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Section 3: Debris flow initiation potential in gullies

Section 3: Debris flow initiation potential in gullies. Debris flow initiation in gullies. A slope failure (landslide) starts on the headwall, sidewall, or outside of the channel The failure mass enters the gully channel, channel sediment starts to move - a channelized debris flow

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Section 3: Debris flow initiation potential in gullies

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  1. Section 3: Debris flow initiation potential in gullies

  2. Debris flow initiation in gullies • A slope failure (landslide) starts on the headwall, sidewall, or outside of the channel • The failure mass enters the gully channel, channel sediment starts to move - a channelized debris flow • About 98% of Coastal B.C. debris flows result from slope failures

  3. Debris flow initiation study: objectives • To better define the factors that affect debris flow initiation in gullies • To develop more accurate methods of identifying gully reaches prone to debris flow initiation

  4. Study areas • Vancouver Island, north of Nitinat Lake • Vancouver Island, south of Nitinat Lake • Mainland Coast near Squamish • Queen Charlotte Islands

  5. Data collection - site selection • Within an area, we chose gullies that: 1) Were logged 5 - 15 years ago 2) Had at least one slope failure 3) Had reasonable access • In each gully, inventoried slope failures >25m2

  6. Data collection - predictor variables • Headwall or sidewall location • Gully wall slope angle • Gully wall slope distance • Channel gradient • Terrain type • Soil drainage

  7. Data collection - predictor variables con’t • Surficial material depth and soil depth • Initial slope failure dimensions • Volume of debris delivered to channel • Original slope gradient • Failure plane slope • Angle of entry

  8. Response • ChDF - the initial slope failure resulted in a channelized debris flow • NochDF - the initial slope failure did not result in a channelized debris flow

  9. Analytical methods • Univariate analysis • Logistic regression - uses continuous, ordinal and nominal variables combined • Logistic regression ideal for a binomial response (either a debris flow initiated, or it did not)

  10. Results • Number of gullies assessed: 144 • ChDF: 75 • NoChDF: 211

  11. Headwalls vs. Sidewalls • Headwalls: 66% ChDF (39 of 59 failures) • Sidewalls: 16% ChDF (37 of 227 failures)

  12. Median angle of entry

  13. Volume of debris into channel

  14. Minimum failure sizes for ChDF • Headwalls: 11 m3 or 33 m2 • Sidewalls: 25 m3 or 50 m2

  15. What about the GAP criteria? • Gully wall slope angle and surficial material • Gully wall slope distance and channel gradient

  16. GWSA and surficial material 1: C and/or C/R. 2: M 3: C & M

  17. GWSA and surficial material 1: C and/or C/R. 2: M 3: C & M

  18. Gully wall failure potential • Headwalls1)Till slopes: failures >50%2) Colluvial slopes a few failures >60% • Sidewalls1) Till slopes: failures >60%2) Colluvial slopes: failures >70%

  19. Channel gradient (SW only)

  20. Does the 1995 DFIP method work? • Gully wall slope angle and surficial material - good, needs tweaking • Gully geometry potential for debris flow initiation - fairly good, needs tweaking • No recognition of differences in headwalls vs. sidewalls

  21. GAP 2001: GWFP

  22. GAP 2001: GGPDFI

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