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Welcome. Australia: www.cfooncall.com.au Tel: 1300 36 24 36 New Zealand: www.cfooncall.co.nz Tel: 0800 180 400. Your Presenters Today. Michelle Frost Partner Technical Support Manager. Graham Sanders Partnership Partner.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Welcome Australia: www.cfooncall.com.au Tel: 1300 36 24 36 New Zealand: www.cfooncall.co.nz Tel: 0800 180 400

  2. Your Presenters Today Michelle Frost Partner Technical Support Manager Graham Sanders Partnership Partner Australia: www.cfooncall.com.au Tel: 1300 36 24 36 New Zealand: www.cfooncall.co.nz Tel: 0800 180 400

  3. What is Quick Collect On Call? • a debt collection service provided to clients and prospects that would like to outsource their account receivables ledger • the service is currently provided by CSO for a fixed monthly fee • the entire clients debtors ledger is managed through email templates and phone calls • The goal is to reduce debtors days and improve the clients cash flow • QCOC has a dedicated phone number • 02 4346 4017 and answering machine Australia: www.cfooncall.com.au Tel: 1300 36 24 36 New Zealand: www.cfooncall.co.nz Tel: 0800 180 400

  4. Quick Collect On Call Service & Pricing • There are 3 Monthly Pricing Levels • $195 for clients issuing up to 50 invoices per month • $295 for clients issuing up to 100 invoices per month • $595 for clients issuing up to 300 invoices per month • What is included in the monthly fee • Statements emailed at the beginning of the month • Reminder emails sent weekly for 3 weeks • Up to 10 top debtors called after emails sent • Reports emailed weekly • Debtor returned to client or sent to debt collector after 60 days Australia: www.cfooncall.com.au Tel: 1300 36 24 36 New Zealand: www.cfooncall.co.nz Tel: 0800 180 400

  5. How does Quick Collect On Call work? • If Client uses Xero then Debtor Daddy will be used to manage debtors • Cashflow builder is no longer available so system is manual at present with other software • 2 debt collection products in development – My Payment Portal and Pay & Go Australia: www.cfooncall.com.au Tel: 1300 36 24 36 New Zealand: www.cfooncall.co.nz Tel: 0800 180 400

  6. Ideal client • Has Xero accounting system • Comfortable to hand over entire Debtors ledger • Accounting system updated weekly • Dislike chasing debts as debtors are ‘friends’ • Debtors are rarely chased due to time constraints Australia: www.cfooncall.com.au Tel: 1300 36 24 36 New Zealand: www.cfooncall.co.nz Tel: 0800 180 400

  7. Benefits to CAD Partners • Partners receive 10% of monthly fee • Value Proposition is that the client will have extra dollars in their bank account • Provides a discussion point • Relieves client of an unwanted task so they can focus on more important areas with CAD Partner Australia: www.cfooncall.com.au Tel: 1300 36 24 36 New Zealand: www.cfooncall.co.nz Tel: 0800 180 400

  8. Current Client Process • Currently have 1 client with 2 separate businesses referred by Graham Sanders (commenced April 2013) • Client uses online accounting system Saasu and has given CSO a login • Client emails statements out from Saasu 1st week of the month • I confirm with client each week which debtors I am contacting incase they have spoken to the debtor • I chase one months invoices at a time. I send the 1st email out (with pdf copy of invoice) the second week of the month e.g. 2nd week of Oct I send 1st email to all debtors with outstanding September invoices Australia: www.cfooncall.com.au Tel: 1300 36 24 36 New Zealand: www.cfooncall.co.nz Tel: 0800 180 400

  9. Current Client Process con’t • I report to the client each week after I have sent email detailing action taken and replies received • Emails are sent from Outlook and reports created in Excel (as cash flow builder is no longer available) • Different emails sent each week for 3 weeks • Phone calls are then made to anyone with the chasing month of invoices still on debtors ledger • Phone calls made each week until paid or passed back to client to send final notice or pass onto debt collectors • Same process continues each month Australia: www.cfooncall.com.au Tel: 1300 36 24 36 New Zealand: www.cfooncall.co.nz Tel: 0800 180 400

  10. Results & Clients Comments • Level of Debt of Community Newspaper business fell by 43% by the end of the 2nd month using QCOC • This prompted Diana to also give the print business to QCOC to manage debtors • Client noticed increase in bank balance within first 1 to 2 weeks of QCOC chasing debts Australia: www.cfooncall.com.au Tel: 1300 36 24 36 New Zealand: www.cfooncall.co.nz Tel: 0800 180 400

  11. Results & Clients Comments • With the extra money in the bank a new printer has been purchased which will help bring more business in house which means a better margin on print jobs • Customers are now in the habit of paying monthly and some are offering to pay by credit card on receiving the invoice rather than waiting to receive reminders • Level of business has increased by 20% since Diana started using QCOC • Diana had a lady following up debtors however this was costing her more than QCOC and her random calling approach was ineffective • Some of the slow paying customers are now on payments plans which is working well Australia: www.cfooncall.com.au Tel: 1300 36 24 36 New Zealand: www.cfooncall.co.nz Tel: 0800 180 400

  12. Results & Clients Comments • Some of the clients customers originally confused the QCOC service (outsourcing of collections) with that of a debt collection agent • Initially a number of issues arose from emails sent and these had to be dealt with by Diana not QCOC. Diana dealt with every query very quickly, keeping QCOC in the loop for future reference. It is very important that contact between QCOC and the client is prompt & efficient to ensure that debtors have no reason not to pay • Many debtors simply didn’t have copies of invoices in the beginning or misplace them each month. This problem is reduced greatly by attaching a pdf copy of the invoice with every email sent Australia: www.cfooncall.com.au Tel: 1300 36 24 36 New Zealand: www.cfooncall.co.nz Tel: 0800 180 400

  13. Q & A Australia: www.cfooncall.com.au Tel: 1300 36 24 36 New Zealand: www.cfooncall.co.nz Tel: 0800 180 400

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