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EGO (European) Everyone’s Gliding Observatories Action ES0904 Start date: 15/07/2010 End date: 14/07/2014 Year: 4. Pierre Testor Chair LOCEAN-CNRS / France. The Economist, 2012/06/09. worldwide efforts in the context of climate change.
EGO (European) Everyone’s Gliding Observatories Action ES0904 Start date: 15/07/2010 End date: 14/07/2014 Year: 4 Pierre Testor Chair LOCEAN-CNRS / France The Economist, 2012/06/09
worldwide efforts in the context of climate change • Role of the ocean in climate: the ocean is a “buffer” of atmospheric global change and transports heat from the tropics to the poles monitoring • worldwide efforts for the global ocean observation (physical and biogeochemical): satellites and in-situ • Data + numerical modeling : analyses and forecast of the ocean (FP7 MyOcean) → science AND societal needs (climate, … marine resources, security) 2
http://www.argo.net Climate Research and the Global Ocean Observation System (GOOS) • in-situ system today : profiles T & S on [0-2000m] • automatic measurements, transmitted in real-time • « 300km x 300km – 10 days » Global numerical models (~6 km res.) MyOcean Courtesy of H. Freeland,
Gliders = new platforms and sampling capabilities Measure: - currents (averaged over the dives) - physical/biogeochemical properties Steerable, can be deployed by numbers. Land Station Data Center Scientific community, operational models 1km ~2-5 km between surfacing U ~ 20-40 km/day Endurance: ~2-11 months 4
Oceanic Processes Globalscale Regionalscale Scale interactions seasonal mesoscale submesoscale Scientific context and objectives (1/2) • Background / Problem statement: [What is the scientific context and what challenges are the Action addressing?] The ocean interior is still under sampled. The glider technology can help fill the gaps left by the other observing systems (ships, satellites, moorings, floats, drifters). Testor et al, 2010. • Brief reminder of MoU objectives: [What are the Action’s objectives?] The main objective is the European coordination of ongoing research using gliders, and the conception of future research. The aim is to build the capacity to operate fleets of autonomous underwater gliders at the international level, providing cost-effective methods for the discovery and monitoring of the oceanat global, regional and coastal scales, for the benefit of both marine research and operational applications for marine activities - climate - «green» objectives - security - end-users (GEO,GMES, MSFD…) 5
mesoscale (10-100 km) submesoscale (1-10 km) Satellite image sea color - surface Chl Scientific context and objectives (1/2) • Background / Problem statement: [What is the scientific context and what challenges are the Action addressing?] The ocean interior is still under sampled. The glider technology can help fill the gaps left by the other observing systems (ships, satellites, moorings, floats, drifters). Testor et al, 2010. • Brief reminder of MoU objectives: [What are the Action’s objectives?] The main objective is the European coordination of ongoing research using gliders, and the conception of future research. The aim is to operate fleets of autonomous underwater gliders at the international level, providing cost-effective methods for the discovery and monitoring of the oceanat global, regional and coastal scales, for the benefit of both marine research and operational applications for marine activities 300km Vertical structure?!? 6
6 18 16 14 9 9 2 Scientific context and objectives (2/2) • Research directions: • [How are the objectives of the MoU being achieved? Recall briefly the approach and methodology as stated in the MoU.] • build a capacity at thescientific,technological, andorganizationallevels through a tight network of laboratories/institutions, • strengthen theinterdisciplinary research environment, make researchers and engineers in marine sciences, as well as those interested in robotics work together around glider operations, sensors, data analysis. ~80 EU gliders + ~20 teams (and downstream infrastructures) • [Highlight the Action’s innovative work—what is its unique contribution that is not duplicated elsewhere?] New technology, attempt to avoid early fragmentation of the activity. Development of the concept of a glider research infrastructure 1) having a global range (distributed network of ‘gliderports’, common tools/procedures, formats) and 2) developing synergies with the other ocean observing systems (ships, profiling floats, moorings…) 7
Working groups • Support for glider deployments and data disseminationdata flow and management - international infrastructure (steering team, technical coordinators, etc) to develop the community consensus. Legal framework. • Glider vehicle, sensors, and “gliderports” infrastructurespossible technical developments on platforms and sensors (physical, bio-optical, acoustics, video). Best performances (calibration, consumption,…). Main gliderports design/networking (infrastructure for preparation, maintenance and evolution, logistics, computing facilities). Development of a network of worldwide local supports or “secondary” gliderports. Training support activity. • Piloting gliders and artificial intelligence“24/7” control of the gliders. Develop easy and ergonomic access to piloting facilities, auto-pilot systems, flight control systems, automated fault diagnosis and environment information systems. Interactions between distributed services. Interoperability of the different glider types. • Networks, links with the other observing systems and OSSEs“how gliders can be optimally combined with other observing systems” can be answered by using Observing System Simulation Experiments and “network design” methodologies which can assess the feasibility and optimality of possible configurations. • High resolution 4D oceanic measurements and process studies4D oceanic estimates with fleets and repeat-sections for large scale or regional budgets. Investigation of mesoscale and submesoscale processes, using for instance adaptive sampling techniques (WG3). and numerical simulations (WG4). Detailed post processing of scientific data. 8
