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Christian Churches and homophobic violence in Europe. Part of the problem or part of the solution? Workshop at the ILGA-Europe conference Dublin 18 th – 21 st October 2012. Christian Churches and homophobic violence in Europe. Speakers Susan Murphy (UK)
Christian Churches and homophobic violence in Europe Part of the problem or part of the solution? Workshop at the ILGA-Europe conference Dublin 18th – 21st October 2012
Christian Churches and homophobic violence in Europe Speakers Susan Murphy (UK) European Forum of LGBT Christian Groups Michael Brinkschröder (Germany) European Forum of LGBT Christian Groups Dave Donnellan (Rep. of Ireland) Roman Catholic LGBT group, Dublin Dr. Richard O’Leary (Northern Ireland) Changing Attitude Ireland
Susan Murphy, Secretary European Forum of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Christian Groups
European Forum of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Christian Groups MISSION / VISION to work for equality for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people within and through the Christian churches of Europe
How we work ~ • By supporting the work of groups of lgbt Christians through the provision of facilities for information exchange, mutual encouragement and supporting action in particular campaigns • By encouraging the formation of groups where they do not already exist • by being a coordinated voice representing lgbt Christian groups to international Christian organisations / churches and to international lgbt organisations.
Projects Let Our Voices Be Heard Stories from 95 Christian lesbians from 26 countries www.letourvoicesbeheard.com
Development Work in Eastern Europe • Eastern European delegates attend conferences through scholarships • NGO building supported by the Forum • Safe Space Toolbox ~ skills development for HR activists • Eastern European Conference ~ 5th Conference 2012 • Support for LGBT people and organizations where human rights discrimination exists • Theology Summer School ~ August 2013
Barcelona PRIDE 2010
The Bishop of Kuopio, Finland, receives an award for advocacy of lgbt rights
The Churchesand Homophobic Violencein Northern Ireland Dr. Richard O’Leary (Northern Ireland)
Homophobic Violence in N.I. • 157 homophobic hate crimes (2010, Police Service records) • “Gay couple forced to leave home after attacks” (July 2012, Lisburn) Verbal attacks on gay couples – examples: • “repulsed by gays” Mr Ian Paisley junior, MP (2007 interview) • “abomination” and “vile” Mrs Iris Robinson MP (2009 BBC radio) • Like “Bestiality” Lord Ken Maginnis (June 2012, BBC radio)
Church Teaching of condemnation Roman Catholic “Scripture condemns homosexual acts ‘as serious depravity’..”. & “are intrinsically disordered” Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (2003) Church of Ireland (Anglican) Sexual relations between same gender are not “normative” (Synod resolution passed, May 2012)
Mary, a member of the Church of Ireland (Anglican), tells how: “…I attended weekly at my parish church….then the Rector became aware that I had entered a same-sex relationship… “People (in the Church) told me Satan had veiled my eyes, that Scripture was black and white, that the Bible says....., that it was an affront to see me worship God. And it was made clear that I would not be welcome at the Lord's table again. I tried to say something, to tell a little of my story but was cut off pretty quickly…” Source: Share Your Story: Gay and Lesbians Experiences of Church 2010, Belfast: CAI
Gay Bullying in Irish Secondary Schools and the Effects of Catholic Church Teaching Dave Donnellan Republic of Ireland
“Stand Up”video co-produced byBelongToLGBT National Youth ServiceCrossing the Line Films
“The heterocentricity of Catholic teaching, and indeed the teaching of other faiths, is now being looked at critically in the light of the deadly consequences of homophobic bullying, with research, mainly in the US, showing a tragic link between male youth suicide and homosexuality.” ~ Mary McAleese ~ former President of Ireland
Heteronormativity • “A gay pupil would probably get a hard time around here. A few people would have problems with it, because it is different, not normal.” Male student, 16 • “If you are not gay you don't want to be called gay. They (the students) would look on it as not normal” Male teacher.
Fear of Homosexuality • “I would prefer not to share a room with one of them. Not too comfortable.” Female student, 16 • “There are 'off the cuff' remarks like 'don't touch me' or if there are benched seating for two people then you hear 'go away from me', 'he brushed against me' … They are afraid someone might brand them as gay. They want to be seen as macho guys” Female teacher.
Name Calling • The use of terms like 'faggot','queer','gay' or 'dyke' by students to insult each other is pervasive. • Reticence on the part of teachers to address homophobic bullying as it might raise questions about themselves in relation to homosexuality. • It is the power of silence around homosexuality which ultimately controls how teachers and students behave.
Religious Influence on Teachers • Catholic Church is a major patron of schools in Ireland. • Teaches that homosexuality is a 'disorder'. • If Religious Education teacher was 'out' commitment to church teaching would be questioned and job in jeopardy. • OK to be gay or lesbian so long as you keep it quiet.
