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Substitute Teacher Online Orientation. Brought to you by the Summit County Educational Service Center. Introduction.
Substitute Teacher Online Orientation Brought to you by the Summit County Educational Service Center
Introduction Welcome to substitute teaching in Summit County! As a substitute teacher, you are considered a valuable member of our districts’ staff for the term of your service, be it one day or for several weeks. Thank you for your interest in and dedication to the teaching profession and your willingness to serve. For the school districts in Summit County that go through our office to obtain their list of subs – Coventry, Hudson, Manchester, Mogadore, Nordonia Hills, Portage Lakes Career Center, Revere, Springfield, Twinsburg and Woodridge - this orientation has been designed to help you navigate through the process of becoming a substitute teacher and to be better prepared in the classroom.
Introduction One of the most frustrating aspects of substitute teaching is that everywhere you apply, everyone seems to want something a little different or they have different processes for subs to complete. What may be valid information for our office, may not be considered valid in the districts within Summit County that do not go through our office for their subs. The same would be true for any district outside Summit County and even for any other type of schools for which you may want to sub. We highly recommended that you “do your homework” and carefully research the specific requirements for every district in which you are interested in subbing.
Introduction Keep in mind that the only requirement that is consistently transferable among school districts within the State of Ohio is a valid teaching/substitute teaching license. Always be sure to keep originals and a few extra copies of your license, BCI/FBI background checks and transcripts on hand when applying in multiple districts/counties. If you are applying for or renewing a teaching license or substitute teaching license, it will take four to six weeks for it to process. While waiting for your application to process, it is recommended that you complete this course and compile the other required documents.
Introduction Please remember that the Summit County Educational Service Center processes the paperwork and credentials for Substitute Teachers and distributes the Summit County Certified Substitute List. The districts decide who they will contact to serve as substitutes. The district will make the call, hire the substitute and provide an Aesop pin number (in districts using the Aesop system). The Summit County ESC does not contact, hire or assign substitutes for participating districts.
Introduction If you have any questions or concerns as you go through the process of becoming a substitute teacher, please contact: Darci Bible at darcib@cybersummit.org
Orientation Topics Section 1: Requirements 1.1 Licensure 1.2 Background Checks 1.3 Transcripts 1.4 Letters of Reference 1.5 General Substitute Teaching Application 1.6 I-9 Employment Eligibility Verification Form 1.7 Declaration Regarding Material Assistance Form Section 2: Districts Using the Summit County Sub List 2.1 Districts using our sub list and who use Aesop 2.2 Districts not using our sub list and who use Aesop or other methods of obtaining subs 2.3 Summit County Preschool
Orientation Topics Section 3: District Overview 3.1 District Locations 3.2 Pay Rate Information 3.3 Payroll Information 3.4 School Calendars Section 4: Logistics 4.1 When am I an Active Sub? 4.2 Notification of Substitute Opportunities 4.3 Important Guidelines 4.4 Renewing for the next school year Section 5: Conclusion & Certificate of Completion
Section 1: Requirements In this section, we will go over the requirements needed, in addition to this Orientation, needed to be properly credentialed in Summit County as a substitute teacher. Topics covered include: 1.1 Licensure 1.2 Background Checks 1.3 Transcripts 1.4 Letters of Reference 1.5 General Substitute Teaching Application 1.6 I-9 Employment Eligibility Verification Form 1.7 Declaration of Materials Assistance form
Section 1: Requirements 1.1 Licensure Individuals wishing to substitute teach in any public school in the State of Ohio are required to possess a teaching certificate/license (eight-year professional certificate, permanent certificate, two-year provisional or five year professional license qualify as valid teaching licenses). If you do not hold a valid certificate/license in the State of Ohio, you may apply for a ‘substitute teaching license’ on the basis of a completed bachelor’s degree in any field of study. You can also obtain a substitute teaching license if your standard teaching certificate or license has expired and you have chosen not to take the required coursework for renewal. If you have a valid, unexpired teaching license/certificate or a valid, unexpired substitute teaching license, then you simply have to provide a copy of the license/certificate and proceed to Section 1.2. Otherwise, read on…
Section 1: Requirements 1.1 Licensure There are two types of substitute teaching licenses: Short-term substitute license. A short-term substitute teaching license may be issued to the holder of a bachelor’s degree. An individual holding a short-term substitute license may teach in a given classroom for no more than five consecutive days; for periods longer than five days, an individual with a long-term substitute license must be employed. Long-term substitute license. A long-term substitute license is valid for the area listed on the Substitute Teaching License Application validation areas page. There are also two lengths for the licenses: One-year (validation period is always July 1 – June 30; required to be renewed each year; valid fingerprints must be on file each year). Five-year (validation period is always July 1 – June 30; renewed every five years; valid fingerprints on file every five years.
