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Updates on UIS Education Surveys

Updates on UIS Education Surveys. UIS Education Workshop for Anglophone Africa Addis Ababa (Ethiopia), 5 November 2012 Olivier Labe Wendy Weng. Outline. The 3 education surveys Important dates to remember Timelines for UIS publications and data dissemination Response rates

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Updates on UIS Education Surveys

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  1. Updates on UIS Education Surveys UIS Education Workshop for Anglophone Africa Addis Ababa (Ethiopia), 5 November 2012 Olivier Labe Wendy Weng

  2. Outline • The 3 education surveys • Important dates to remember • Timelines for UIS publications and data dissemination • Response rates • Key data gaps and issues

  3. UIS Education Survey • Electronic PDF e-form Questionnaire • 3 files: • Questionnaire A: ISCED 0 to 4 and Africa regional module • Questionnaire B: education finance • Questionnaire C: tertiary education (ISCED 5 to 6)

  4. UIS Survey Schedule

  5. UIS and Anglophone Africa region Data processing and standards unit (DPSU) Singh Anuja Barton Andrew Education Indicators and Data Analysis section (EIDA) Kennedy Alison Labe Olivier Weng Wendy (Montreal, UIS HQ) • Mail-out and reminders • Receive questionnaires from the countries • Data processing • Contact countries to solve data inconsistencies (data processing reports) • Receive “clean data” from DPSU • Review data and indicators • Implement country review process • Publish the data Countries UIS field offices Bernal Marc, Monica, Inge, Melanie & Yacine

  6. UNESCO Institute for Statistics Questionnaires received Data entry Data Processing reports Data correction Data check Country feedback Calculation of Indicators Indicators review Publishing Data processing and validation at UIS

  7. Data processing report

  8. Data checking and your feedback: the importance of data reports • Sent by Barton Andrew • Important step to validate new data • Improve UIS understanding of countries’ specificities • Allows for feedback which ensures that the data are of the best possible quality

  9. UNESCO Institute for Statistics Questionnaires received Data entry Data Processing report Data correction Data check Country feedback Country review Calculation of Indicators Indicators review Publishing Data processing and validation at UIS

  10. Education Indicators Country Review

  11. Outputs and data dissemination • UIS website • Online data centre • E-atlas • Data visualization

  12. Outputs and data dissemination – UIS Data Centre www.uis.unesco.org

  13. Two-thirds of countries show gender parity in primary education Outputs and data dissemination – UIS E-Atlas

  14. Outputs and data dissemination – UIS data visualization Where do students in South Africa come from? Where do South African students go study?

  15. Outputs and data dissemination – UIS publications • UIS printed publications • Global Education Digest • Technical Notes

  16. Outputs and data dissemination • UIS data are featured in other institutions products • International reports • Regional reports and publications

  17. Timeline of UIS education data release January May October World Bank, EFA, MDG, LDC, UNDP, UNFPA, ADEA GED, World Bank, ADB, UNICEF, MCC, ADEA MCC, World Bank, ADEA

  18. Response rate by region, Survey 2011

  19. Response rate for Anglophone Africa region, Survey 2009 to Survey 2012 UIS QA Africa regional module UIS QB UIS QC 22 20 19 18 18 16 15 Number of countries 14 14 14 13 12 12 12 10 9 8 8 8 7 7 6 6 4 2 0 Survey 2009 Survey 2010 Survey 2011 Survey 2012 (provisional)

  20. The importance of timely data • To meet the international demand for data and their respective deadlines • To influence policy changes within the country • Country level statistics may not be shown if deadlines are missed • UIS’ own outputs rely on the availability of reliable timely data • Last but not least, timely data allows for feedback which ensures that the data are of the best possible quality

  21. Timeliness and regularity for UIS Questionnaire A

  22. Key data gaps and issues • Pre-primary education • Enrolment by age/grade • Technical and Vocational education (TVET) • Post-secondary non-tertiary education • Teaching staff disaggregated by ISCED level • Graduates at primary and lower secondary education

  23. Timeliness and regularity for UIS Questionnaire B

  24. Key data gaps and issues • Expenditure allocated by ISCED levels • Expenditure by nature of spending • Total government expenditure from all sectors

  25. Timeliness and regularity for UIS Questionnaire C

  26. Key data gaps and issues • Enrolment by fields of study • Graduates and graduates by fields of study (specially graduates with ISCED 5A first degree) • International / mobile students

  27. uis.survey@unesco.org Thankyou!

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