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ISTANBUL UNIVERSITY RECTORATE INSTITUTE OF MARINE SCIENCES AND MANAGEMENT ( Postgraduate Institute ). IU-IMSM. The basic aims of the institute are : Performing all kinds of research and giving education on physical oceanography , marine
IU-IMSM • Thebasicaims of theinstituteare: Performingallkinds of researchandgiving education on physicaloceanography, marine biology, chemistry, geologyandgeophysics, marineenvironment & managementthatwould helpbetterunderstandthemarineecosystem.
MAJOR DIVISIONS • PhysicalOceanographyand Marine Biology • Marine GeologyandGeophysics • ChemicalOceanography • Marine Environment • Marine Management
In 2012-13 period STUDENTS: • 70 postgraduateS • 55 doctoralstudents • Total = 125 students GRADUATES • 12 postgraduate • 2 doctoralstudents.
ONGOING ACTIVITIES • NATIONAL PROJECTS • WaterQualityMonitoring in Istanbul (450.000 USD/year) • Pollution monitoring in the Black Sea (225.000 USD/year) • Sampling programme at the Sea of Marmara (250.000 USD/year)
- TheseNationalProjects (carriedoutundertheguidance of theMinistry of Environment, andIstanbulWater & SewerageAdministration) arebased on periodicsamplingandanalysis of 38 waterqualityparametersfromvariousstationslocated in the Marmara andBlackSea - Theseprojectshavethepotential of incorporatingotherBlackSeacountries as partners.
UP-GRADE BLACK SEA-SCENE (UBSS) Partners: Total: 52 partners (Ukraine (5), Russia (7), Turkey (3), Romania (2), Bulgaria (4), Georgia (4) - together with 6 partners from EU member states and 1 from an Associated State), 19 marine environmental institutes/organizations from the 6 Black Sea countries.
Possibleoutcomes of theproject • Toimproveandharmonizethemarine data managementpractices in theregion, andtoexpandthecoverage of the data infrastructure, • Toimprovesignificantlythetechnicalperformance of the data & informationinfrastructurebyadoptingandimplementingthelatesttechnicaldevelopmentsandstandards of theJointResearchActivities of theSeaDataNetproject, • Toassessthescientific data quality of the Black Seapartner'sdatasets, throughscreening (Quality Control) of all data sets, to be executedbyeach Black Sea partner. Budget: 3 400 000 EURO Duration: 2009-2012
PEGASO People forEcosystem-basedGovernance in AssessingSustainabledevelopment of Ocean andcoast) • Project partners: 24 • (Coordinator: UniversitatAutonoma de Barcelona) • Project duration: 48 months (1 February 2010-31 January 2014) • Estimated budget: 8 970 000 Euros
MARITIME & COASTAL RESEARCH PEGASO Possible outcomes of the project • Constructing an ICZM governance platform as a bridge between scientist and end user communities, (going far beyond a conventional bridging). • Refine and further develop efficient and easy to use tools for making sustainability assessments in the coastal zone (indicators,accounting methods, models and scenarios which will be tested and validated in a multi-scale approach for integrated regional assessment through a number of relevant pilot sites). • Implementation of a Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI), (in line with the INSPIRE Directive) to organize and standardize spatial data to support information sharing on an interactive visor, to make it available to the ICZM Platform, and to disseminate all results of the project to the end users and interested parties.
TRANSFER Tsunami Risk And Strategies for the European Region • Project partners: 29 • (Coordinator: Department of Physics, • University of Bologna, Italy) • Project duration: 36 months (2006-2009) • Estimated budget: 3 200 000 Euros
Possible outcomes of the project The thematic area of TRANSFER project (under the European 6th Framework Programme) is sustainable development, global change and ecosystems. The project main goal is to contribute to our understanding of tsunami processes in the Euro-Mediterranean region, to the tsunami hazard, vulnerability and risk assessment and to identifying the best strategies for reduction of tsunami risk. Focus posed on the gaps and needs for the implementation of an efficient tsunami early warning system in the Euro-Mediterranean area.