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Ch. 1 Introduction. What is a Chief Technology Officer (CTO). His job as one of creating value and acting as an agent of change within the firm His job not as one of development of technology. Technology Definition.
What is aChief Technology Officer (CTO) • His job as one of creating value and acting as an agent of change within the firm • His job not as one of development of technology
Technology Definition • The branch of knowledge that deal with industrial arts, applied science, or engineering. • The terminology of an art or science; or • A technological process invention, method, or the like and some of the ways in which a social group provides themselves with the material objects of their civilization.
Technology definition • Technology is the practical implemetation of learning and knowledge by individuals and organizations to aid human endeavor. • Technology is the knowledge, products, processes, tools, and systems used in the creation of goods or in the provision of services.
Management of Technology Is defined as linking “engineering, science, and management disciplines to plan, develop, and implement technological capabilities to shape and accomplish the strategic and operational objectives of an organization.”
Levels of Development Individuals Development ideas, theories, or perspective Tacit Knowledge that is veriried and codified Knowledge is put to use
LEVEL OF KNOELEDGE Science Formalized Knowledge Intuitive/ Tacit Codify/ Verify Develop Phisically embodied Procuct and process
3Variabel Kunci untuk mendorong DAYA SAING • Strategic Leadership, bahwa perusahaan diarahkan pada jalur yang benar dalam hal produk, pasar dan semacamnya. • A motivated and committed workforce, mencari budaya kerja “high performance” • Effective use of technology, untuk mendorong outcome organisasi yang efektif dan bersaing.
Sub-bidang manajemen teknologi: • Strategi teknologi • Pengembangan kemampuan teknologikal • Manajemen inovasi • Prakiraan teknologikal • Rintangan-rintangan adopsi teknologi • Fleksibilitas Teknologi dan manufaktur • E-Business
7kualitas yang menentukan keberhasilan teknologi dalam industri • Functional performance (Kinerja fungsional). • Acquisition costs (Harga Beli). • Easy of use characteristics (Sifat mudah pakai). • Operating Costs (Biaya Operasi). • Reliability (KeHandalan) • Serviceability (Bisa digunakan) • Compatibility (Kompatibel)
Teknologi Menurut Webster’s Dictionary didefinisikan menurut 3 cara: • Cabang Ilmu Pengetahuan yang berkenaan dengan seni industrial, sain terapan, atau rekayasa (engineering), • Terminologi seni dan sain, • Proses, invensi, metoda atau sejenisnya.
Jadi Kata TECHNOLOGY mempunyai berbagai arti, mulai dari berbagai jenis produk sampai berbagai disiplin ilmu dan rekayasa.
Embedded in the definition is the notion of knowledge • The key to economic progress has been the advance in knowledge created by human beings over the centuries • Knowledge lies at the heart of economic progress. • We will anchor our definition of technology in knowledge.
Level of Development • Individuals develop ideas, theories, or perspectives that are known only to them or their colleagues or the group to which they belong. The tacit knowledge may be derived from their experiences, experimentation, or imagination. • The second level consists of tacit knowledge that is verified and codified through a scientific process of experimentation. As a result of scientific verification and codification, the knowledge becomes available to a large number of people. • Finally, there is a level of development where the knowledge is put touse—physically embodied in products, services, or procedure.
Ide, teori, perspektif, yg hanya diketahui hanya oleh mereka atau koleganya Intuitive/Tacit Diverifikasi dan kodifikasi melalui proses ilmiah Codify Verify Science Formalized Knowledge Tacit Knowledge diformalkan dan disajikan dlm bahasa yg dpt dikomunikasikan Develop Physically Embodied Product and Process
Technology as Socially Constructed • Opportunity.Technology development takes place when human beings perceive an opportunity for improvement due to either intrinsic or economic reasons. • Appropriability. In many cases, where the technolgy development is due to economic motives, individuals will pursue development only to the extent that there is a reasonable assurance that the fruits of their labor will flow back to the developers. • Transferability.Technology or knowledge transfer is not smooth; knowledge is sticky. When human beings communicate, there is no perfect correspondence between the message that the sender intends and the one understood by the receiver. • Resources.Tehcnology development consumes resources. The most obvious resources involved are money, time, and people. In addition, other reources—collateral assets—may be needed to exploit at technology opportunity.
Definisi Manajemen Teknologi Manajementeknologimenghubungkanrekayasa, ilmudanmanajemenuntukmerencanakan, mengembangkandanmenerapkankemampuanteknologikaluntukmembentukdanmerealisasikansasaranstrategic danoperatinalsuatuorganisasi. Management of technology links engineering, science, and management disciplines to plan, to develop, and to implement technological capabilities to shape and accomplish the strategic and operational goals of an organization
3 Ide dari definisi tersebut • Penekanan manajemen teknologi pada pencapaian tujuan organisasi. Kita akan melihat value creation bagi investor sebagai tujuan utama manajemen teknologi dalam korporasi. • Manajemen teknologi memfokuskan pada pengembangan kemampuan teknologikal dan implementasinya atau penerapannya pada produk dan proses. • Manajemen teknologi dalam korporasi dihubungkan dengan kegiatan manajemen lainnya seperti marketing dan manufacturing.
