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EMU Slice Test Run Plan

EMU Slice Test Run Plan. a working document. CSC position at YE-2 On-chamber electronics available Life support is available HV+LV: TB equipment gas: T-ed of the test-B supply Off-chamber electronics enough VME modules for 3 chambers in two crates TMB, DMB, CCB and MPC

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EMU Slice Test Run Plan

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  1. EMU Slice Test Run Plan a working document

  2. CSC position at YE-2 On-chamber electronics available Life support is available HV+LV: TB equipment gas: T-ed of the test-B supply Off-chamber electronics enough VME modules for 3 chambers in two crates TMB, DMB, CCB and MPC VME backplanes are shipped from UF dynatem orders are placed trigger & clock distribution TTCvi, TTCvx/ex and 6U rack unavailable VME controller temporary replacement TF electronics available SP, CCB, back plane 9U rack + VME controller controllers are ordered control & daq PC is available to be equipped with SBS controllers for TF and TTC crates Executive Summary / Status Details on the following pages

  3. choice of CSC location • station: YE-2 • 100% completed • YE+ stations will be lowered first • more time for testing • close to DAQ room • not relevant at this moment, but expected to be of importance for the CMS SliceTest • close to DCS test stand • allow near future integration • towards USCMS Slice Tests • both DAQ and HCAL preferences are relevant • HCAL’s preference not clear • the success of EMU Slice Test would be that this is not an issue: provided we have “CSC life support” any set of chambers should be configurable on a (very) short time scale.

  4. CSC Life Support • HV • test beam CAEN PS will be hooked up • possibly adding a win-xp control PC • LV • test beam LV supplies can be used • 4 pairs available • gas • T-ed of the gas supply for test B

  5. On-chamber electronics • all chambers on station -2 are fully installed • what chambers have skewclear cables routed • target chambers should be ready • accessibility • unable to get at CFEB for back chambers • unable to get the LV boards • cover plates can not be removed • ALCT can be reached • provided the disks are not closely packed

  6. Off-chamber electronics • Peripheral Crate (PC) • mini-rack is installed • hosts max. 2 PCs • space for std. VME crate (Electronics Pool) • max. 1 per mini-rack

  7. Peripheral Crate • Back plane • use std. VME crate for old and previous production prototype • cooling: fans • sticks out ~10-20cm • no an issue • use new crate for new prod.-type backplane • this involves a non-standard or new power supply • new PS will not be available soon • cooling: hook up to water manifold • new production type backplane will not be available soon • use new crate with temporary fix for the PS • cooling: separate tray of fans

  8. Electronics • VME controller • Dynatem D360 • should come with the back plane • lack of dynatems • two new D360s are ordered • New prototype (OSU) • different ethernet connections • optical Gb • impact on software • HAL support?

  9. Electronics (cont’d) • TMB • 4 TMB2004 at CERN • DMB • 3 DMBs at CERN • CCB • CCB’01: one TF-prepared version at CERN • CCB’04: 2 at CERN • MPC: • 1 at CERN

  10. Trigger & Clock Distribution • TTCvi + TTCvx(ex) • requires dedicated 6U crate • use the new CERN/CMS standard: CAEN VME controller • two controllers will be ordered • availability? • none found so far • NIM rack • rack • modules: • scintillator trigger • discriminators, coincidence units, fan-out, HV supplies • TF trigger • ECL translator • all available from TestBeam equipment • CERN E-pool • Fibers • enough for initial TTCvx set-up • Alternative Solution • run without TTC branch and rely on CCB clock only • allows us to start e.g. timing and calibration procedures

  11. DAQ Electronics • DDU/DCC • initially using the old DDU • hosted in the PeripheralCrate, no need for a special crate + controller • when available use the EmuFED crate • DDU/DCC/backplane/controller • minor software effort • old/new DDU can take up to 15 inputs • some defect channels are documented • DAQ pc has Gbit ethernet card and software • previously used at TestBeam

  12. TF electronics • MPC • in the PeripheralCrate • only one module at CERN • need more when adding crates • not urgent • TF backplane and SP • currently on loan to the Vienna group • should be available by the end of November’04 • crate + VME controller • crate unavailable (E-Pool) • VME controller will be ordered (CAEN) • specially prepared CCB at CERN (currently on loan to Vienna group) • MS • no real need for MS

  13. Additional Requirements • The system should be using SP triggers as soon as possible • However, to bootstrap the system a scintillator based trigger may proof to be useful • Requirements • NIM logic and NIM HV supplies • scintillators + mounting structure

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