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Exploring Meteorites, Asteroids, and Comets in Space

Discover the fascinating world of meteorites, asteroids, and comets - the remnants of our solar system's formation with potential impacts on Earth. Learn about iron and stony meteorites, asteroid belts, impact sites on Earth, and the origins of comets. Explore comet tails, Jupiter's influence on Kirkwood Gaps, and the Oort Cloud. Delve into comet observations and satellite tracking for a deeper understanding of these celestial objects.

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Exploring Meteorites, Asteroids, and Comets in Space

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Debris • Asteroids • Comets All can potentially become meteorites (shooting stars) The solar system’s very own “left-overs.”

  2. Iron Meteorite Pockets form from intense heat of entry into our atmosphere

  3. Meteorites

  4. Stony Meteorites

  5. Asteroid Belt

  6. Asteroid Figure 26-16

  7. Asteroids Asteroid Gaspra versus Mar’s moons Pheobos and Diemos

  8. Suspicious Asteroid Dactyl

  9. Suspicious Asteroid Dactyl “Open the Pod Bay Doors, Hal.”

  10. America From Space

  11. Crater Remnant From Space

  12. Meteor Crater, Arizona

  13. Impact Site, Austrialia

  14. Impact Site, Siberia

  15. Ancient Impact Site

  16. Ancient Impact Crater

  17. Twin Impacts in Canada

  18. Dinosaur Killer

  19. Dinosaur Killer Beneath Gulf of Mexico

  20. Meteor Shower Radiant

  21. Comet Hyakutake 1996

  22. Meteor Showers

  23. Table 26.1 Meteor Shower Dates and Comet Coincidences

  24. Kirkwood Gaps Resonances with the Orbit of Jupiter Figure 26-12

  25. Cometary Origins The Oort Cloud

  26. Comet Capture

  27. Multiple Impact Site

  28. Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9

  29. Comet Impact Comets are likely responsible for bringing the materials necessary for life to evolve on earth. (water, ices and organic molecules)

  30. Icy Meteorites (Comets)

  31. A Tale of Tails I. Gas Tail Points Away From The Solar Wind (charged particles, ions) II. Dust Tail Points Along The Orbital Path (neutral debris, dust)

  32. Hale Bopp

  33. Comet Tail Evolution

  34. Comet Halley Nucleus and Chemical Composition

  35. Comet Discovery

  36. Web Resources Comet Observations http://encke.jpl.nasa.gov Minor Planet Center http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/cfs/ps/mpc.html Satellite Tracking Information http://liftoff.msfc.nasa.gov/academy/rocket_sci/satellites http://www2.satellite.eu.org/sat/vsohp/satintro.html

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