Section 1: Requirements 1.1 Licensure • TO APPLY for a Substitute Licene, you will need to: • 1. Complete an application for a Long-Term or Short-Term Substitute License ;<<click here>> • 2. Obtainofficialtranscripts showing completion of a Bachelor’s Degree; (please • note…your transcripts will not be returned.) • 3. Get fingerprinted (FBI and Ohio fingerprint checks are required; make sure they • have been marked to be submitted to the Division of Certification/Licensure at the • Ohio Department of Education); • 4. Submit the following to this office: • a) your completed application (will be signed by the Summit County Superintendent); • b)official transcripts (no photocopies) showing a bachelor’s degree; • c) the correct** fee payment (check or money order, no cash). • **This fee depends on whether you are applying for a one-year or a five-year license. • Please note that the Ohio Department of Education will not issue your license until successful Ohio and FBI background checks have been received at their offices. Please see section on fingerprinting requirements for further information.
Page 1 of Substitute License Application Make sure you fill out the Personal Information section completely. Make sure you fill out the dollar amount of the license you are applying for. Make sure you fill out the Legal Questions section completely. You must sign and date here.
Page 2 of Substitute License Application New and Renewal licenses can be either for 1 year or 5 years. If applying for a Short Term license , do not fill out any codes. If applying for Long Term license, be sure to read the qualifications on page 3 of the license application. Only one Long Term License Type per application is allowed. See page 4 of the application for Long Term License codes. July of current school year. Please leave this line blank. The Summit County ESC Superintendent will sign here and forward the application to ODE. You must sign and print your name, as well as date, here.
Page 3 of Substitute License Application Be sure to read the General Instructions on the licensure application, especially item #4, Credential Information.
Page 4 of Substitute License Application This page is ONLY used when applying for Long Term licensures. The two-digit code is the License Type code. The six-digit code is the Teaching Field code.
Section 1: Requirements 1.1 Licensure During the school year, normal processing time for substitute teaching applications is 4-6 weeks from the time the ESC receives the application. It will take 6-12 weeks during the summer months because of the high volume of applications ODE handles during that time.
Section 1: Requirements 1.1 Licensure ***Very Important*** 1.) Out of State If you are an out of state education major, the Praxis I/II tests taken in your state are not valid in the State of Ohio. You will need to apply for a substitute license or for licensure reciprocity through the Ohio Department of Education. 2.) May or December Graduates a.) For those of you that are May or December graduates who are non- education majors, who graduated from an out of state school, who did not pass Praxis I/II, or who passed Praxis I/II but are waiting until later to apply for licensure), your final completed transcripts will typically not be available until 3-4 weeks after graduation. This means that you cannot apply for your sub license and turn in the requirements for substitute teaching until you receive your final transcripts.
Section 1: Requirements 1.1 Licensure • ***Very Important*** • 2.) May or December Graduates (continued) • b.) If you are a May or December graduate from • an Ohio college/university in the current school year, you will need to • provide the following information: • Copies of passing scores Praxis I and/or II scores; • Copy of Letter of Completion from your college/university’s • department of education which states that you have completed all • the necessary requirements (including BCI and FBI background • checks), and that the university/college has sent in your • application for licensure; • The other items necessary for subbing.
Section 1: Requirements 1.1 Licensure ***Very Important*** 2.) May/December Graduates (continued) b.) Final, completed transcripts showing your degree and date graduated for May/December education graduates with licensure from an Ohio college/university may not be available until 3-4 weeks after you graduate. This will not affect your eligibility to substitute teach. Just provide our office with a copy of your final, completed transcripts when available. Also, you will need to provide our office a copy of your licensure when you receive it. The Praxis scores and the Letter of Completion will serve as the required verification of eligibility to be placed on the sub list.
