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Detailed minutes from the OSCP business meeting in 2017 covering financial reports, new and unfinished business, and the mission statement.
OSCP Business Meeting 2017 Presented: June 11, 2017 Toronto, Ontario
Agenda 1 Welcome 2 Reading and Approval of Minutes 3 Financial Reports 4 New Business 5 Unfinished Business
Mission Statement Welcome “To support the highest quality of care for all patients through the fostering of sharing professional information and to provide a unified voice for Ontario Perfusionists” “
Board of Directors Maggie Savelberg Diana Galley Cyril Serrick Valerie Cunningham & Mark Vallalonga President Secretary/ Treasurer CSCP Liason Meeting Coordinator
Reading and Approval of Minutes Maggie Savelberg
Reading and Approval of Minutes • Opening of the meeting • Maggie Savelberg opened the meeting (17:00) and welcomed those in attendance. Maggie introduced the current board: Diana Galley as the Secretary and treasurer, Cyril Serrick as the Central Regional Representative to the CSCP, Valerie Cunningham (not in attendance) as the AGM coordinator for the following meeting, and Gurinder Gill (not in attendance) to remain on the board of directors • Agenda presented • Acceptance of the minutes from May 9th, 2015 business meeting • Review (Maggie) • Motion: To accept the minutes as circulated from the business meeting held May 9th, 2015 • Motioned: Andrew Cleland Seconded: Roy Romanowitz • Unanimously carried • Quorum discussed • Quorum had been met • To achieve quorum there must be at least three members present in person or represented by proxy; provided that in no case a meeting be held unless there are two members present
Reading and Approval of Minutes Treasurers report (Diana Galley) A) The money held in trust by the CSCP, which was from the 2014 Central Regional Meeting, has been transferred to the OSCP bank account B) All expenses from the Central Regional Meeting have been cleared C) Paypalaccount password has been obtained by Diana Galley D) money has been transferred to OSCP bank account E) data from past few years may be now accessed so the taxes may be done Anticipated expenses: Accounting fees for taxes
Reading and Approval of Minutes The 2014 Central Regional meeting financial report Expense: $54,334.93 Income: $46,794.57 Profit: $10,171.50 Statement for 2014-2015 fiscal yearExpenses: $4,355.53 Income: $3,219.10 Assets: $4,1673.46 2015 interim report as of October 20th, 2015Expenses: $3,535.97 Income: $350.00 Assets: $38,475.58 Diana is to complete taxes using the same accounting company used by the CSCP Motion : to accept the OSCP Treasurers report Motioned: Peter Allen Seconded: Judy WonUnanimouslycarried
Reading and Approval of Minutes New Business Membership numbers Current numbers 14, trending downwards from past years Past value of OSCP : scientific meetings, community, network, protect our scope of practice, build professional presence Future goals/direction: professional representation, professional advocacy, communication, journal club, newsletter, scientific sessions How to pay memberships • Get CSCP to add a add OSCP membership dues to their paypal • Current options displayed on the website: transfer, cheque, or paypal • Low membership may be due to lack of communication: president emails, newsletter quarterly • Diana to Email Kathy Currado to add OSCP dues on the CSCP website
Reading and Approval of Minutes Peter Allen provided some history about the OSCP and why numbers may have been higher in the past: In 2003 the College of Respiratory Therapy, whose fees were $500 per year, tried to get perfusionist to be included in their college, due to the delegated act of ‘administration of oxygen’. The OSCP contacted Federation of Health Colleges, and had the College of Physician and Surgeons delegate the act of ‘administration of oxygen’ as they get paid by OHIP for ‘supervising bypass’. If it were not for the OSCP we would have been members of the College of Respiratory Therapy. Bernie Goldman was surgeon involved in meeting for surgeons to delegate acts to the perfusionists. Suggested that maybe all perfusionist within Ontario should be members, and dues could be suspended until a later date, the OSCP has enough funds to operate for the foreseeable future Potentially have the OSCP act more like a college, potentially collect the CSCP dues, or collect competency data
Reading and Approval of Minutes General discussion regarding topic: If you have paid are you more invested? Maybe offer an incentive to be a member? if paid OSCP meeting is cheaper, or journal club is free To change membership fee we would have to change bylaws Should we consider everyone a member, just some people have not paid Try to make money off of just meetings, not from individual perfusionists The OSCP has looked at joining other colleges, but fees would be very high Having our own college would be very expensive, and would require many committees British Columbia does have a society, whose fees are $25 per year, but it is not incorporated, and the OSCP is Some hospitals are asking perfusion departments to have written delegated acts paperwork, which are very detailed. If anything is outside the paperwork they must contact the surgeon to have an act delegated
