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“Eureka! The Importance of Good Science Writing”

Written by: Anton Holland Presented by: Terrence Dickerson Date Presented: April 19, 2011. “Eureka! The Importance of Good Science Writing”. Introduction. Reasons for Good Science Writing Improve decision making Bridge scientific i lliteracy gap Ways to Improve S cience Writing

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“Eureka! The Importance of Good Science Writing”

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  1. Written by: Anton Holland Presented by: Terrence Dickerson Date Presented: April 19, 2011 “Eureka! The Importance of Good Science Writing”

  2. Introduction • Reasons for Good Science Writing • Improve decision making • Bridge scientific illiteracy gap • Ways to Improve Science Writing • Present objective arguments • Address the basics • Categorize the writing appropriately • Understand the values of the scientists and journalists • Conclusion • Good science writing is more important now than it has ever been before

  3. Reasons For Good Science Writing

  4. Influence Decision Making • Science and technology are a vital aspect of public policy. • Lawmakers need to understand the scientific studies they provide funding and make policies for.

  5. Bridge Scientific Illiteracy Gap • Science writing is read by even those without a scientific background. • The scientific illiteracy gap is broadening. • Examples of the scientific illiteracy gap: • A little over 10 percent of the population in industrialized countries has a good understanding of scientific concepts and methods. -Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) • One third of respondents in a recent survey did not know what a molecule was. - Northern Illinois University

  6. Ways to Improve Science Writing

  7. Present Objective Arguments • Bias/Subjective information can be misleading to readers. • Bias interferes with objectivity. • Common situations bias may occur: • Scientific studies done on behalf of an advocacy group • Studies funded by an industry to support a particular view

  8. Address the basics • Readers should be presented the basics about the scientific work or they will get confused. • As a scientist involved with the work, it can be easy to forget the basics of the research. • Common acronyms • Background information

  9. Categorize the Writing Appropriately • Scientific writing must be presented or categorized so that the appropriate audience reads it. • Scientific writings may sometimes fit multiple categories. • Example: • A paper on scientific waste should be categorized as business, environment, and health related.

  10. Understand the Values of Scientists and Journalists • Journalists and scientists think differently which can lead to invalid conclusions. • Journalists evaluate evidence and commit to an answer. • Scientists test information to prevent misinterpretation before expressing an opinion. • Caution on the part of a scientist may be interpreted as uncertainty by a journalist.

  11. Conclusion • Science writing needs to be understandable so even people without a scientific background can make informed decisions. • Science writing needs to provide objective information and target the appropriate audience. • Any Questions?

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