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ADB FINESSE Training Course on Renewable Energy & Energy Efficiency for Poverty Reduction

ADB FINESSE Training Course on Renewable Energy & Energy Efficiency for Poverty Reduction. 19 th – 23 rd June 2006 Nairobi, Kenya. Module 11: Wind. Mike Harries MA (Cambridge) Managing Director Kijito Windpumps - Thika. Training Module on Wind.

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ADB FINESSE Training Course on Renewable Energy & Energy Efficiency for Poverty Reduction

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  1. ADB FINESSE Training Course on Renewable Energy & Energy Efficiency for Poverty Reduction 19th – 23rd June 2006 Nairobi, Kenya

  2. Module 11: Wind Mike Harries MA (Cambridge) Managing Director Kijito Windpumps - Thika

  3. Training Module on Wind • Developing Windpumping in Kenya – a personal experience • An overview of small and large scale Wind Generation

  4. Developing Windpumping in Kenya – a personal experience

  5. The Building of the Railway 1896 – 1902 brought my family to Kenya in 1904

  6. Where the family camped in 1904, near the current Chiromo Campus in Nairobi

  7. Allen Charles Harries at left on Karamaini in 1911

  8. The Harries family brought pineapples to Kenya in the 1920’s. Below my father in 1965 with a load on it’s way to the Canning Factory

  9. Our family developed the cultivation of Macadamia Nuts in Kenya and by 1973 we had the second biggest acreage in the world behind Hawaii planted in Kenya with small holders.

  10. My Family and I brought Windpumps to Kenya in 1979

  11. The Family behind Kijito Windpumps • Julian, Tracy, Pauline and Mike

  12. It all started with “Oscar Golf” and flying for “Sight by Wings”, where much of our work was dealing with Trachoma, a disease encouraged by poor hygiene and a lack of water

  13. And then we heard about the Intermediate Development Technolgy Group of the UK who had developed a simple Windpump prototype together with Reading University, and were looking for collaborators to take the design forward, and Pauline and I visited them in 1977

  14. Thenfollowed six years of very expensive development work mostly carried out on Ol Pejeta Ranch near Nanyuki

  15. Where we just reinventing the wheel? • NO!The first generation windpumps going back to the late 19th century were made of very heavy and complicated castings and usually gears for the smaller machines. We did not see this as practical for small scale manufacture in Developing Countries

  16. Prince Charles visited us in April 1987. He came to further his interest in Alternative Energy

  17. Three bladed Horizontal axis Wind Generator These are only used for Electricity Generation, as the small diameter machines rotate too fast, and cannot initially generate enough torque to start a piston pump working.More about this later!

  18. Darrieus Wind Turbine Not really suitable for Windpumping as they cannot self start, and are difficult to protect from storm damage – so never really caught on anywhere

  19. Savonius Rotor These are very inefficient and turn very slowly. They are also difficult to protect against storms

  20. Windpower - Some basic Facts • The power available from a Windpump Rotor is proportional to: • the SQUARE of its Diameter • and the CUBE of the Windspeed passing through it • Wind Generators require a mean average speed of more than 5 M/Sec to be viable • Windpumps on the other hand can be viable as low as 3 M/Sec • A Windpump can continue to pump in a lower Windspeed than it needs to start it, due to the”flywheel” effect. (See diagram)

  21. The “flywheel” effect of the Windpump Rotor means it can continue pumping at a lower speed than it needs to start!

  22. A Kijito Multi-bladed horizontal axis Windpump pumping water for livestock This type of multibladed Windpump is still the only practical, commercially available mechanical technology for lifting water with wind. This size of Kijito Windpump has a Rotor Diameter of 26 feet (7.9m) and can lift water from 150m

  23. Urban Domestic Water Supply As we saw in the previous slide, Windpumps come into their own for watering Livestock, but can also be very effective for Rural/Urban Water supplies. This machine was only 1 kilometer from the National Grid!

  24. We are even pumping water for Elephants! • In recent years the Kenya Wildlife Service has been installing Kijitos in some of their Game Parks to increase the range for the Elephant population during the dry months of the year

  25. But people and their kids are our top priority!

  26. All our Kijitos come with hinged towers, so the whole Windpump can be assembled at ground level and then winched upright

  27. Storage is always important! Ideally the storage tank should reflect at least three to four days total water usage


  29. The Transmission is the Heart of the machine – ten years in the development and no castings or gears!

  30. We have a brilliant team in our workshop facility headed up by Senior Foreman Julius Kariuki

  31. More often than not the problems are underground! MUD!!

  32. Careful planning is required before installation, to maximise water output It is very important that the Customer supplies the exact details of the installation. This will enable the correct size of Rotor, Pump and Stroke to be calculated

