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Ch. 1 Introduction, continued

Ch. 1 Introduction, continued. Economic Geography of the World Economy Globalization Globalization versus local diversity Problems of World Development. GDP Per Capita. GDP = Consumption + Investment + Government. GDP Growth by Region. Figure 1.7 The Global North and the Global South.

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Ch. 1 Introduction, continued

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Ch. 1 Introduction, continued • Economic Geography of the World Economy • Globalization • Globalization versus local diversity • Problems of World Development

  2. GDP Per Capita GDP = Consumption + Investment + Government

  3. GDP Growth by Region

  4. Figure 1.7 The Global North and the Global South

  5. Variations in Economic Structure Gross National Income - Source: World Bank (2012) World Development Indicators GNI (Gross National Income) = GDP + foreign income receipts (such as dividends and interest) – foreign income payments

  6. Global Shares of Population and Gross National Income (2009)

  7. Structure of Production (% of GDP) Hollowing of Industry Growing Inequality Decrease in Agriculture, Services Growth

  8. The Clark-Fisher Model of Structural Change Services Share of Output Manufacturing Agriculture Time Is This Model Inevitable?

  9. Distribution of Gross Domestic Product (%) GDP = Final Sales to Government, Consumers & Investment Why so high & why the decline? Global Increase in Trade Note: 2008 Exports includes services

  10. Imports/Exports 2006 ($ billions) The U.S. Share of Services Trade is very high High Income have much stronger trade in services than Low and Middle Income

  11. Structure of Merchandise Exports (%)

  12. Structure of Merchandise Imports (%)

  13. Origin and Destination of Merchandise Exports (%)

  14. Globalization • “Essentially an expansion in the scope, scale, and velocity of international transacations” p. 12 • Culture and consumption • Telecommunications • Economic Dimensions – finance, TNC’s, FDI, regional specialization in production, tertiary sector, office activity, tourism

  15. TNC Sales and Selected Country GDP

  16. FDI in the U.S. – similar diagram could be drawn for any country

  17. Another view of FDI

  18. An Example of Global Trade –United’s Business First Amenity Kit China, USA, Thailand

  19. Globalization vs. Local Diversity • The desire to preserve local diversity • But the inevitable outside pressures • Producing “glocalization”

  20. Problems In World Development • Structural changes in low, medium & high income countries • Environmental Constraints • Disparities in wealth and well-being • Internal trends: growing income disparity in many nations • The cycle of poverty • The Core-Periphery Model – developed in chapter 14

  21. The Cycle of Poverty in Third-World Countries

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