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Health & Disease

Explore the diverse world of bacteria, from their unique shapes and motion to their role in causing diseases. Learn about bacterial growth, reproduction, and the distinction between living and non-living viruses. Discover the different types of immunity and the use of antibiotics and vaccines in treating bacterial infections.

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Health & Disease

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  1. Health & Disease

  2. For 2 billion years, the prokaryotes were the only life form on the planet. • These first life forms were very _____________ cells… spheres with genetic material inside. No _____________ and no membrane bound _____________________. • These simple cells changed as their ___________ mutated. Some mutations were harmful, others were beneficial and others just created new variations with no advantage. The accumulation of these changes created organisms with a great diversity in size, shape and means of survival. SIMPLE NUCLEUS ORGANELLES DNA

  3. Shapes of Bacteria: • Obtaining energy: • Some bacteria are ______________________ and must consume other compounds for food/energy, others • Other bacteria are _____________________ and can produce their own food/energy using light or chemicals HETEROTROPHS AUTOTROPHS Bacteria Bacterial Growth Bacteria Shapes & Motion

  4. Notable Features: BACTERIA FLAGELLUM • ____________________ – used for movement (swimming) • Pili – look like cilia, but don’t move. They allow bacteria to stick to surfaces (like velcro). • Cell Wall – protection against lysis (cell breaking) • ______________________ – extra protective layer around cell wall. Helps bacteria survive in hostile conditions (like in your stomach). CAPSULE

  5. Where are bacteria? • Bacteria exist all around us, in the air we breathe, on the surfaces we touch, on our skin, and within us. • Many bacteria do not actually harm us. In fact they can be helpful to us. Bacteria are responsible for: • turning milk to yogurt, adding flavor to foods • breaking down dead leaves into soil • helping break down food in our digestivesystem(symbiosis).

  6. How do Bacteria Reproduce: BINARY FISSION • ________________________________ - form of asexual reproduction where the DNA is copied and the cell splits in two forming clones. • ________________________________ - form of sexual reproduction where two cells meet up and exchange pieces of DNA – helps increase genetic diversity CONJUGATION



  9. 2 Types of Immunity PASSIVE IMMUNITY • ________________________ – short-term immunity when antibodies produced for a pathogen injected into the body or a mother gives a baby short term immunity until the infant can make its own antibodies • Ex: being injected w/ antibodies that attack a rabies virus after being bitten • Receiving vaccines before going to another country • ________________________ - body makes own antibodies in response to an antigen ACTIVE IMMUNITY

  10. Antibodies and Antigens: ANTIGEN • ________________ – substance not recognized by the body that causes an immune response • Antibody –   proteins that recognize and bind to antigens

  11. Treatment of Bacterial Infections: • ________________________________ – block the growth or reproduction of bacteria (can’t be used to fight viruses) • Taken after an infection has started Ex: Take antibiotics for strep throat. ANTIBIOTICS

  12. _______________________________ – solutions containing weakened or killed pathogens (a pathogen is anything that causes disease) • Taken prior to an infection to build antibodies against the pathogen • Sometimes antibiotics were prescribed for viral infections. Viruses cannot be killed by antibiotics. There are ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­______________________ medications that treat viral infections by preventing the virus from developing. VACCINES ANTIVIRAL

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