Grant Holder: OC-UCY (Oceanography Center - University of Cyprus) Gregory Konnaris Cyprus Action Parties
Use of COST Instruments • MC/CG/WG meetings: • 1 MC meeting + WG1 meeting, Trieste, Italy, 03-06/06/2013 (GROOM general assembly) • 1 WG meetings: • WG2/5: glider CTD workshop, Geesthacht, germany • EU/international coordination + solve a previously identified issue • STSMs: • Address specific S/T topics + share know-how and expertise • Joint publications • will be the final outcome of the Action. 12
Results vs. Objectives • [progress towards reaching the Action scientific objectives during the past year.] International coordination (mainly EU, USA, AUS). Strengthening of the EU network. Glider data management. Demonstration of glider capabilities to observe mesocale and submesocale features. So, this year it mainly concerned WG1, WG2, and WG5. Better understanding of the oceans and building glider capacities: 31 (78 in total) publications + 31(247 in total) communications: • (sub)mesoscale processes in the ocean, • seasonal cycle; • optimal sampling; • robotic characterization; • Risk assessment • Definition of common formats. • [added value of networking, i.e. what could not have been achieved without the Action’s research network.] Our Action has strengthened the glider community in Europe. A distributed infrastructure is being set up. Information circulates. Duplication of efforts is avoided. Dissemination is coordinated. Spin-off of EU and national projects. 13
Significant Highlights in Science or Networking (1/2): international coordination and data management • The joint EGO WG1 meeting and GROOM GA in June 2013 (Trieste, Italy) allowed us to continue to interact with our USA and Australian colleagues (mainly). • The implementation of the EGO gliders into a sustained component of the GOOS, in conjunction with other systems such as the Argo profiling floats, the OceanSites moorings… • A first common data format was issued in the 3 main poles of glider activity (EU, USA and AUS). • FP7 Design Study: Gliders for Research, Ocean Observation and Management, 19 partners (9 countries) http://www.groom-fp7.eu
6 18 16 14 9 9 2 Significant Highlights in Science or Networking (1/2): international coordination and data management ~80 EU gliders + ~20 teams (and downstream infrastructures) A regional approach for the GOOS: ROOS (Regional Ocean Observing System) A Research Infrastructure distributed in 6 ROOSes (+global: GOOS) In connection with: Marine Board, EuroGOOS and similar EU projects: Jerico, EuroArgo, EuroSites, Eurofleets, MyOcean, Seadatanet, EMODNET,…
Significant Highlights in Science or Networking (1/2): international coordination and data management • Harmonization (standards/formats) • Monitoring the glider network activity (based on the operators good will but works!) and data dissemination • Maybe ~500,000 profiles since 2005 USA IOOS/NGN 12,000 km altitude EU AU (EOOS?)/GROOM IMOS/ANFOG All glider deployments since 2005 (+ deployments in the Artic/Antarctic, SE/SW Pacific, Polynesia, Indian ocean,…) Process studies AND long-term observations
Significant Highlights in Science or Networking (2/2): Advances in Marine Sciences • [Please see previous instruction slide.] • There have been significant breakthroughs in particular in the analysis of mesoscale and submesoscale processes in the ocean based on glider data. Anticyclonic, D~10km, U ~ 10cm/s Several months lifetime 180 0 45 90 135 Distance (km) Have a significant influence on the intermediate and deep circulation Bosse et al. (2014): Spreading of Levantine Intermediate Water by Submesoscale Coherent Vortices in The Northwestern mediterranean Sea as observed with gliders
Challenges • [Were there any significant deviations from the work plan in the past year (e.g. new research directions)?] asked for a 1-year extension. Did not work. • [What are critical phases to be implemented or topics to be addressed for the upcoming months?] • Organize the (anticipated) Final Symposium in June 2014 • Prepare the (anticipated) final outcome of the Action (problem of schedule with GROOM end in Nov 2014) • Find a way to continue our networking activities. This is clearly vital for our distributed network of gliderports and teams to avoid fragmentation (entropy increases) 18
Main achievements • 1st Symposium of the Action (130 participants, 68 oral presentations), in Las Palmas, Spain, March 2011 + 7 WG/CG meetings and 7 STSMs (+10 planned) • Elaboration of a FP7 project “Infrastructures 2011-2, Design studies” GROOM, Gliders, for Research, Ocean Observation and Management, grant agreement No. 284321 19 partners, 9 countries, 3.5 MEuro. • Spin-off of many EU and national projects • 3 dissemination articles • International coordination (USA, AUS, EU and others). Gliders as a component of the GOOS. Setup an international community of practice • 78 publications and 247 communications • Commercialization of a French glider (seaexplorer, ACSA, France) • Final symposium to organize and final outcome to write slocum exocetus seaglider sterne spray seaexplorer
Control of buoyancy and internal mass distribution Vertical velocity, pitch (androll) Horizontal velocity (direction) A profiling float with wings no propeller!
“main” gliderports distributed over the world A glider component in the GOOS • Development of Operational Oceanography (EU Seas + adjacent oceans) • Systematic and long-term measurements, rapid interpretation and dissemination The challenge: bidirectional communications Best practice for gliders ! • the formation of the global glider system; • the adoption of standards and a “Argo” like data system for gliders; • the setup of a network of shared resources and expertise; • to establish the adoption of a common and accessible portal for glider data.