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WHAT IS ANTHRAX? Anthrax is an infectious disease caused by bacillusanthracis bacterium. Anthrax can be contracted from three different things: contaminated food, the air, and the most common is cutaneous which enters through open skin.
THE ATTACKS In 2001 not to long after the 9/11 attacks in New York and Washington D.C their came a new set of attacks. Biological disease warfare. Someone began mailing letters with a highly purified and concentrated version of the anthrax disease to news/media figures in New York and New Jersey.
TIME LINE OF THE ATTACKS Sep.18 letter containing anthrax postmarked from Trenton NJ. to Tom Brokaw. A secretary in the NJ governors office receives a letter contained in a FedEx package stamped and addressed to Tom Brokaw. The letter was put in the mail and as of Oct. 16 it is unknown if said letter contained anthrax . Sep.25 Erin O’Conner 38 NBC Nightly news employee (an assistant to Tom Brokaw) opens a letter post marked from Trenton NJ. addressed to Tom Brokaw and containing a brown granular substance. The letter had no return address and was addressed in crudely written block letters. O’Connor is the mother of a toddler and wife of a NYPD officer.Sep 28 Sep. 28 The 7 month old son of a female producer for the ABC News show: World News Tonight with Peter Jennings is brought to ABC News headquarters to visit his mother for approx. one hour. He is brought to the company cafeteria, the World News Tonight room and a birthday party for an ABC News producer. O’Conner develops a low-grade fever and a rash on her collar bone. The toddler’s left arm swells from shoulder to finger tips and he develops a silver dollar sized ulcer weeping yellow liquid on the under side of his arm above the elbow. His mother suspects an infected spider bite. Oct.1 the child is admitted to New York University Medical Center. O’Conner begins receiving Cipro. A young female CBS news aid, who handles mail for Dan Rather in an office next to his, came into work with a bear claw size gash on her cheek, the aid is allergic to algae. Oct.1 The aid goes to the doctor after the gash begins bleeding short busts of blood every five min.
TIME LINE OF ATTACKS CONT. Oct.4 The CBS news aid’s doctor begins proscribing penicillin and the swelling slowly subsides. Oct.10 A skin biopsy is taken from O’Conner and sent to CDCP Oct.12 O’Conner is reported to have cutaneous anthrax. Another letter from St. Petersburg contained a white powder which tested negative for anthrax. The FBI is conducting a criminal investigation. Oct.14 A Police Officer and two lab Technicians who handled the letter were found to have been exposed to anthrax. The Officer and one of the Technicians, tested positive for anthrax in their nasal passages the other technician had anthrax on his face. None of the 3 were infected In the evening of Oct. 15 tests run by the CDC confirmed the baby (refer to Sep. 28) confirmed the 7 month old had anthrax. NYC city officials and David Weston the president of ABC news announce that the 7 month old baby son of an ABC World News Tonight producer had cutaneous anthrax. Oct. 16 it is reported that the anthrax bacteria sent to NBC is the same strain found in Boca Raton Florida. Also, reportedly the letters sent to Tom Brokaw and of NBC and the letter sent to Tom Daschle’s office in D.C had similar hand writing. Oct. 17 Anthrax is found in the NY office of governor George Pataki. It is found on a room used by his state police secretary, the room is not open to the public. Pataki closes his offices and begin taking Cipro. Many health experts and journalistic commentators call, “irresponsible overkill,”. Federal health officials state that the anthrax found at NBC is the same strain as American media anthrax On the morning of the 18th of Oct. Andrew Heyward CBS news president. Announces that one of their female mail handlers has contracted cutaneous anthrax. NJ acting Governor Donald DiFrancesco announces that a Hamilton Township postal worker tested positive for cutaneous anthrax.
IN CONCLUSION • Dr. Bruce Ivins had charges brought against him but committed suicide before the charges could be proven. The attacks resulted in 5 Americans dead and 17 sickened in the worst biological attack in all of U.S history.
CUTANEOUS ANTHRAX • Cutaneous anthrax is one of the 3 main types of anthrax. • It enters your body through open skin. • This is the most common type of anthrax.
BIBLIOGRAPHAY MY THANKS TO http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timeline_of_the_2001_anthrax_attacks_in_New_York_and_New_Jersey http://emergency.cdc.gov/agent/anthrax/ http://www.fbi.gov/anthrax/amerithraxlinks.htm