  33. What about Windspeeds? This is Wilson Airport near Nairobi

  34. This is Eldoret, west of the Great Rift Valley

  35. This is Wajir in Kenya’s NE

  36. This is Kenya’s best Wind Regime at Marsabit

  37. Problems? - What Problems? • Trying to resurrect a “discarded” technology • Lack of knowledge as to the potential for Windpumping • Not wanting to go outside the accepted “norms” • Lack of reliable Wind Data • Corruption • Lack of informed investors and financiers • Lack of a “maintenance mentality” • Unrealistic expectations, sometimes due to false claims from suppliers

  38. Wind Energy Project Analysis Clean Energy Project Analysis Course Retscreen International Photo Credit: Nordex AG © Minister of Natural Resources Canada 2001 – 2004.

  39. Objectives • Review basics ofWind Energy systems • Illustrate key considerations forWind Energy project analysis • Introduce RETScreen® Wind Energy Project Model

  40. What do wind energy systems provide? • Electricity for • Central-grids • Isolated-grids • Remote power supplies • Water pumping … Palm Springs, California Photo Credit: Warren Gretz/ NREL Pix

  41. Wind Turbine Description • Components • Rotor • Gearbox • Tower • Foundation • Controls • Generator

  42. Utilisation of Wind Energy 10 kW Off grid - Mexico • Off-Grid • Small turbines (50 W to 10 kW) • Battery charging • Water pumping • Isolated-Grid • Turbines typically 10 to 200 kW • Reduce generation costs in remote areas: wind-diesel hybrid system • High or low penetration • Central-Grid • Turbines typically 200 kW to 2 MW • Windfarms of multiple turbines Photo Credit: Charles Newcomber/ NREL Pix

  43. Elements of Wind Energy Projects Met Tower Quebec • Wind resource assessment • Environmental assessment • Regulatory approval • Design • Construction • Roads • Transmission line • Substations Photo Credit: GPCo Inc. Sub Station California Photo Credit: Warren Gretz/NREL Pix

  44. Wind Resource • High average wind speeds are essential • 4 m/s annual average is minimum • People tend to overestimate the wind • Wind speed tends to increase with height • Good resource • Coastal areas • Crests of long slopes • Passes • Open terrain • Valleys that channel winds • Typically windier in • Winter than summer • Day than night

  45. Wind Energy System Costs • Windfarms • $1,500/kW installed • O&M: $0.01/kWh • Selling price: $0.04-$0.10/kWh • Single turbines & isolated-grid • Higher costs(more project specific) • Feasibility study, development & engineering represent a higher portion of costs • Expect one major component replacement of 20 to 25% of initial costs • Rotor blades or gearbox

  46. Wind Energy Project Considerations • Good wind resource dramatically reduces cost of production • Good resource assessment is a worthwhile investment • Additional sources of revenue • Government/utility production credits or Greenpower rates • Sales of emissions reduction credits (ERC’s) Le Nordais Windfarm – Quebec 1 of 133! • Constraints and criteria • Environmental acceptability • Acceptance of local population • Grid interconnection and transmission capacity • Financing, interest rates, currency exchange rates Turbine of the Le Nordais Windfarm, Quebec, Canada

  47. Examples: Europe and USACentral-Grid Wind Energy Systems 9.6 MW Windfarm Lolland, Denmark • Intermittent generation not a problem: 17% of Denmark’s electricity is from wind with no additional reserve generation • Quick projects (2 to 4 years) that can grow to meet demand Palm Springs, California Photo Credit: Danmarks Tekniske Universitet • Land can be used for other purposes, such as agriculture • Individuals, businesses, and co-operatives sometimes own and operate single turbines Photo Credit: Warren Gretz/ NREL Pix

  48. Examples: India and CanadaIsolated-Grid Wind Energy Systems • Electricity generation is expensive due to cost of transporting diesel fuel to remote areas • Wind turbines reduce consumption of diesel fuel • Reliability & maintenance are important The same machine in N Canada 50 kW in West Bengal India - Hybrid System Photo Credit: Phil Owens/ Nunavut Power Corp. Photo Credit: Paul Pynn/ Atlantic Orient Canada

  49. Examples: USA, Brazil and ChileOff-Grid Wind Energy Systems • Electricity for small loads in windy off-grid areas • Batteries in stand-alone systems provide electricity during calm periods • Water pumping: water reservoir is storage • Can be used in combination with fossil fuel gensets and/or photovoltaic arrays in a “hybrid” system 400w for telcom – Arizona Hybrid with PV & Battery bank Brazil Chile 2 x 1kW plus batteries Photo Credit: Roger Taylor/ NREL Pix Photo Credit: Arturo Kunstmann/ NREL Pix Photo Credit: Southwest Windpower/ NREL Pix

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