Dublin Pride 2012 2nd Largest Annual Parade
Michael Brinkschröder, Co-President European Forum of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Christian Groups
The Churches and Homophobic Violence in the Ukraine Roman Zuiev founder of the “Church of St. Cornelius” in Donezk, Ukraine
Attack against lgbt „Church of St. Cornelius“ in Donezk, Ukraine
Pride in our city: Derry Gay Pride 2011 http://vimeo.com/31578709 (documentary 18 mins) NB between 3rd and 9th minutes on Christian anti-gay vs Christian pro-gay
Theological reflection: What is sin? Sin is a subjective intention that goes consciously against the will of God 1. Position: Homosexuality = sin • Christians know about God and God‘s will from the Bible • the Bible says: homosexuality is a sin • RCC adds: also a sin against natural law
. . . the Holy See continues to oppose all grave violations of human rights against homosexual persons, such as the use of the death penalty, torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading punishment. The Holy See also opposes all forms of violence and unjust discrimination against homosexual persons, including discriminatory penal legislation which undermines the inherent dignity of the human person. While the Holy See’s position on theconcepts of sexual orientation and gender identity are well known, we continue to call on all States and individuals to respect the rights of all persons and to work to promote their inherent dignity and worth.
Theological reflection: What is sin? 2. Position: Homophobic violence = sin • Christians know about God and God‘s will from the Bible • the Bible says: All human beings are created in the image and likeness of God • According to God‘s will, every person has human dignity that must not be violated and needs protection through human rights (e.g. Second Vatican Council) • Conclusion: Acts of homophobic violence are sins because they disregard the human dignity of lgbt people and therefore are against God‘s will.
Part of the solution Vigil of prayer for the remembrance of the victims of homophobia • started 2007 in 14 cities of Italy • idea spread quickly over Italy, Europe and Latin America • every year around IDAHOT-Day (17 May) • ecumenical project
Vigil of prayer for the remembrance of the victims of homophobia • Coordinated and prepared material from lgbt Christian webgroup: gionata.org • Vigils allow the expression of grief and anger in a Christian language, liturgy and space • Challenges the complicity of the churches with homophobic and transphobic violence
International Day Against Homophobia & Transphobia (IDAHO) in Ireland Services on Sunday13th May 2012 Dublin: Christ Church Cathedral 3.30pm Cork: St. Anne’s Shandon 11.00am Derry: St Columb’s Cathedral 4.00pm Limerick: St. Mary’s Cathedral 7.00pm Waterford: Christ Church Cathedral, 7.30pm and on Sunday 20th May 2012 Belfast: St. George’s Church 3.00pm
A guide to understanding bullying in our communities, how to talk about it, and how to prevent it
Develop coalitions ~ focus on prevention resources awareness inter-generational partners social media “seek to change bystander behaviour into ally behaviour”
Four Modules : • Understanding bullying • In our community ~ stories • Bullying prevention • and response • Congregational • Anti-Bullying Action Planning
The Church Declaration against Violence against homosexuals Netherlands, 2011 Signed by representatives of 17 national Christian Churches (denominations)
Landelijk KoördinatiePunt Cultuur en Ontspanningscentrum (Centre for Culture and Leisure) Now:Dutch Association for Integration of Homosexuality COC Dom Church Utrecht, Netherlands
40 + groups in more than 20 countries around Europe • started in Paris in 1982, with 16 people from 7 groups in 5 countries • there is a yearly conference ~ organised by a member group, in their own country • registered by the Chamber of Commerce in Utrecht, Netherlands (Registration number 40481053) • no headquarters • organized through working groups • Budget: around 12.000 EUR (2011) www.euro-lgbt-christians.org
OBJECTIVES The Forum, as an organisation of Christian LGBT groups, has the following objectives: • to witness within lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender communities to the good news in the Christian faith, of God's love for all people • to work for the emancipation and the freedom of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people • to fight against negative actions, in particular if such actions emanate from churches or Christian organisations
Finland 2009 : Speakers at public Seminar – the Bishop of Kuopio and Forum member Kerstin
Barcelona PRIDE 2010
What is homophobic violence? Physical violence • hate crimes • physical attacks • lack of help and supportive action in case of emergency by police and ordinary people • „corrective rape“ • murder on the ground of sexual orientation
What is homophobic violence? Psychological violence • hate speech • verbal insults • abuse of stereotypes and prejudices • silence / absence of supportive action • condemnation of lgbt people by the churches that leads to stigma, exclusion and physical violence
What is homophobic violence? We should further distinguish between • external and internalised homophobic violence • homophobic, transphobic and gender-based violence • occasional and institutionalized forms of violence