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Explore the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA), its mission to develop the National Qualifications Framework (NQF), objectives, and role in advancing education and employment equity. Learn about SAQA's strategic changes, budget assumptions, and quality councils' responsibilities.
Presentation to the Portfolio Committee on Education 23 June 2009 Samuel BA Isaacs – CEO Mark D Albertyn – CFO
Contents • What is SAQA • SAQA’s mission • Objectives of the NQF • Changes in the Environment • Strategy • Budget assumptions • Medium-term revenue estimates • Programmes and plans
What is SAQA? • South African Qualifications Authority • Statutory body of 29 members at present (will be reduced to 16 members when new Board appointed) • Appointed by Ministers of Education and Labour under the SAQA Act in 2007 for three years
SAQA’s mission • To oversee the further development and implementation of the National Qualifications Framework (NQF) and advance its objectives which contribute to the full development of each learner and to the social and economic development of the nation at large
Objectives of the NQF • Create an integrated national framework for learning achievements • Facilitate access to, and mobility and progression within education, training and career paths • Enhance the quality of education and training • Accelerate the redress of past unfair discrimination in education, training and employment opportunities • Contribute to the full personal development of each learner and the social and economic development of the nation at large
Meeting the NQF Objectives Eight directorates with thirteen operating units reporting to an Executive Office
Employment Equity • Human Resource Consultative Forum • Responsible for development of employment equity policy and setting of targets • Consulted if there are any deviations from the agreed upon targets
Changes in Environment • New SAQA Authority (Board) appointed (Nov 2007) • NQF Act No 67 of 2008 • Implementation Date: 01 June 2009 (Government Gazette No 32233 – 22 May ’09) • Roles and Responsibilities of SAQA and the QC’s • Transitional Arrangements
National Qualifications Framework: Responsibilities of SAQA and the QCs Quality Councils SAQA Mutual • Oversee implementation & further development of the NQF • Develop & participate in a system of collaboration • Develop & manage sub-frameworks 2. Advance the objectives of the NQF
Level descriptors Quality Councils SAQA Mutual • Ensure that level descriptors remain current & appropriate • Consider & agree to level descriptors • Develop contents of level descriptors and reach agreement with the QCs
Qualifications Quality Councils SAQA Mutual • Develop & implement policy & criteria for qualifications, assessment, RPL & CAT • Develop qualifications as needed in the sector • Recommend qualifications to SAQA for registration • Register qualifications
Quality Assurance (QA) Quality Councils SAQA Mutual • No executive QA function • Coordinate across sub-frameworks • Periodic impact studies of the NQF • Ensure integrity and credibility • Collaborate on research and impact studies • Executive QA function • Ensure that quality assurance is undertaken for the sub-framework
Research Quality Councils SAQA Mutual • Conduct regular studies on the impact of the NQF • 2. Maintain and further develop a collaborative research agenda relevant to the development and implementation of the NQF • Focus on sub-framework specific research • Conduct & commission research • Publish findings • Collaborate on respective research agendas
Information management Quality Councils SAQA Mutual • Maintain and further development the NLRD • Maintain a database of learner achievements and related matters • Submit data to SAQA for the NLRD • Ensure integrity and validity of data • Analyse data and report findings
Advocacy & marketing Quality Councils SAQA Mutual • Inform the public about the NQF • Collectively advocate the NQF • Inform the public about the sub-framework
Professional Bodies SAQA Quality Councils Mutual • Develop & implement policy & criteria for recognising professional bodies & registering professional designations • Recognise professional bodies • Register professional designations • Consult with professional bodies • Include professional bodies in quality assurance and the qualifications development
International relations Quality Councils SAQA SAQA Mutual • Collaborate with international counterparts concerning QFs • Inform the QCs and other parties about international best practice • Collaborate with international counterparts • Benchmark qualifications internationally • Consider international best practice
National Qualifications Framework: Other responsibilities of SAQA and the QCs Quality Councils SAQA • Provide an evaluation and advisory service • Advise Ministers on NQF matters • Perform any other functions required by the NQF Act • Perform any function consistent with the NQF Act determined by the Minister • Advise Minister on sub-frameworks • Perform any other functions required by the NQF Act • Perform any function consistent with the NQF Act determined by the Minister
Transitional arrangements • Coherent agreed planning and implementation • Realistic timeframes • Legislative steps • Adequate financial arrangements • Clear and targeted communication with all affected parties • Staffing implications
Strategic Imperatives • Principles that guide these strategic imperatives: • NQF Objectives (Integrated Framework, Access, Quality, Redress and Development) • Constructive engagement/collaboration with NQF Principals/Partners • Research-led approach • Learners are the beneficiaries
1. Implementing the NQF Act and related amended legislation Strategic Imperatives (cont’d) • Developing Policies • Registering of qualifications and part-qualifications • Recognising professional bodies and registering professional designations (engage with professional bodies) • Level Descriptors for 10 levels • RPL and CAT • Other • Interpretation and Implementation of the Acts • Building shared meanings and understandings with DoE, DoL and QC’s • Clarify what is distinctive and what is common • Implementing shared strategies with NQF partners • Alignment with HRDS Strategy • Performing the functions prescribed
2. Managing the transition to ensure effectiveness in the system to the advantage of learners and partners Strategic Imperatives (cont’d) • Develop a system for collaboration with partners (QC’s and Professional Bodies • Agree on dispute resolution process • Sign Memoranda of Understanding with the Department of Labour (Also with DoE if required) • Continue delivering on current mandate as per agreement with DoL, until QCTO operational • Proactive partnership building • Representation on Boards (SAQA and QC’s) • Bilateral meetings (formal and informal) • Working together on projects of mutual interest (advocacy, data collection etc) • Internal • Re-engineering SAQA’s structures to fulfil its vision and purpose • Ensuring financial viability • Building capacity • Strategic Positioning • Recruitment and retention strategy
3. Communication / Advocacy of the NQF Strategic Imperatives (cont’d) • Continue with implementation of NQF Advocacy Strategy • Educate the public regarding the new NQF environment
4. Build Research and Development capacity to lead policy, legislative and conceptual debates Strategic Imperatives (cont’d) • Increasing the resources to the Research Directorate • Achieve synergy with QC’s research agendas, e.g. through: • Joint NQF Colloquium • Joint Research Forum
5. Advance Lifelong Learning including RPL, CAT and Career Advice Services Strategic Imperatives (cont’d) • Career Advice Services • Use these projects to enhance synergy between SAQA and QC’s • Raise the profile of RPL
Strategic Imperatives (cont’d) 6. Develop and maintain international NQF linkages • Develop a strategic plan for international relations within the new NQF environment
Strategic plan • Focuses on ensuring the evolution of an enhanced NQF that is underpinned by systemic co-ordination, coherence and resource alignment in support of the HRD strategy, the objectives of which are underpinned by a strong NQF • Supports our understanding of the NQF as a framework for communication, coordination and collaboration across education, training and work.
