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WELCOME. AO REFRESHER’S COURSE. Training Objectives and Outputs. Explain the role of rural banks as fin a ncial intermediaries and as microfinance providers. Understand that the character and capacity to pay are the primary basis for evaluating microfinance loans.

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  2. Training Objectives and Outputs • Explain the role of rural banks as financial intermediaries and as microfinance providers. • Understand that the character and capacity to payare the primary basis for evaluating microfinance loans. • Properly employ client selection toolswhich are the loan appication forms, CIBI forms and cash flow analysis template and worksheets.

  3. Training Objectives and Outputs • Explain the concept of zero tolerance againstdelinquency and how account/loan officers canpursue it. • Demonstrate skills in selling the benefits of their microfinance products while adeptly handling possible objections from clients.

  4. House Rules • Be punctual. Always come on time. • Actively participate in all activities • Avoid side conversations. Listen when someone is talking. • Share your ideas. Raise your hand when you want to speak. • Don’t shoot the ideas of others • Build on the ideas of others • Switch your mobile phone to silent mode

  5. House Rules • There are scheduled breaks. Don’t leave the room unless you have to • Observe the house rules of the training place • Learn as much as you can but do not forget to have FUN!

  6. Thank you!

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