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Property in Land Resources. Nindyantoro. Untuk direnungkan. Apa arti memiliki ? Apa arti memanfaatkan ? Apa arti menikmati ? Yang kita miliki apakah selalu dapat kita nikmati ?. On Children by Khalil Gibran.
Property in Land Resources Nindyantoro
Untukdirenungkan Apaartimemiliki ? Apaartimemanfaatkan ? Apaartimenikmati ? Yang kitamilikiapakahselaludapatkitanikmati ?
On Children by Khalil Gibran Your children are not your children.They are the sons and daughters of Life's longing for itself.They come through you but not from you,And though they are with you yet they belong not to you. You may give them your love but not your thoughts, For they have their own thoughts.You may house their bodies but not their souls,For their souls dwell in the house of tomorrow, which you cannot visit, not even in your dreams.You may strive to be like them, but seek not to make them like you.For life goes not backward nor tarries with yesterday. You are the bows from which your childrenas living arrows are sent forth.The archer sees the mark upon the path of the infinite, and He bends you with His might that His arrows may go swift and far.Let your bending in the archer's hand be for gladness;For even as He loves the arrow that flies, so He loves also the bow that is stable.
Nature and scope of property rights • Man’s rights with respect to material objects • The exclusive rights to control an economics good • Complete ownership – limited rights
Property • Property is commonly thought of as a thing which belongs to someone and over which a person has total control. But, legally, it is more properly defined as a collection of legal rights over a thing.
Attributes and Characteristics of Property • Exclusive: individual can hold property rights alone or share with certain others to exclusion of all other persons • not absolute: subjects to the control and limitations vested in the sovereign power Ingat bahwa selalu ada: (1) pemegang hak, (2) obyek property, (3) kedaulatan dari penguasa
Attributes and Characteristics of Property (2) • Property objects: material things & quasi material items such as franchises, patens, copy rights, industrial goodwill, etc • Two of the most important attributes of property: appropriability and value • Free goods such as water and air can be appropriated but they are not regarded as property rights because man can not enforce exclusive rights
Separable fee simple of ownerships: to posses and to use to sell to lease to devise to mortgage to subdivide Rights reserved to the state To tax To take for public use To control the use of Escheat Bundle of Rights
Escheat • Escheat is a common law doctrine that operates to ensure that property is not left in limbo and ownerless. It originally referred to a number of situations where a legal interest in land was destroyed by operation of law, so that the ownership of the land reverted to the immediately superior feudal lord. • Most common-law jurisdictions have abolished the concept of feudal tenure of property, and so the concept of escheat has lost something of its meaning. Even in England and Wales, where escheat still operates as a doctrine of land law, there are unlikely to be any feudal lords to take property on an escheat, so that in practice the recipient of an escheated property is the Crown.
Escheat (2) • The term is often now applied to the transfer of the title to a person's property to the state when the person dies intestate without any other person capable of taking the property as heir. For example, a common-law jurisdiction's intestacy statute might provide that when someone dies without a will, and is not survived by a spouse, descendants, parents, grandparents, descendants of parents, children or grandchildren of grandparents, or great-grandchildren of grandparents, then the person's estate will escheat to the state.
Escheat • Where property is returned to the government upon the death of the owner, because there is nobody to inherit the property. Escheat is based on the Latin principle of dominion directum as was often used in the feudal system when a tenant died without heirs or if the tenant was convicted of a felony.
Sir Thomas Raffles: Domain Verklaring • Suatulahan yang takdapatdibuktikankepemilikannyamenjadimilikkerajaan • Sumbernya : Agrarische Wet danAgrarischebesluit. Pasal 1 Agrarischebesluit (stb 1870 nomor 18) semuatanah yang takapatdibuktikankepemilikannyamenjaditanahmiliknegara. • Masakemerdekaandomeinverklaringdigantikanolehhakmenguasainegara (HMN); dikuasaibukanberartidimiliki.
Property Rights Dalam UU Pokok Agraria pasal 16 a. Hak Milik b. Hak Guna Usaha (HGU) c. Hak Guna Bangunan (HGB) d. Hak Pakai e. Hak Sewa f. Hak Membuka Tanah g. Hak Memungut Hasil Hutan h. Hak-hak lain yg tidak termasuk di atas yang akan ditetapkan pada UU
Pasal 16 UUPA Hak atas air dan ruang angkasa 1 Hak Guna Air 2. Hak Pemeliharaan dan penangkapan ikan 3. Hak Guna ruang angkasa
PengertianHakMilik adalahhakturun-temurun , terkuatdanterpenuhyangdapatdipunyaiorangatastanah, denganmengingatketentuandalampasal 6Undang-Undang Nomor 5Tahun 1960 , bahwa “semuahaktanahmempunyaifungsisosial”. Sifat-sifathakmilik yang membedakannyadenganhak-haklainnyaadalahhakyang“terkuatdanterpenuh”,
HakGuna Usaha adalahhakuntukmengusahakantanahyangdikuasailangsungolehnegaradalamjangkawaktupaling lama 25 tahun.HakGuna Usaha merupakanhakkhususuntukmengusahakantanahyangbukanmiliknyasendirigunaperusahaan, pertanian,perikanandanpeternakan.
