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MSSU Campus Proposal. Ashley, Curtis, Justin, Laken, & Victoria. Issue. Re-evaluating course requirements/graduation requirements Communication Department. Interview Questions. What do you think of the current communication department curriculum ? What would you change if you could ?
MSSU Campus Proposal Ashley, Curtis, Justin, Laken, & Victoria
Issue • Re-evaluating course requirements/graduation requirements • Communication Department
Interview Questions • What do you think of the current communication department curriculum? • What would you change if you could? • Where do you see the department in 5 years? • Did you find your classes helpful? • Did they adequately prepare you for life after college?
Interviewee • Ward Bryant • “Catalog changes every 2 or 3 years. Comm. department has gone through a number of changes, like updating. Created BS degree several years ago. …curriculum for some classes have changed. Used to have International, Speech, and Mass Comm., but now we have Speech, Mass Comm. and PR. In the near future Speech Comm. will be replaced by Health communication.”
Interviewee • Gabi Markovich • “I see the department with a few improvements and more emphasis on new media.”
Interviewee • Judy Stiles • “. . . communications is an evolving field and we need to keep pace – not only with new technology being developed but new trends in the field. I see the department continuing to work to prepare students for the jobs of the future, trying to get input from companies and organizations about what skills and backgrounds are needed for graduates. Technology may be playing a bigger role in our lives, but we still need to retain basics of good communication and education.”
Interviewee • Nathan Mills • “My classes were absolutely helpful. I'll likely end up with a job directly in the field I've studied. Fortunately for me, the newspaper industry is one still learning how to go digital, which means I can learn with the rest of the industry.”
Opposing Institutions • http://www.pittstate.edu/academics/program-listing.dot • Pittsburg State University • http://www.ucmo.edu/comm/ • University of Central Missouri • http://www.mssu.edu/academics/arts-sciences/communication/bachelor-of-art-communication-mass.php • Missouri Southern State University
Solution Part One Part Two Cut programs that have few participants or out of date Take funding that is designated to those programs and give it to different programs in the same department • Decrease the number of class requirements, but keep the total number of required hours. • Allow students to select want they want from choice of electives • Have this go on for 5 – 10 years to see any trends that have developed • Develop classes specifically for the trend and make this the focal point of the comm. Department • Possibly develop Master’s degree
Theory Support • Systems Theory • The systems theory says that within a small group is an open system of interdependent elements, employing input variables and process variables to yield output. • A key component of the systems theory is it’s openness to environment. A group does not operate in isolation; it is continually affected by interactions with its environment. • New members may join and former members may leave an demands from other organization may alter the group’s goals.