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Communication . The Communication Process . Sender: ENCODE the message. Receiver: DECODE the message. Feedback: Response to communication that shows whether the message is understood. . Verbal Communication . Spoken or written. Rules for effective verbal communication:

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  1. Communication

  2. The Communication Process • Sender: ENCODE the message. • Receiver: DECODE the message. • Feedback: Response to communication that shows whether the message is understood.

  3. Verbal Communication • Spoken or written. • Rules for effective verbal communication: • Choose the right words. • Avoid jargon (slang) • Avoid meaningless words. • Speak for yourself. • Make I statements. • Always ask questions. • Promotes common understanding. • Open questions ask who, what, when, where, why, how and promote communication. • Closed questions are yes and no answers.

  4. Nonverbal Communication • Sending messages without words. • Includes: • Body language • Touching • Appearance, • Use of space • Use of time • Purposes of nonverbal communication: • Substitute for words • Add to or stress verbal communication

  5. Effective Listening • Trying to understand what the words say. • There is a difference in hearing and listening. • Hearing is automatic. • Listening is making sense of what you heard. • Listening actually takes effort.

  6. Ways to be an effective listener • Show that you are interested by paying attention. • Focus on the other person rather than yourself. • Give feedback. • Avoid giving advice unless the other person ask for it. • Ask open questions that encourage communication. • Pay attention to nonverbal messages.

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