HakGunaBangunan adalahhakuntukmendirikandanmempunyaibangunan-bangunanatastanahyangbukanmiliknyasendiri, denganjangkawaktu paling lama 30tahun.Tidak mengenaitanahpertanian, olehkarenaitudapatdiberikanatastanahyangdikuasailangsungolehnegaramaupuntanahmilikseseorang.
HakPakai adalahhakuntukmenggunakandan /ataumemunguthasildaritanahyangdikuasailangsungolehNegaraatautanahmilikoranglain,yangmemberiwewenangdankewajiban yang ditentukandalamkeputusanpemberiannyaolehpejabat yang berwenangmemberikannyaataudalamperjanjiandenganpemiliktanahnya, yang bukanperjanjiansewa-menyewaatauperjanjianpengolahantanah,segalasesuatuasaltidakbertentangandenganjiwadanketentuan-ketentuan No. 5Tahun 1960.
Hakpakai (lanjutan) HakPakaidiberikanselamajangkawaktu yang tertentuatauselamatanahnyadipergunakanuntukkeperluan yang tertentu; HakPakaidapatdiberikandengancuma-cuma, denganpembayaranataupemberianjasaberupaapapun.
ContohhakatastanahpemberianBelanda Tanah gran sultan: sultan Jogyakarta laksamana raja dilautdipulauBengkalis Ambon, Ternate dsb
HukumAdatatasLahan Pasal 18 b Ayat 2 UUD 1945 Pasal 3 UU nomor 5 tahun 1960 tentangperaturandasarpokok-pokokagraria Pasal 1 angka 6, pasal 5, pasal 37, pasal 67 UU nomor 41 tahun 1999 Mengakuieksistensihakulayatsetengahhatiataudengansyarat (pseudo recognition)
PERATURAN MENTERI NEGARA AGRARIA/KEPALA BADAN PERTANAHAN NASIONALNOMOR 5 TAHUN 1999 TENTANG PEDOMAN PENYELESAIAN MASALAH HAK ULAYAT Hakulayatadalahkewenangan yang menuruthukumadatdipunyaiolehmasyarakathukumadattertentuataswilayahtertentu yang merupakanlingkunganhidupparawarganyauntukmengambilmanfaatdarisumberdayaalam, termasuktanah, dalamwilayahtersebut, bagikelangsunganhidupdankehidupannya, yang timbuldarihubungansecaralahiriahdanbatiniahturunmenurundantidakterputusantaramasyarakathukumadattersebutdenganwilayah yang bersangkutan.
Tanah ulayat 2. Tanah ulayatadalahbidangtanah yang diatasnyaterdapathakulayatdarisuatumasyarakathukumadattertentu. 3. Masyarakathukumadatadalahsekelompokorang yang terikatolehtatananhukumadatnyasebagaiwargabersamasuatupersekutuanhukumkarenakesamaantempattinggalataupunatasdasarketurunan
BAB IIPELAKSANAAN PENGUASAAN TANAH ULAYATPasal 2 1.Pelaksanaanhakulayatsepanjangpadakenyataannyamasihadadilakukanolehmasyarakathukumadat yang bersangkutanmenurutketentuanhukumadatsetempat. 2. Hakulayatmasyarakathukumadatdianggapmasihadaapabila : a. terdapatsekelompokorang yang masihmerasaterikatolehtatananhukumadatnyasebagaiwargabersamasuataupersekutuanhukumtertentu, danmenerapkanketentuanpersekutuantersebutdalamkehidupannyasehari-hari, b. terdapattanahulayattertentu yang menjadilingkunganhidupparawargapersekutuanhukumtersebutdantempatnyamengambilkeperluanhidupnyasehari-hari, dan c. terdapattatananhukumadatmengenaipengurusan, penguasaandanpenggunaantanahulayat yang berlakudanditaatiolehparawargapersekutuanhukumtersebut.
HakAdat Budi Harsono: Hakulayattidakperludiaturkarenaakanhilangdengansendirinya = integra-sionis (masyarakatadatakanmenjadimasyarakat modern).
ContohHakUlayat DayakBenuaqdiKalmantan Tengah SukuAnakDalamdi Jambi MasyhukumadatdiSerawaiSemidangKabSeluma Bengkulu HutanPenyabunganSukuTalangMamakdi Indragiri hulu CIFOR 2001: 48 jutajiwamsyadattinggaldihutannegara, 10,2 hidupmiskin.
