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C.A.R. 2012-2014 Strategic Planning

C.A.R. 2012-2014 Strategic Planning. Presented by Joel Singer September 2011. C.A.R. Scholarship Foundation. CREPAC. IMPAC. CREPAC Federal. Organizational Chart. PRIOR TO 1995. C.A.R. Scholarship Foundation. CREPAC. IMPAC. CREPAC Federal. CREIEC. REBS. Organizational Chart.

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C.A.R. 2012-2014 Strategic Planning

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  1. C.A.R. 2012-2014 Strategic Planning Presented by Joel Singer September 2011

  2. C.A.R. Scholarship Foundation CREPAC IMPAC CREPAC Federal Organizational Chart PRIOR TO 1995

  3. C.A.R. Scholarship Foundation CREPAC IMPAC CREPAC Federal CREIEC REBS Organizational Chart ESTABLISHED IN 1996

  4. C.A.R. Scholarship Foundation Education Foundation Housing Affordability Fund CREPAC IMPAC CREPAC Federal CREIEC REBS Current Organizational Chart calMLS (calREED) REBT, Inc 100% zipLogix, LLC 64.4% RERS, LLC 100%

  5. 2012 Budget Analysis • Revenue • Expenditures • Membership

  6. Budget Review Note: Forecast based on 2011 projection with inflation adjustment before budget review

  7. C.A.R. & SubsidiariesCombined Revenue $ Millions 49 40 37 36 14

  8. Revenue vs. Expenditures ( Excluding Subsidiaries) $ Millions

  9. 2011 Projected Expenditures

  10. 2012 C.A.R. Sources of Revenue

  11. 2012: Where Your Dues Dollar Is Invested

  12. 10 Largest Program Expenditures in 2012 & 2011

  13. Number of Budgeted Staff Positions Number of Staff

  14. Member-to-Staff Ratio

  15. Membership Comparison 6 years 9 years 3 years 7 years 7 years 9 Years Cycle 1: 1980 148,346 (peak) to 1983 102,655 (trough). -30.8% Cycle 2: 1990 146,025 (peak) to 1997 90,500 (trough). -38.0% Cycle 3: 2006 211,254 (peak) to

  16. Membership Dues Per Member Membership dues was reduced in 1995 from $77 to $64. IAF $10 was implemented in the same year.

  17. Dues Revenue as Share of C.A.R. & Subsidiaries Total Revenue Revenue Percentage

  18. Member Benefit Provided in Terms of $ Amount • 2012 Program Cost $24,512,000 • Dollars spend per member in 2012 is $159 • Compared to the $115 membership dues paid to support 2012 Programs.

  19. REALTOR® Advertising • Media: • Radio • Television • Online Advertising • Video • Social Media • Core Program Cost $2,026,700

  20. California Real Estate MagazineRevenue $ Thousand

  21. Online AdvertisingRevenue $ Thousand

  22. New Member Services Added Last 10 years • Consumer Advertising Campaign • calMLS • REALTOR® Showcase • Customer Contact Center • Field Program • Housing Affordability • ePubs • Legal Hotline Expansion • Strategic Defense • Communication Video Content • ZipForms® • Digital Ink • ZipVault • Forms Advisor/Tutor • Statewide Ombudsman • Young Professionals Network • AORN Touch • Member Mobilization Smart Phone Application • C.A.R. Online Redesign

  23. Liquid Reserves

  24. 2011 Projection for Profit Entities REBS. Revenue $3.9million Net Surplus $244,300 zipLogix (64.4%) Revenue: $6.1 million Net Surplus $1.4 million REBT, Inc. Revenue $344,000 Net Surplus $297,000 Before Transfer RERS, LLC Revenue $37,000 Net Loss ($32,100) Before Transfer

  25. REBS & Subsidiaries Combined Revenue $ Millions

  26. REBS & Subsidiaries Combined Net Income $ Thousands 1996 2000 2011 P 2010

  27. REBS Transfer to C.A.R.($ Millions)

  28. REBS Inc. and SubsidiariesProjected Cash Balance – December 31, 2011 Million

  29. Political Action Committees CREPAC CREPAC Federal IMPAC CREIEC

  30. Membership Dues and Assessments Membership Dues $184 Support Programs $69 (37.5%) $115 (62.5%) Support Political Activities