Reading and Approval of Minutes • 4. • B) OSCP Scientific Meeting • - BOD propose to return to a yearly 1.5 day scientific meeting • - Smaller meeting, give students chance to present, foster relationships • - OSCP to visit Michener to meet students October 7, 2016 • - Every year meeting will help improve membership numbers • - Potentially do large central regional meeting, and then two smaller meetings the other years • - Give Jamie Vilademere award at each scientific session in the amount of $500 • - With the Michener switching to every year, if we held the meeting every year before students go to clinical then we could have half a day of students presenting to alleviate pressure of perfusionists presenting, • - Research methods class is in the spring, so might be best to hold meeting at end of the class so students are prepared to present • - Next central regional meeting May 2017, may be best to also hold OSCP meetings at that time of year also
Reading and Approval of Minutes 4. C) Social media - Facebook? twitter? - Membership did not support social media - Better idea to update email list and use email D) CSCP meeting Committee - CSCP plans to have a committee to govern regional meetings, control finances, content, speakers, divvy up corporate sponsorship money, ensure meeting reaches a minimum of 24 CEU’sonly interest of the committee is in the regional meetings, will not affect the OSCP meetings, but may decrease corporate sponsorship E) Journal Club - First to be held in January 2016 in Toronto regionto talk about evidence based research in an informal settingpossibly have corporate sponsorshippossible class III CEU’sgood opportunity for students to become involved F) Newsletter • to hopefully come out quarterly • to be posted on website and emailed to centers (and soon updated email list) • members encouraged to participate by providing contributions, suggestions
Reading and Approval of Minutes 5. Business arising from past meeting • Website update - As of September 17th, 2015 the domain name would no longer be the property of the OSCP35.97 was spent to renew the website for three years - What do we need from a website: pay dues, basic, online presence - Andrew Cleland stated need to add contact information so that a non-perfusionist can contact us, Maggie Savelberg to add ‘contact us’ tab on website Potential direction for website: • Spend 1500-12000 to have a professional create/maintain website • Steve Balega mentioned Michigan society has website similar to our current website, and similar number of perfusionists • Could there be a position on the board responsible for maintaining website to avoid costs • Status quo: Maggie Savelberg will maintain website until later date
Reading and Approval of Minutes • Representation • Perfusion is an unregulated health profession • Most of this point was discussed earlier in meeting • Directions presented: • Undefined: Don’t rule anything out, continue as we have unsure, potentially stifles other projects and membership without direction, no membership to represent. • Society: Focus on communication, education, by-laws, building groundwork (policies/procedures), meetings, advocate (proactive) on other professional levels, grow membership, wait for threat. • Hybrid: Society structure, costs, goals with mandate to seek out letter from OCPS delegating CA to perfusion, DCA paperwork. • College: Pursue finding college, communication, networking, society work to take backseat. Most self governing and autonomous. • Frame work already ‘done’ and could be renewed if needed, but many suggested to just leave issue of delegation alone until it becomes necessary • Non-for profit act compliances • 2010 new law regarding non-for profit organization bylaws • Maggie spoke to a Lawyer • The OSCP has three years to comply after the new law has been enforced, and it is not enforced yet • Should be able to complete without difficulty when the time comes
Reading and Approval of Minutes 7. CSCP Liaison Report Chris McKay reported on the activities of the CSCP How we may be able to use the CSCP website as a platform for the OSCP by sending: • Picturesand communications from us on their website • Historical content that pertains to centers, province, submit to Andrew Beney Motion: To adjourn meetingMotioned: Andrew Cleland Seconded: Chris McKay
Financial Reports Diana Galley
Financial Report 2015-2016 Savings Expenses Netfirms $35.97 OSCP Mixer $2,103.45 PayPal Fees $9.08 Newsletter $256.28 Service Fees $30.23 __________________________ Subtotal $2,435.01 Balance $15,934.11 Membership $425.00 Cash/Cheque $350.00 PayPal dues $451.00 ______________________ Subtotal $17,160.11
