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Annual Membership Meeting and Elections

Join us on June 8, 2019, at 9:30 a.m. for the Annual Membership Meeting and Elections of the GH-CP Association. Agenda includes reports, elections, and general discussions. Meet the Board of Directors and learn about the association's budget and community projects.

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Annual Membership Meeting and Elections

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  1. Annual Membership Meeting and Elections Glebe Harbor – Cabin Point Association, Inc. June 8, 2019 at 9:30 a.m.

  2. Agenda • Call to Order, Quorum, Introductions and Welcome, Minutes • President’s Announcements and Remarks (special guest, Sheriff’s Office) • Business Items • GH-CP Association – Board of Directors Report • Election of Directors for FY 2019-2022 • GH-CP Sanitary District Manager’s Report • General Discussion • Questions, Comments • Adjourn

  3. Meet the Board of Directors • Jeanne Axtell, President • Bill Spencer, Vice President, Facilities and Operations • Jocelyn Davis, Vice President, Planning • Fred Selby, Treasurer • Barbara Cole, Secretary • Debbie Dunn, Director, Member Services • Harriet Dixon, Director at Large • Brett Billington, Director at Large • John Hutt, Director at Large

  4. Let’s Begin… • Call to Order and Quorum • Introductions and Welcome • Minutes from December 1, 2018 Meeting

  5. President’s Announcements and Remarks • Next Community Meeting – August 24, 2019 • Special Guest – Westmoreland County Sheriff’s Office • President’s Remarks

  6. GH-CP Association Budget FY 2018-2019 Status • 11 of 12 months completed • Budgeted income = $78.2k Income to Date = $61.0k • $14.8k (fees (social events/rental fees/pool income/interest) • $63.4k County reimbursements (salaries & expenses) • Budgeted Expenses = $78.0k Expenses to Date = $53.7k • $10.5K (social events/legal fees/real estate taxes) • $67.5K Reimbursable by County (salaries& expenses) • Budgeted Net Income = $5.6k Net Income to Date = $6.3k

  7. Election of Officers Jeanne Axtell/Jocelyn Davis

  8. GHCP Board Member Responsibilities • Role of director as fiduciary of GHCP Association. • Attend monthly board meetings—prepare, participate, consensus. • Planning for short-term and long-term projects. • Develop expertise in management of the Association and the Association’s obligations with the GH-CP Sanitary District. • Represent Association decisions to all stakeholders. • Collaborate with fellow directors and all stakeholders, civic associations, and County government. • Seek and support volunteers.

  9. Fiscal Year 2019-2020 Glebe Harbor – Cabin Point Association Ballot Number of Lots on which you pay a Recreational User Fee: _______ Place a check by the THREE candidates of your choice. Mardrey (Mardie) Amery _____ Harriet Dixon _____ Fred Selby _____ Write-In Candidate(s) Dana Tucker Check Here to Vote _________ Name _________________________________________ Check Here to Vote _________ Name _________________________________________ Check Here to Vote _________ Filled in by meeting registrar Slate proposed by Board of Directors Nominations from the Floor

  10. Friends of the Pool Dot Spencer

  11. Report of 2019 Member Survey… • Introduction to 2019 Member Survey • Personal Use, Personal Importance, Community Importance • Major Recreational Assets • Minor Recreational Assets • Prioritization of Potential Projects • Waterway/Shoreline Projects • Non-Waterway/Shoreline Projects • Assessment of Pool Activities • Assessment of Pool Amenities January 2019 Survey: 149 responses January 2018 Survey: 125 responses

  12. GH=CP Response #

  13. 100% 97% 97% 95% 90%

  14. Prioritization on Waterway/Shoreline Projects

  15. Prioritization of Non-Waterway/Shoreline Projects

  16. Pool activities are used by many, but not all, in the community. They are well-rated by those who use them.

  17. Distribution of ratings of pool activities shows that important/very important leads, with neither a strong second. So, for those who participate in these activities, they are important. In response to feedback on pool activities, the Manager is initiating new pool activities this summer, including extended hours.

  18. Pool amenities are also well-rated.

  19. Pool amenities reflect the same love it (important/very important) versus neither as leading responses. So, for those who use these amenities, they are highly valued.

  20. Action Steps… • Self-review of performance under the Management & Lease Agreements. • Continued collaboration with County in maintaining all existing recreational facilities and assets, CIP planning, and prioritization. • Undertake review/revision/replacement of current website • Develop comprehensive communications strategy with all members • Promote We.Are.Listening to get feedback from the community • Consider periodic short surveys to get sense of the community more often • Continue to review/revise processes to reduce costs of operation • Work to develop a more extensive volunteer network for activities and small projects • Move forward with Friends of the Pool recommendations for extended pool hours, adult swim, new activities – especially community parties

  21. GH-CP Sanitary District Budget Update • FY 2018-2019: 11 of 12 months completed • Budgeted RUF Income = $262.8K 98% collected to date • Budgeted Expenses = $277.4K 70.7% incurred to date • $196.1K expended to date • $ 73.4K programmed expenses, June – October $200 RUF funds begin to be received by County • Notes: • Pool Repair not included in budgeted expenses = $72.5K • $26.7K = unspent BB&T loan proceeds • FY 2019-2020: Budgeted RUF Income is $253K and due in December 2019

  22. Capital Improvement Plan Minimum cost threshold = or > $50,000 5-year Planning Cycle, updated annually. Not a funding decision • Planning Document: identifies capital improvements, repairs, or maintenance • Definition: addition of structural change, restoration of property to enhance overall value, increase its useful life, or adapt it to new uses

  23. CIP Projects • CIP #1: CP Beach Groins • CIP #2, Erosion Control: CP Beaches • CIP #3, Dredge CP Creek Inlet Channel • CIP #4,Resurface driveways & parking lots • CIP #5, Dredge Weatherall Creek Inlet • CIP #6: Clubhouse Exterior Renovation

  24. CIP Projects – Five Year Priorities

  25. CIP Next Steps • Submission to • County Planning Commission • County Board of Supervisors • Public Hearings • Notice will be provided • Opportunity to make your voice heard • Funding • CIP approval NOT a funding decision • Grants, low interest loans, and programs for rural community/infrastructure will be considered

  26. Facilities & Rules Updates Bill Spencer

  27. Facilities Update Pool Update • We opened on Time! • 15+ Volunteers put in over 120 hours • Full staff of lifeguards on duty • Pool contractor will return this fall Cabin Point Restrooms • Clean & Paint • Close the showers • Swap the Men & Women’s Rooms • Look into alternatives

  28. Rules Update: Unattended Use • Limited to Use BEFORE the pool opens. • Organized Events • Pilot Project for Individual Use • Water Exercise, Lap swims now, MWF • Individual use begins June 17 • Security cameras will be installed • Look for more details on gh-cp.org

  29. Member Services Update Debbie Dunn

  30. Snapshot of the GHCP Community Property Owners Are residents of: Virginia 728 72% Maryland 144 14% DC 10 1% Other 131 13% Lots • Taxable lots 1,359 • Unimproved lots 850 • Improved lots 509 • Improved lots with homes 489 • Total lot owners 1,013 • Improved lots are those designated by the County, and where the improvement has significant assessed value. Homes is the number of unique street addresses associated with improved lots. Access Cards • Total Cards Issued 2,496 • Total Active Cards 2,158 • 501 owners • 50 lessees Owners reflect the principal owner only, Date of Update: May 25, 2019 Source of Data: County records, Property Owner Information Forms, and other sources.

  31. Wrapping it up… Enjoy the summer!

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