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Good Morning!. Is the media right? Are steroids medical harmful, do they give you super powers; furthermore, are steroids going to destroy America’s society and professional sports killing? . America’s view on Steroids.
Is the media right? Are steroids medical harmful, do they give you super powers; furthermore, are steroids going to destroy America’s society and professional sports killing?
America’s view on Steroids. As Bryant Gumbel explains at the beginning of his story titled, “The Truth About Steroids”: “Americans’, “when drugs are concerned, rarely go for logic when they can opt for Hysteria, the recent hoopla over steroids.”
Seems like every athlete is using them, and steroids are in the news every day. Synthetic Steroids: Artificially Enhancing Muscles vs. Natural Testosterone Production USATODAY.com - Players admit steroids changed baseball Sosa news calls for special outrage Evidence indicates Manny's steroid use | MLB.com: News A-Rod comes clean on use of performance-enhancing drugs - USATODAY.com
What is Today’s Purpose? This is a huge topic that has a thousand of different aspects that could be talk argued; I am going to examine some common myths that surround Steroids.
First: that steroids create ability. According to the media, with the help of steroids, this man can
Furthermore, look like this? Ronnie Coleman, Mr. Olympia Jay Cutler, Mr. Olympia
Nope! Sorry, steroids enhance performance, but they can not create performance.
Next myth: Steroids do not require extra work. “You know, you still have to have a lot of athletic ability, and steroids allow you to train harder and so these guy train harder, training longer and that goes to you know, also to question of if these drugs actually allow athletes to extend their careers. [Sic](Bell)” Chris Bell directed the documentary, “Bigger, Stronger, Faster”based on his and his brothers experiences with steroids.
Myth: Steroids use is un-ethical. Using steroids is the same as cheating.
Myth: Steroids are un-ethical. If steroids are allowed and some athletes use them, Then, all athletes will be forced to use them to compete.
Norman Fost, who is a Bio-ethicist and won the Nellie Westermann Prize for Research Ethics (With Dr Richard Love), 1997, examines this claim in, “STEROID HYSTERIA UNPACKING THE CLAIMS. “ “ Steroids are coercive: if your opponents use them, you have to."Coercion," according to my dictionary, has to do with the use or threat of force, or the threat of depriving someone of something he or she is entitled to. No one in American sports is forced to use steroids. Nor is anyone entitled to be a professional athlete. It's an opportunity, often involving high risks, which everyone is free to walk away from. Nor is it the case that you have to use steroids to succeed at the highest level. In the first year that Major League Baseball required anonymous testing, solely to determine the incidence of steroid use as a guide to development of policy, fewer than 6 percent of the players had positive tests.”
If steroids are legalized in professional sports, what will keep them from over-running society and our high schools.
Education and teaching that steroids are not the only way to enhance one’s performance. The NIDA has funded prevention programs that may help teens stay away from steroids. Their names are ATLAS (Adolescents Training and Learning to Avoid Steroids) for males And Athena for females (Anabolic).
Actually presents ways to enhance performance without steroids. The difference between these programs and simple education is that these programs help teach adolescences ways to increase their performance without steroids. Teens are not just being preached at, but they are learning real techniques that benefit their training, and the easiest way to learn or teach is by doing.
Now, for the last myth: They are medical unsafe In the Real Sports with Bryant Gumbel story, “The Truth About Steroids” It is mentioned that the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) states that there are numerous side effects from steroids and steroids may kill you. However, on its website it states, the evidence of serious long-time effects of steroids appears to be low.
Lyle Alzado’s death and steroids. The most famous death that was claimed to be caused by steroids was Lyle Alzado, a famous football player in the 80’s. He used steroids and developed brain cancer, which he believed was caused by his steroid use.
Steroids were not the cause. Alzado’s doctor told Real Sports that steroids did not cause Alzado’s cancer. Both experts for and against steroids express that fact. Norman Fost explains: “So Lyle Alzado, the NFL all-star, is presented on the front page of the New York Times and the cover of Sports Illustrated because of an alleged steroid-related brain tumor. What is missing is a single article, or evidence, or even a quote from any authority on the topic to support any connection between steroids and Alzado's tumor.”
More about the link between steroids and deaths. Does anyone know any of these names? The Von Erich FamilyBruiser Brody Andre the GiantDino BravoEddie Graham Gorgeous" Gino Hernandez "Adorable" Adrian Adonis "Flyin " Brian Pillman Louie "Spicolli" Mucciolo:Richard "Ravishing Rick Rude" "The British Bulldog"Curt HennigEddie Guerrero
They were all wrestles: In everyone of these deaths, the media pointed out the fact that they had used steroids and that was the cause. There is no doubt that they did steroids, but did steroids lead to they deaths?
What you did not hear? The fact that they all used hard drugs was just barely readable at the end of their obituary’s. Correct me if I’m wrong, but doesn't cocaine cause massive damage to the heart? All of these wrestlers lived fast lives with drugs, that live style caused their deaths, not steroids.
Campbell Aitken wrote a essay, “Lifting your game; public health researcher Campbell Aitken probes the use of steroids in sport.” Mr. Aitken exclaims that if a former steroid user has a heart attack, steroids are automatically determined to be the cause without mentioning the man was over-weight or had high cholesterol.
Conclusions? Today I have scrutinize some myths that surround steroids. I have explained that steroids can not create ability, just enhance it. That athletes on steroids have to work just as hard as drug-free athletes. The fact that legalizing steroids, will neither force people to take them, nor become more wide-spread in high schools.
Conclusions? • Yes, there are side effects to steroids, but even the NIDA states that long-time effects of steroids appear to be low. • I have explained, even though the media tries to connect steroids and death, no expert for or against steroids believes that view. • I doubt that I have changed anyone’s mind since this most people are strongly for or against steroids, but I hope you know have a better understanding about steroids.
Opponents to steroids love to talk about stories, they believe, show how dangerous steroids are; therefore, let me tell you about two people that have used steroids for 60 years between them. JOHN ROMANO is 44 and has used steroids for 20 years without any medical side effects (he shows the medical test to prove it), and he is on the “Truth about Steroids” video alone with Robert Clapp is about to be 70 years old, and he has used steroids for 40 years. Again, he has no record of side effects.
Responsibility and Steroids These two cases do not prove that steroids are safe, but hopefully, they give you reasons to question if the bandwagon is correct about steroids. Thank You and Have a Nice Day!