Redefinisi Manajemen Teknologi Management of technology focuses on the principles of strategy and organization involved in technology choise guided by the purpose of creating value for investor Manajementeknologimemfokuskanpadaprinsip-prinsipstrategidanorganisasi yang terdapatdalampemilihanteknologi yang dipandudengantujuanmenciptakannilaibagi investor.
Value-Driven Purpose How What Organization And Management Technology Strategy Technology Choices Managemet Of Technology
2 PERSPEKTIF DLM MGT:A. Market Base ViewB. Resource Base View • Market Base View: Management konsentrasi pada lingkungan industri perusahaan tersebut, posisi relatifnya dibanding para pesaing, dan bagaimana memuaskan pelanggan. • Resource Base View: Ketika lingkungan berubah, perusahaan yang merupakan kumpulan resources dan capabilities, boleh jadi sebuah basis yg stabil utk mendefinisikan identitasnya. Secara umum, perubahan dengan laju yang lebih besar pada lingkungan perusahaan, maka internal resources dan capabilities akan memberikan dasar khusus untuk pengambilan keputusan jangka panjang.
4 Key Koncept • The Firm as a Value Chain • Industries as Competitive Domain • Forms of Technological Change • Value Creation and Competitive Advantage
Firm as a Value Chain • Setiap perusahaan adalah sekumpulan dari aktivitas untuk DESIGN, PRODUCE, MARKET, DEVELOP, SUPPORT. • Semua kegiatan ini dapat digambarkan sebagai VALUE CHAIN (Rantai Nilai).
Value chain terdiri2 kegiatan: • PRIMARY ACTIVITY. Terdiri dari 5 aktivitas generik: inbound logistic, operation, outbound logistic, marketing dan service • SUPPORT ACITIVITY. Dapat dibagi menjadi 4 aktivitas generik: procurement, technology development, human resources management, dan firm infrastructure.
Value Chain Margin
Industries as Competitive Domain • Industri merupakan sekelompok perusahaan yang menawarkan barang atau jasa yang sama kepada customer. • Industri tersebut merupakan wilayah di mana perusahaan-perusahaan incumbent melakukan persaingan. • Jadi industri merupakan competitive domain
Klasifikasi Industri Berdasarkan:Key Competitive Resources • Capacity. Padaindustri capacity driven capital investment fisikrelativbesardibandingbiayaataunilaitambahnya. Contoh: industribaja. • Customers.Padaindustri customer-driven, investasi di brand atau customer merupakanbagianbesardaribiayaataunilaitambah. Contoh: industribir. • Knowledge.Padaindustri knowledge-driven, investasi R&D cenderungmerupakanbagianbesardaribiayaataunilaitambah. Contoh: industrikimia.
Forms of Technological Change 2 tipe technological cange: 1. PROSES 2. PRODUK
Process Technology • Merupakan teknik memproduksi dan memasarkan barang atau jasa. • Process Technology meliputi work method, equipment, distribution, dan logistic. • Oleh karena itu, process technology melekat pada VALUE CHAIN.
Product Technology • Merupakanelementeknologi yang melekatpadabarangataujasaygdihasilkansuatuperusahaan. Contoh: Mobil BBG dan Mobil Elektrikmerupakanproduct technologydalamindustrimobil. • Perubahandalamproduct technologymenambahfiturbaruataumemberikansubstitusi yang lebihbaikatasproduk yang adasekarang.
JADI …. • PROCESS TECHNOLOGY refer to the way an organiation conducts its business, whereas product technology refers to the output of an organization. • Distinction between process and product technologuy depends on the nature of the firm. • What is often a product technology for one firm may very well be a process technology for another firm.
Mangapa membedakan Process Technology dan Product Technology? • Dibandingkanperubahanteknologiproduk, perubahanteknologi proses kurang visible (nampak) dalam marketplace. • Baikperubahanteknologi proses maupunteknologiprodukpunyaimplikasipadakinerjaekonomis. Padabanyakkasus, perubahanteknologi proses membuatnya feasible untukmengurangibiayadanwaktusiklusnya, sertamemperbaikikualitasproduknya. • Teknologiprodukmembantuperusahaanbersainguntukpelanggan, perubahanteknologiprodukmembantuperusahaan redefine cakupanproduk/pasarmereka.
Value Creation and Competitive Advantage Customer Value Creation Kompetitive Advantage Higher rate of profit