Section 1: Requirements 1.1 Licensure ***Very Important*** 3.) Permanent Teaching Certificate Holders If your permanent certificate has been deemed inactive by ODE, you will need to make sure that you have both current (done within the last 12 months) BCI and FBI background checks on file with the Ohio Department of Education in order to reactive it. (Please see Section 1.2 regarding background check information.) A copy of your permanent certificate and copies of the updated background checks (if applicable) must be submitted along with the other substitute teaching requirements.
Section 1: Requirements 1.1 Licensure ***Very Important*** 4.) Please note that not all districts/Educational Service Centers will accept the Praxis scores and/or the Letter of Completion in lieu of an Ohio teaching license. These items are only valid for subbing with the Summit County districts that receive subs from our office.
Section 1: Requirements 1.1 Licensure If you have an expired Ohio teaching license that you would like to renew, you will need to either contact ODE’s Office of Educator Licensure at: Office of Educator LicensureEducator.Licensure@ode.state.oh.us(614) 466-35931(877) 644-6338 (toll free) Or you may contact our office and speak with: Kay Kreitz kayk@cybersummit.org 330-945-5600 ext.511223 8:00am – 3:30pm M-F
Section 1: Requirements 1.2 Background Checks As of November 14, 2007, the Ohio Department of Education requires that whenever any license is initially applied for or renewed, current (within 365 days) electronic BCII (Ohio) and FBI background checks must be on file with the Office of Teacher Licensure. This also applies to anyone new to substitute teaching. Even if you do not need to apply for a substitute license, as a new substitute, you will have to make sure you have current, electronic BCII and FBI background check results on file with ODE. Hardcopies of both background checks should be submitted to the ESC with the other documents required for subbing.
Section 1: Requirements 1.2 Background Checks Electronic fingerprinting for both the BCII (Ohio) and FBI background checks can be done through our office by appointment only. E-mail for an appointment: subf@cybersummit.org (link to e-mail) Call for an appointment: 330-945-5600 and speak to the receptionist. Appointment Hours: Monday through Friday 8:30 am to 3:45 pm Costs: BCII only: $26 FBI only: $35 Both: $61 Payable by exact cash or personal check to “SCESC” and must bring valid Driver’s License to appointment.
Section 1: Requirements 1.2 Background Checks If you had your current background checks done at another agency (not the Summit County ESC) and do not have a hardcopy for your records, then you will need to either request a copy from the agency that did the background checks or request a copy from where the results were sent to. The Summit County ESC cannot request copies of your background checks on your behalf.
Section 1: Requirements 1.2 Background Checks • Please note that if the agency processing your background check only requested a “Direct Copy” of the BCII and FBI results to go to the Ohio Department of Education and did not fill out a “Mail To” address and cannot produce a hardcopy for you, you will need to do the following: • Schedule a time with the Summit County ESC to have the FBI background check re-done. Unfortunately, there is no other way to request a hardcopy of the FBI than to have it re-done. You will only be charged $24 to have it redone, payable by cash or check to “SCESC”. • 2. A copy of the Ohio background check is available by filling out a “Request for BCII Background Check” form at your FBI appointment. The cost is $8.00, payable by cash or check to “SCESC”, and the form will be submitted to BCII.
Section 1: Requirements 1.2 Background Checks • This same process applies if the agency, other than Summit County ESC, processing your background check did not send electronic results to the Ohio Department of Education. • Schedule a time with our agency to have the FBI background check re-done. Unfortunately, there is no other way to request a copy of the FBI to go to the ODE than to have it re-done. You will only be charged $24 to have it redone, payable by cash or check to “SCESC”. • 2. Results from the Ohio background check can be forwarded to ODE by filling out a “Request for BCII Background Check” form at your FBI appointment. This form has an area to check mark so the results to go to ODE. The cost is $8.00, payable by cash or check to “SCESC” and the form will be submitted to BCII.
Section 1: Requirements 1.2 Background Checks ***Very Important*** If you are an education major with licensure attending an Ohio university and you are graduating soon or have graduated and you want to sub, please be sure that when you have your background checks done for your Provisional teaching license that you have the agency processing the checks send a “Direct Copy” to the Ohio Department of Education and mark the “Mail To” box to have the hard copies sent to our office at: Summit County ESC c/o Darci Bible 420 Washington Ave Cuyahoga Falls OH 44221 You will also follow this procedure if you are applying for a sub license and have the BCI and FBI done at an agency other than ours.
