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FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY. Multifaceted Information Search, Discovery, and Retrieval for the ET.gov Site and Process. Presented to the XML Community of Practice, Architecture and Infrastructure Committee, U.S. CIO Council Washington, DC September 21, 2005. Outline.
FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY Multifaceted Information Search, Discovery, and Retrieval for the ET.gov Site and Process Presented to the XML Community of Practice, Architecture and Infrastructure Committee, U.S. CIO Council Washington, DC September 21, 2005
Outline * Source: Adapted from xmlCoP and ET/SC documents.
Objectives of demo—and use ofmultifaceted search at ET.gov • Illustrate how data on ETs can be organized and accessed by multiple facets (axes) and hierarchical taxonomies (categories) within • Show how end-users within and outside the Federal government can then search, discover, and retrieve information from the ET.gov site in a human-friendly way • Highlight the social, economic, and intelligence value that different stakeholders can derive by using multifaceted search-discovery-and-retrieval (MSDR) technology as part of the ET.gov site and process.
2. Objectives of ET.gov—and impetus • Help facilitate the discovery of various types of components which may be beneficial to the Federal government—thereby provide a formal channel by which agencies can evaluate ETs • Produce communication between CIOs, governmental decision makers, submitters, and other integrators by taking a standards-based approach to capitalize on the benefits of XML and maximize the benefits of the Web • Aid the discovery of new technologies by providing a standard XML schema for component description and a submission point from which components can be evaluated—i.e., via a single point of SDR.
3. Value and expected impact of ET.gov • When a government agency, technology company or another organization registers with ET.gov, it will: • Provide the opportunity for their emerging technology to “get discovered” by the Federal community • Foster the maturity of their technology in the Federal market • Shorten the “time to market” for their ET in the Federal civilian and non-civilian sectors • Separate the “wheat from the chaff,”—i.e., weed out “intergalactic technology solutions!”
3A. What we mean here is that… “Better, faster, smarter” search will give the technology company (seller) the opportunity to “fairly” increase the exposure and visibility of its ET—making sure that the Federal agency (searcher and buyer) looking for that ET or similar ETs will, in fact, find what the agency is looking for, with NO chance of not finding that ET… so long as the company registered and input its data correctly at ET.gov.
4. ET.gov—and its relationship with the AIC and USCIOC • The AIC is pursuing seven funded tasks in FY 2005, on top of other existing efforts, e.g., fostering communities of practice on XML and semantic interoperability • These tasks will result in the greatest ROI in terms of the time and dedication put forth by AIC members and staff • Task 6 is to “develop identification and validation processes for emerging technologies,” i.e., ET.gov • Lead staff for this task under the ET S/C are: John McManus (NASA), Susan Turnbull (GSA), and Owen Ambur (DOI).
5. Eight stages of ET.gov 1. Identify + register 3. Accept stewardship 5. Budget (President + Congress) 2. Subscribe + indicate LOI 7. Maintain over life cycle 4. Graduate + transition to CORE.gov 6. Acquire for use 8. Retire + replace
Booz design Stage 2 exec. Instance docs MSDR design XSDs Stage N exec. Feedback fr S/C + CoPs MSDR demo XML schema Other tech specs Scope BLS Usability Lab testing Objectives Stage 1 exec. ET S/C vision S/C mandate 6. Evolution of ET.gov: from vision to execution 2003> 2004> 2005> 2006> Vision ET.gov
7. ET.gov today and tomorrow ET = IT + XT data: USA + global http://et.gov/component_search.aspx 1,000s of records, users, and queries ET = IT + XT data: USA 100s of records, users, and queries 100,000s of records, users, and queries ET = IT data: USA + global 10,000s of records, users, and queries ET = IT data: USA
10. ET.gov demo and test drive http://etgov.i411.com
11. Conclusion 1: Value of MSDR at ET.gov— and beneficiaries
12. Conclusion 2: Next steps • Integrate feedback on the demo from the xmlCoP and ET S/C • "Beef up" the ET.gov data and instance documents • Refine the XML schema • Publish a basic XSL style sheet that can be used to render the XML instance documents • Make the data set crawlable, i.e., expose the database of instance documents in a simple HTML/XML interface that can be crawled by an automated Web spider • Integrate stemming/synonyms • Subscribe via RSS to a search or a particular component • Add, delete or refine the facets and categories • Refine the UI and general "look and feel“ of the ET.gov site.
Thank you…and contacts Amin Hassamahassam@i411.com Vice President, Government Strategy + Solutions i411, Inc. www.i411.com Herndon, Virginia 703.793.3270 x140 Paul Woodspwoods@biztechsource.comPresident & CEO Business Technology Source LLC www.biztechsource.com Shepherdstown, West Virginia 304.876.9242 Owen AmburOwen_Ambur@ios.doi.gov Co-Chair, xmlCoP http://xml.gov/Project Manager, ET.gov http://et.gov/ Program Manager, DEAR Chief XML Strategist, U.S. DOI U.S. Department of the Interior 202.208.5439