communication is very helpful in building a sense of comfort for volunteers and members of the school community, based on the knowledge that shared understandings and expectations are in place. • Volunteers need to be appreciated. It is the responsibility of the school to recognize and celebrate the efforts of the volunteers.
Volunteer Statement Christ the Redeemer Catholic Schools recognizes and appreciates the many volunteers in our schools as they form an integral part of our school communities. They provide important non-instructional services which assist teachers and staff directly or indirectly in achieving educational objectives. Volunteers are to be encouraged and are to be treated as valuable resources. Whenever volunteers work directly with students in a variety of capacities, policies and regulations must be in place to best ensure the safety and well-being of students and to facilitate the enhancement of the programs being provided. A "volunteer" is any individual who without compensation assists in the school or assists students during a school related activity, including a field trip, either in groups or on a one-on-one basis, and includes a volunteer driver that transports students, but does not include a guest speaker, a visitor to the school, a parent/guardian assisting his/her own child, a post-secondary institution practicum student, a school council member or parent fundraising group acting solely in that capacity, or any district student or employee.
Volunteer Administrative Regulation • I Volunteers • Principals shall be responsible for volunteers present in the school or performing volunteer activities for the school while not on school premises. The principal shall be advised of and approve all volunteer positions in the school. • Volunteers shall at all times act in accordance with Division policies and regulations, school policies and rules, and endeavor to conduct themselves in such a manner to be in keeping with the Division’s vision, mission and fundamental beliefs. • All volunteers shall be required to complete a "Volunteer Registration Form" annually and prior to commencing any volunteer activities in the school. • All volunteers who are to be assisting with school activities at a school on any given day shall register at that school office at the beginning of each day. Schools staff shall be instructed that a volunteer register or log shall be kept and made available to the school principal at all times. The volunteer register shall contain legible names of the volunteers and their expected location or classroom assignment during the course of their duties during the day. While engaged in volunteer activities, all volunteers shall wear appropriate identification.
All volunteers are subject to the direction of the principal at all times. In appropriate circumstances, the principal may delegate such authority to a staff member. In the event that there is a conflict between the direction of a staff member and the principal, the principal's authority shall prevail. • Principals are encouraged to develop processes and procedures that may be unique to their school environments and communicate these to their volunteer communities in a manner befitting the environment.
II Provision of Criminal Declaration, Records and Child Welfare Checks • All individuals, including minors under the age of eighteen, assuming volunteer duties with a school shall declare a criminal record. • All individuals, including minors under the age of eighteen, assuming volunteer activities with a school, shall be required to advise and declare in writing whether or not they now have or have ever had a criminal record, prior to assuming any volunteer duties regarding: • Involvement with sports teams; • Overnight field trips • Activities involving the supervision of students where Division staff members are not in attendance at all times; • Driving students in Division or non-Division owned vehicles. • Criminal record checks may also be required at the sole discretion of the principal or the Superintendent in any circumstances where it is deemed appropriate. Under exceptional circumstances, the Superintendent may waive the requirement for the provision of a criminal record check.
In circumstances where a criminal record identifies prior convictions or investigations, the nature and date of the offence/investigation, and any other relevant factors shall be considered by the principal prior to allowing the individual to assume any volunteer activities on behalf of the school. In circumstances where the principal requires assistance in making this determination, the principal shall contact the Superintendent. Where it is determined that circumstances are incompatible with the participation of the volunteer in school activities, the volunteer shall not be allowed to volunteer. This determination by the principal, or by the principal and Superintendent is final. If circumstances are such that a material change occurs, the individual may be reconsidered for a volunteer activity at a later date. • If in the course of volunteering with the school, a volunteer is charged with an offence under the Criminal Code of Canada, the volunteer must immediately notify the principal of all criminal charges laid, excluding minor traffic offences unless the volunteer is engaged in activities involving the use of a motor vehicle. Such events may lead to a suspension of the volunteer's duties until such time as the matter is determined by the courts or otherwise settled. • Costs associated with the provision of the criminal record check shall be the responsibility of the school.
III Collection, Use and Disclosure of Volunteer Personal Information • All Volunteer Registration forms shall be kept for two years from the date of completion. • The volunteer register shall be kept for two years from the date of completion by the school. • In the circumstance where an 'incident' occurs during a school activity and which involved, directly or indirectly, a volunteer, the principal shall supply all relevant documentation to the Superintendent for retention. • All criminal record checks shall be provided directly to the principal in a sealed envelope by the prospective volunteer. Upon being provided to the principal, the principal shall review such criminal record checks and thereafter ensure that such records are kept in a secure location within the school, and be available for review by the principal or the Superintendent. • Under no circumstances shall criminal reference checks be shared with individual school staff members. Where the principal is responsible for making the determination of whether an individual shall assume volunteer duties, the principal may discuss the potential role and responsibilities of the volunteer position, but shall not disclose any criminal history of the individual whatsoever.
All Volunteers are required to fill out the following forms: • Volunteer Application Form (to be completed annually by all volunteers) • Please pick up and submit to school office • Volunteer Confidentiality Agreement ( to be completed annually) by all volunteers) • Please pick up and submit to school office • Police Security Clearance (if applies) • Please pick up and submit to school office • Volunteer Driver Authorization along with Drivers Abstract (if applies) • Please pick up and submit to school office
Thank You for Volunteering Your Time At Our Lady of the Snows