Section 1: Requirements 1.3 College Transcripts Final, original, student issued undergraduate transcripts are required from every individual who wants to be on the Summit County Certified Substitute List. The transcripts need to show the type of degree earned along with the date the degree was conferred. If you have a graduate degree(s), we would encourage you to include those transcripts as well. Also, if you are having your university send out transcripts, you may have them sent to your home address. For those of you that attended multiple universities, submit only the transcripts from the school that awarded your degree. No photocopied transcripts will be accepted if you are applying for or renewing a license.
Section 1: Requirements 1.3 College Transcripts ***Very Important Reminder*** May or December Graduates a.) For those of you who are May or December graduates and: (1.) are non-education majors; (2.) graduated from an out of state school; (3.) who did not pass Praxis I/II; or (4.) passed Praxis I/II but are waiting until later to apply for licensure, your final completed transcripts will typically not be available until 3-4 weeks after graduation. This means that you cannot apply for your sub license and turn in the requirements for substitute teaching until you receive your final transcripts. b.) Final, completed transcripts showing your degree and date graduated for May or December education graduates with licensure from an Ohio college/university may not be available until 3-4 weeks after you graduate. This will not affect your eligibility to substitute teach. Just provide our office with a copy of your final, completed transcripts whenever available.
Section 1: Requirements 1.4 Letters of Reference • Along with the other six requirements, two letters of reference, preferably character references, are required with your completed substitute packet. Any of the following formats will be acceptable: • Written letters of reference from current and/or past employers dated within the last 12 months. These may be sent via e-mail from the reference themselves to darcib@cybersummit.org or they may be sent via regular mail to SCESC, attn: Darci, 420 Washington Ave., Cuyahoga Falls, OH 44221. • Credential file from your university if you registered with their career services department. This is typically for those who have graduated within the past 12 months. • Final student teaching evaluations if you are a recently graduated education major (within the past 12 months). • Any organization that you may have done volunteer work for within the last 12 months. These may also be sent via e-mail from the organization to darcib@cybersummit.org.
Section 1: Requirements 1.5 General Substitute Application Along with the other six requirements you will need to complete a general application for our office. The general application can be downloaded **HERE**.
Section 1: Requirements - 1.5 General Substitute Application Substitute Application – Page 1 Here is where you indicate the districts you are interested in subbing for. Here is where you indicate the Summit County Preschool districts and position(s)you are interested in subbing for. This includes any pending licenses. Your preferences, not necessarily what you are licensed for.
Section 1: Requirements - 1.5 General Substitute Application Substitute Application – Page 2 If any of the information in the Education, Student Teaching or Teaching Experience sections is on your current resume, please put “See Resume” and make sure to include one with the requirements.
Section 1: Requirements - 1.5 General Substitute Application Substitute Application – Page 3 Please do not forget to sign the application.
Section 2: Districts Using the Summit County List
Section 2: Districts Using the Summit County List • In this section, we will review the following information and learn what processes you need to follow to become an active substitute: • 2.1 Districts that use the ESC substitute list and use the • AESOP system. • 2.2 Districts that do not use the ESC substitute list and • use the AESOP system or other methods of obtaining • subs. • 2.3 Summit County Preschool substitute list.
Section 2: Districts Using the Summit County List 2.1 Districts that use the ESC substitute list and use the AESOP system. • The following districts require substitute teachers to go through the ESC to complete the paperwork for substitute teaching: • Coventry* • Hudson* • Manchester • Mogadore • Nordonia Hills* • Those districts with an * use the AESOP automated substitute system. • Norton* • Revere* • Springfield • Twinsburg • Woodridge
Section 2: Districts Using the Summit County List 2.1 Districts that use the ESC substitute list and use the AESOP system. These ten districts require subs to complete the requirements outlined in this program before they are eligible to be contacted for subbing. Once your completed information, including your valid license and orientation certificate of completion, is received at our office, your name will then be distributed to any or all of these ten districts as indicated on your general application. It will then be up to the districts to contact you directly whenever they have a subbing opportunity available for you. If you are interested in any of the districts using the AESOP system, please follow the guidelines on the next slide.
