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Understand how to tailor nutrient utilization for optimal livestock health and productivity. Learn about maintenance, production, reproduction, growth, and work requirements to support your animals' well-being and performance.
Livestock Nutrition Utilization of nutrient by animal Original Power Point Created by Dallas Myers Modified by Georgia Agricultural Education Curriculum Office June 2002
Maintenance • A maintenance ration is one that maintains basic life processes without any work or production being done. • A maintenance ration must supply: • Heat to maintain body temperature. • Energy for vital functions an a minimum amount of movement; • Small amounts of protein, minerals and vitamins
Maintenance • Oxidation of food in the digestive tract and of nutrients in the muscles produce heat. • In easily digested feeds such as corn, about one third of the total energy available is converted into heat by the digestive process. • A higher proportion of the total energy found in roughages is converted into heat by digestion.
Maintenance • Maintenance rations for mature animals, except swine and poultry can be mostly roughages. • Even more energy is needed for animals that move a lot more, for example to water and feed. • A maintenance ration with little net energy is not sufficient for a maintenance ration. • Generally simple stomached animals, swine and poultry, cannot derive enough energy from roughages.
Maintenance • Horse can do great on a high energy roughage ration because they can utilize the roughage because of their cecum. • A maintenance requirement is relative to its amount of body surface, as well as its weight. An animal weighing 1200 pounds does not require twice as much TDN as 2 animals each weighing 600# each. • This is because the major heat loss is fromradiation and conduction from the body surface and the 1,200 # animald does not have twice as much body surface ans the 2 600# animals.
Maintenance • However, the heavier animal will require more energy for standing and moving than the smaller animals, thus weight is a factor for determining the maintenance requirements. • Protein is required because there is some breakdown of protein in the body tissues each day.
Maintenance • There is a daily loss of Ca and P so a small amount of these are also needed. • NaCl, vitamins A and D are also needed in maintenance rations. • It is easier to maintain your animals if you do not let them turn to far down, it will cost you money in feed and supplements to raise their health back up to a productive level.
Production • All milk cows have a high need for TDN, when expecting a milk cow to produce more milk they will require more protein, energy, vitamins and minerals. • Ewes producing lambs wool and mohair will also require a ration higher in protein, energy, vitamins and minerals.
Reproduction • Poor nutrition is a major contributing factor to reproductive failure in livestock. • Production of sperm and quality of semen is determined by the quality of the ration. • Males that are too fat may become temporarily or permanently sterile. • Nutrient requirements for pregnant females are most critical during the last third of the gestation period, when the fetus grows the most.
Growth • During the growth period, there is a substantial increase in the size f muscle, bones, internal organs and other body parts. • Proper is growth is necessary for efficient producers when they mature. • Full genetic potential cannot be reached if the animal is not fed a well balanced ration. • Horse cannot perform to capacity if they are stunted or suffer from skeletonal injuries during growth.
Growth • Young growing animals have a more rigorous nutritional requirement than do mature animals. • Nutritional deficiencies are reflected more quickly and more seriously in young animals than in mature animals. • Protein quality must be higher and Ca and P needs are greater. • The younger the animal, the greater is its need for good quality protein because of the rapid growth of muscle at this time.
Growth • A shortage of total digestible nutrients or net energy during growth will result in slower growth or smaller size when animals mature. • Mineral requirements are higher during growth because of the rapid bone growth. • A shortage of protein, energy, vitamins or minerals will result in animals with poor health, developing sicknesses easier, performing at a lower level and not reproducing.
Work • Production of work is mainly limited to horses. • Riding and racing require additional nutrients for optimum performance. • As the amount of work increase, so does the TDN or energy requirements. • Protein, mineral and vitamin requirements of mature working horses are only a little greater than maintenance rations.
Work • Animals require additional nutrients (especially energy) in relation to the kind of terrain they are on and whether they are in confinement. • Animals on pasture, the distance to feed and water, animals on level land will not expend as much energy as those on a rough terrain.