Financial Report 2015-2016 Continued… Savings Subtotal $17,160.11 Expenses Subtotal$2,435.01 Division of Assets GIC Investment $8,067.82 Bank Account $28,936.96 Money in Trust $17,711.86 Expense (Speaker Fee) - $3,500.00 TOTAL $41,673.46
Financial Report 2016-2017 Up to April 1, 2017 Savings Expenses Balance $28,936.96 E-transfer $300.00 Cash/Cheque $250.00 PayPal dues $550.00 GIC Deposit $8067.82 ______________________ Subtotal $9,167.82 Netfirms/Website $221.85 Michener Lunch $285.89 Bank Fees $18.38 PaypalFees $18.11 CSCP return $10,171.50 __________________________ Subtotal $10715.73
Given to us: $17,711.86 - UofO Bill: $350.00 - Kathy Bill: $2,938.00 - Paypal Bill: $752.36 - Speaker Gifts: $3,500.00 Total returned $10,171.50 Clarity around Ottawa Meeting CSCP Return Breakdown Central Regional Meetings are CSCP meetings NOT OSCP OSCP acted as local host No OSCP out of pocket expenses
Financial Report 2016-2017 Continued… Savings Subtotal $38,104.78 Expenses Subtotal $10,715.50 Account Balance $27,389.05 Expected Expenses: OSCP Business Lunch $636.20 Taxes $2400.00 TOTAL $41,673.46
Reports from Officers Maggie Savelberg
Membership Plan 3 2 1 Looking at OSCP Membership over the years Membership Number of Members More communication Newsletters/Meeting Year
About 23% of Ontario Perfusionists are OSCP members
Accomplishments over the last year 2015-2017 OSCP Overview October 2015 October 2015 January 2016 MArch 2016 February 2016 Newsletter I Business Meeting I BOD Meeting Website Edits BOD Meeting Improvements, current events, also added Contact page. Fall 2015 sent out. Toronto, Ont. Teleconference brainstorming expectations and priorities for the year. Journal club set-up and logistics meeting. Criteria set for article selection and review.
Accomplishments over the last year 2015-2017 OSCP Overview May 2016 April 2016 Feb 10 2017 MArch 2017 March 2017 Journal Club Dinner I Newsletter II Journal Club Dinner II Michener Lunch BOD Meeting First sponsored dinner by Abbott. Non-mechanical ACT testing OSCP sponsored pizza lunch. Presentation on value/role of OSCP in our profession. Sponsored by LivaNova. Discussed decontamination of heater-coolers. Improved community involvement, more event details. Teleconference. Meeting minutes taken.
step-by-step instructions Journal Club Preparation III I II IV Determine Sponsorship 2-3 Weeks Location and Sponsorship Talk set with Sponsor 1-2 Weeks Second Perfusion Article Chosen/ Discussion Prepared 1-2 Weeks Journal Club Dinner Advertised, Reminder sent, and Dinner Held 1-2 Weeks
Journal Club Success Sharing Experiences Academics Community members have opportunity to ask questionsand share knowledge. 14-16 ppl Learning and dissecting newly published journal articles, improving academic literacy. Industry News Professional Expertise Companies able to share news, ideas, and challenges informally. Develop relationships. Knowledge, understanding, community experience bolster individual value to departments.
Challenges of Hosting Journal Club 1. 2. 3. Minimizing cost to OSCP, by finding sponsorship for the dinners. Finding new speakers to present and guide discussion around interesting Perfusion articles. Hosting dinners outside the GTA is costlier for most sponsors.
Perfusion Health & Wellness • Benefits to Individual and Institution
OSCP Annual Scientific Meeting Reinstated • “Burning Brightly, Not Out: Engaging and Energizing Perfusionists” Proposal: 1.5 Day Fall Meeting
OSCP Annual Scientific Meeting Reinstated • “Burning Brightly, Not Out: Engaging and Energizing Perfusionists”
Unfinished Business Maggie Savelberg
OSCP Logo Re-development Two years ago project initiated to redevelop and modernize the OSCP logo. Those shown below would be the OSCP’s for $100. Would the membership like to pursue this? What elements would you like to see? * Based on official data from US departament’s of health and human services yearly reports
OSCP Bylaw Redraft • New law was passed by provincial legislature in 2010 governing non-profits in Ontario (the Not-for-Profit Corporations Act) • OSCP will need to change its by-laws because (i) conflict with the new Act or (ii) omit content required by the new Act. • However this Act has not yet been put into force, that means that the pre-existing legislation is still in force, assuming we are compliant with the pre-existing legislation. • 3 years ONCE it is put into force
OSCP Bylaw Redraft • Will require expanding on details of Society’s governance. • OSCP BOD intends on developing timeline for redraft and summary of important questions to be put to membership at next meeting. • BOD to redraft or outsource? • Example: Can the board discipline members? • The ONCA says: • Your articles or bylaws may state that the directors can discipline a member or terminate memberships. • If so, your articles or bylaws must describe when and how that power may be exercised. • See section 51.