Section 2: Districts Using the Summit County List 2.1 Districts that use the ESC substitute list and use the AESOP system. • Once you have provided the ESC with the necessary paperwork, the districts listed below who use the AESOP sub calling system need you to do the following if you would like to sub in their district: • Coventry: Contact Leanne Justice @ Coventry’s administrative offices – 330-644-8489. • Hudson: please go to this link and follow the instructions: http://www.hudson.edu/ and click on Jobs and select Substitute Teaching. • Nordonia Hills: Contact Paulette Brandt @ Nordonia’s administrative offices – 330-467-0580. • Norton: Contact Sandy Farrell @ Norton’s administrative offices – • 330-825-0863. • Revere: Contact Kathy Bearer @ Revere’s administrative offices - 330-523-3115 • It will be the district’s responsibility to provide you with your Username and Password information for logging into the AESOP system. All questions regarding the system should be directed to the district.
Section 2: Summit County Sub List Utilization 2.2 Districts that do not use the ESC sub list and use the AESOP system or other methods of obtaining subs • The following districts do not use the ESC sub list and require substitute teachers to contact them directly. You will have to be approved by each of these districts’ school boards prior to becoming an active sub. They will also provide you with Username and Password information where necessary. • Akron (Sub Finder system) • Barberton (AESOP) • Copley-Fairlawn (AESOP) • Cuyahoga Falls (AESOP) • Green (Goes through Renhill Staffing) • Stow (AESOP) • Tallmadge (AESOP) • You can access each district’s site through the ESC website by clicking <<HERE>>.
Section 2: Summit County Sub List Utilization 2.3 Summit County Preschool Program • The Summit County Preschool program is offered to children at economic disadvantage or educational risk, children typically developing, and children with disabilities. Preschool classrooms provide integrated settings where functional, developmentally appropriate activities are developed to facilitate growth in each child. Thirty-eight professionals serve 225 families in seven school districts, including speech-language pathologists and a full range of instructional and support services. Locations are in the following districts: • Cuyahoga Falls • Manchester • Nordonia Hills • Revere • Tallmadge • Springfield • Woodridge
Section 2: Summit County Sub List Utilization 2.3 Summit County Preschool Program By completing the process for becoming a sub for the ten districts that utilize our sub list, you are eligible to become a sub for the Summit County Preschool. To be included on the list of substitute teachers for the Summit County Preschool, indicate on the first page of our General Substitute Application, which preschool position(s) you are willing to sub for and which preschool district(s) you would like to sub in. Substitute Application– page 1 Indicate your preferences for preschool here. Please note that Teachers require licensure. Attendants and Assistants are non-licensed positions. You are eligible to substitute for both types in our Preschool program. Please note that the Summit County Preschool program is operated through the ESC and not the specific district. Even though Cuyahoga Falls and Tallmadge are listed as districts that you have to contact separately for substituting in their k-12 buildings, subbing for their Preschool programs must be done through our office and not the individual district.
Section 2: Summit County Sub List Utilization 2.3 Summit County Preschool Program If you indicate that you want to be a preschool sub and following completion of the general sub application and submission of all other requirements, your name be forwarded to the Preschool office. Your application will be presented for approval to the Board of Governors. Once approved, you will receive a one year (school year) contract through the mail that you will sign and return to our office. You will then be eligible to be called for subbing by our Preschool Coordinator. Typically, after you have subbed one time, you will be contacted by the Human Resources office and invited for a brief new employee orientation and payroll sign up meeting.
Section 3: District Overview
Section 3: District Overview In this section, we will go over general information about the districts that utilize the substitute list. The following topics will be covered: 3.1 District Locations 3.2 Pay Rate Information 3.3 Payroll Information 3.4 School Calendars Remember, the districts that do not use our substitute services will need to be contacted directly. You will need to do your “homework” on these districts to make sure you have all of their requirements in order.
Section 3: District Overview 3.1 District Locations Below is an interactive map indicating the location of each district that uses the ESC sub list. Click on the mascot and you will be redirected to the district’s website, where you can become more familiar with the districts, find start and end time for each building, get building addresses for directions, etc. You may also <<<click here>>> to download a comprehensive list of the schools, their addresses and phone numbers as well as the names of district administrators. <<<<INSERT MAP>>>>
Section 3: District Overview 3.1 District Locations • The two links below will take you to the Summit County Engineer’s website. The first link takes you to the page where you can order a free Summit County map. The map gives you an overall view of the county, showing all landmarks, including the schools. The second link takes you to an online, interactive map of Summit County. Both are excellent tools for finding your way around the county. • http://www.summitengineer.net/cgibin/displayContent.pl?type=section&id=212 • http://uber.summitengineer.net/map/countymap.cfm