Core strategy • Develop and sustain policies, procedures and infrastructures for the NQF, actively supported by the key stakeholders in education and training
Core strategy (cont’d) • As the NQF apex organisation, provide leadership to deepen, broaden and strengthen NQF implementation with a strong focus on effective partnerships and informed decision-making based on quality research
Core strategy (cont’d) • Work with stakeholders to build communities of trust in an effort to develop pragmatic and workable solutions to NQF implementation difficulties. These will reduce tensions within the system to ensure that short-term gains do not undermine the long-term needs of the system
Summary • Past Strategic Imperatives and Tactics have favourably positioned SAQA to deal with the challenges it faces. • SAQA is much stronger now than in 2008 • Responsive, model statutory body • Internationally recognised • Staffing stabilised and strengthened • SAQA embraces its role in the new NQF environment and appreciates the support of its Principals and Partners (especially the QC’s)
Budget assumptions 1. That the budget is based on SAQA’s new mandate in terms of the NQF Act, with an implementation date of 1 June 2009. 2. That personnel costs will be adjusted for the effects of inflation at 7%. 3. That performance and broad banding level adjustments for all levels of staff are implemented and maintained. 4. That inflation in income will be around 6 percent, except for DFQEAS revenue that will plateau in 2010/11 and decline by 15 percent in 2011/12. 5. That inflation of costs will be around 9 percent with SAQA having to absorb the higher inflation by using resources more effectively and efficiently to still achieve its operational goals. 6. That inflation in the cost of airfares will be around 10 percent. 7. That travel reimbursement rates will increase by about 20 percent.
Budget assumptions (cont’d) 8. The authorised products and services rendered by the NLRD will continue to generate more income. 9. The funding from government will be at least R 39,1m. 10. That extra project funding will be sought for clearly defined and discrete projects. 11. SAQA's equipment replacement strategy is implemented on a limited basis. Will be a formal prioritisation process. • Not all objectives in the strategic plan will be implemented unless further funding or grants are obtained. Will be a formal prioritisation process and unfunded mandates will be declared to government. • Staff complement will reduce by 23 members (DSSD and QAD) and that 11 new positions will be created (6 in NLRD). Overall decrease in permanent staff to 109.
Programme Budget Analysis * To accommodate transitional arrangements
Programme 1Administration and Support • This programme covers the activities of the Executive Office and the following Directorates: • Finance and Administration • Human Resources • Information and Information Technology • Strategic Support • Research
Programme 1Administration and Support (cont’d) • Plans: • Partner major stakeholders to ensure systemic coordination, coherence and resource alignment to the benefit of learners in line with the national HRD Strategy. • Advise and inform policy-makers on all matters relating to the NQF, through conducting and commissioning research on national imperatives, NQF impact, policy development and implementation.
Programme 1Administration and Support (cont’d) • Plans cont’d: • Maintain an effective public NQF communication and advocacy strategy. • Collaborate with SAQA’s international counterparts regarding qualifications frameworks and keep the QC’s informed. • Ensure the aligned development of human, financial and infrastructural resources to support the achievement of the organisational objectives
Programme 1Administration and Support (cont’d) • Advise and inform policy-makers and make recommendations on all matters relating to the NQF and education and training in South Africa. • Conduct research, monitor and undertake evaluation studies that contribute to the development of the NQF.
Programme 2Standards Setting and Quality Assurance • Plans: • Continue to provide leadership and professional expertise to ensure that high quality, nationally relevant and internationally comparable unit standards and qualifications that articulate across sub-frameworks are registered on the NQF
Programme 2Standards Setting and Quality Assurance (cont’d) • Plans: • Support the DoL in implementing the Amended Skills Development Act in establishing a quality assuring body for economic sector ETQA’s
Programme 4National Learners’ Records Database (NLRD) • Plan • Ensure that the information on the NLRD is of acceptable quality and previously inaccessible data is available
Programme 5Foreign Qualifications Evaluation and Advisory Services • Plans: • Maintain and develop the role of SAQA’s Directorate for Foreign Qualifications Evaluation and Advisory Services as the national recognition information centre for foreign and domestic learning and qualifications.