PenyebabKemiskinanMasyarakatAdat Pengakuansemuterhadaphakulayat Penafsiranmengenaihakmengkuasainegara (HMN)
PP 24 1997 RE PENDAFTARAN TANAH Obyek pendaftaran tanah: • bidang tanah yang dipunyai dengan HGU, HGB dan hak pakai • tanah hak pengelolaan • hak milik atas satuan rumah susun • hak tanggungan • tanah negara
Kegiatan Pendaftaran tanah • Pengumpulan dan pengolahan data fisik • Pembuktian hak dan pembukuannya • Penerbitan sertifikat • Penyajian data fisik dan yuridis • Penyimpanan daftar umum dan dokumen
Pelaksanaan Pendaftaran Tanah Pertama Kali • Sistematik : didasarkan pada suatu rencana kerja dan dilaksanakan diwilayah yang ditetapkan oleh menteri. Contoh: program : PRONA (program sertifikasi tanah nasional) • Sporadik : dilaksanakan atas permintaan pihak yang berkepentingan
Tanah yang berasal dari konversi hak lama • Bukti tertulis, keterangan saksi atau pernyataan yang bersangkutan yang kadar kebenarannya dinilai oleh panitia Ajudikasi atau kepala kantor pertanahan.
Kuatnya Hak • Ill-defined property rights and consequent shows positive linkages between land titling, secure property rights, and adoption of land improvements, as well as increased credit access.
Property sebagai insentif investasi Insecure property rights hamperfarmers’ incentives to invest in the land they hold, because they must bear the uncertainty of whether they will be able to capture their entire future return on investment. They may also be hesitant to make investments, because insecure, incomplete property rights hinder efforts to trade land in the market as goods or collateral. The insecurity of property rights is often attributed to their informal/illegal nature, that is, land is not legally titled.
Hernando de Soto: The death of Capital Negara yang terbelakangtidakmemilikikepastianhukumatasasetkapital (lahan) sehinggatidakdapatdijadikanagunankredit. Akibatnyapembentukankapitalterhambat, pertumbuhanklaswirausahalambat.
Manfaat Sertifikasi Lahan An empirical study by Feder and Onchan (1987) shows positive linkages between land titling, secure property rights, and adoption of land improvements, as well as increased credit access .
Sertifikat dan Investasi • More recently, Deininger and Chamorro (2004) and Gebremedhin and Swinton (2003) find that farmers with complete formal rights are induced to invest more in their land from long-term perspectives. • In terms of tradability, Hayes, Roth, and Zepeda (1997) find that possession of transferability is associated with a higher propensity to make long-term land investments.
Hak Informal dan Privatisasi • Alternatively, some studies indicate the effectiveness of informal property rights institutions, such as customary rights that provide resource management incentives. • These studies warn against land privatization /registration of traditional, informal, and non private land tenure system (Atwood 1990; Migot-Adholla et all 1991).
We assume that a farmer’s investment choice is affected by expectations regarding future property rights. In the simplest case of a two-period model, • farmers attempt to maximize a combined net return at present value from current and future production, given their budget in terms of capital and labor inputs.
Return on Property • While current production generates returns with certainty, an investment generates returns only in the future with uncertainty, depending on expected property rights
Hak Property Adat VS Nasional • Adverse Position Right Hak Adat dapat diakui sepanjang dapat dibukti kan bahwa kesatuan masyarakat itu sudah lama berdiri sebelum negara ybs. UUPA • Hak adat diakui sepanjang kesatuan adat tersebut masih ada atau dapat dibuktikan keberadaannya.
HakAdat BagaimanamemastikanAdatmasihberlaku, dipatuhidandigunakan? Perangkatkelembagaan : normadanaturan kepemimpinan sistempengambilankeputusan Bagaimanajikaadattidaklagiberlaku ?
Seberapapentingmasalah land property ? • Masalah land property menjadipemicuperlawananterhadaprezimpenjajah: • Perangdiponegoro • Pemerontakan PKI Madiun (versiOngHokKam) • Pemberontakanmelawanrasisme “Apharteid”: diAfrika Selatan, kemerdekaan Zimbabwe (dulu Rhodesia) • Simaklagu Bob Marley
BOB MARLEY - ZIMBABWE Every man gotta right to decide his own destiny, And in this judgement there is no partiality. So arm in arms, with arms, we'll fight this little struggle, 'Cause that's the only way we can overcome our little trouble. Brother, you're right, you're right, You're right, you're right, you're so right! We gon' fight (we gon' fight), we'll have to fight (we gon' fight), We gonna fight (we gon' fight), fight for our rights!
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