  31. Political Assessment included in Membership Dues • In 1995 Issues Action Fund (IAF) $10 • In 2000 Political Action Fund ( PAF) $10 • In 2011 REALTOR® Action Assessment (RAA) $49 • 2012 Proposed REALTOR® Action Assessment $39

  32. Current Dues, Assessments and Voluntary Contribution Voluntary Contribution Voluntary Contribution C.A.R. Membership Dues C.A.R. Member Dues $184 REALTOR® Action Fund (RAF) contribution Amount $50 to $5,000 Housing Affordability Fund (HAF) Voluntary Amount up to $10 C.A.R. Dues $115 PAF Political Activities Fund $10 IAF Issues Action Fund $10 RAA $49 Allocation RAF contribution $50 to $98 Voluntary Allocation RAF contribution $99 to $5,000 To CREPAC Federal All Admin Costs For IMPAC/CREPAC & LCRC IMPAC- Local Matching 10% ofRAF Voluntary Contribution IMPAC- State Matching 5% of RAF Voluntary Contribution Balance- PAF Funds support CREPAC 45% LCRC 30% CREIEC 25% Remaining Balance CREPAC 45% $50 to $98 LCRC 30% $50tof $98 CREIEC 25% $50 to $98 Allocate 70% to State IMPAC Allocate 30% to Local IMPAC RAF contribution with the corporate check $99 to $5,000 allocated to CREIEC Program funded by RAA

  33. 2011 REALTOR® ACTION Assessment Allocation Projected as of December 31, 2011 RAA ($49) $7,530,000 CREPAC State $3,098,250 CREIEC $1,721,250 Program Costs $645,000 LCRC $1,136,025 IMPAC Local $929,475 *70% of RAA after program costs *30% of RAA after program costs Federal Govt. Relations Officer’s Lobbying Trip $25,100 Political Affairs Fundraising $317,900 Member Mob. Phone App. $60,000 PAF Field Program (KC, LL) $222,000 Communications Membership Value Campaign Material $20,000

  34. 2012 REALTOR® ACTION Assessment Allocation Based on 2012 Proposed Budget RAA ($39) $5,698,000 CREPAC State $1,940,979 CREIEC $1,078,322 Program Costs $1,384,713 LCRC $711,692 IMPAC Local $582,294 *70% of RAA after program costs *30% of RAA after program costs Fed Gov’t Relations (Officer’s Lobbying Trip) $25,100 Campaign School $50,000 RAF Fundraising/RPC $663,500 PAF Field Program $4,313 RAF Receptions $175,000 CREPAC Local Candidate Field Program $372,100 C.A.R. Electoral Services $39,700 Member Mob Phone App $35,000 Communications Membership Value Campaign materials $20,000

  35. 2012 REALTOR® ACTION Assessment Allocation Based on Task Force Recommendations RAA ($39) $5,698,000 CREPAC State $1,185,619 CREIEC $658,677 Program Costs $3,063,291 LCRC $434,727 IMPAC Local $355,686 *70% of RAA after program costs *30% of RAA after program costs Campaign School $50,000 RAF Fundraising $743,500 Gov’t Relations $905,850 Fed Gov’t Relations $211,400 CREPAC $252,700 IMPAC $133,800 PAF Field Program $124,241 RAF Receptions $175,000 C.A.R. Electoral Services $39,700 Member Mob Phone App $35,000 Communications Membership Value Campaign materials $20,000 CREPAC Local Candidate Field Program $372,100

  36. REALTOR® Action Assessment

  37. Global Expenditure Plan 2011-2012

  38. State PAC’s Expenditures In A Two Year Cycle

  39. Top 10 PAC Contributors 2007-2008 Election Cycle

  40. Political Fundraising

  41. Political Fundraising $ Millions 11.5 9.3 8.5 7.8 6.5 6.8 6.0 6.1 5.1 4.9

  42. Political Action Committee- Fund Balance As of July 31, 2011 Millions

  43. FoundationsAs of July 31, 2011 FOUNDATIONS $3.9 million Scholarship Endowment $1.2 million Housing Affordability Funds Funds Available $2.7 million Education Endowment $89,500

  44. Housing Affordability FundSince Inception, as of July 31, 2011 $ Millions

  45. Housing Affordability Fund $ Millions 500 500 500 500 420 317 286 208 240 300 500 178 189 117 415 305 265 280 209 194 216 189 156

  46. SPF recommendations on the 2012 C.A.R. Budget and Augmentations tobe presented by Don Faught, Treasurer

  47. Questions?

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