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ISOL@MYRRHA. An Isotope Separator On-Line facility coupled to the MYRRHA high-intensity proton accelerator. Dieter Pauwels. K.U. Leuven Instituut voor Kern- en Stralingsfysica. D. Pauwels ISOLDE seminar November 11, 2010 CERN. Outline. The MYRRHA project in Mol, Belgium
ISOL@MYRRHA An Isotope Separator On-Line facility coupled to the MYRRHA high-intensity proton accelerator Dieter Pauwels K.U. Leuven Instituut voor Kern- en Stralingsfysica D. PauwelsISOLDE seminarNovember 11, 2010 CERN
Outline • The MYRRHA project in Mol, Belgium • ISOL@MYRRHA: an ISOL facility coupled to the MYRRHA proton driver • ISOL@MYRRHA: examples of unique research opportunities • Conclusions D. Pauwels ISOLDE seminar November 11, 2010 CERN
The MYRRHA concept (SCK•CEN, Mol, Belgium) Sub-critical reactor Accelerator (600 MeV proton, 4 mA) ADS “Accelerator Driven System” Spallation source ( proton neutron ) • Cost: 960 M€ (40% contribution from Belgium) • Timeline: • 2010 – 2015: detailed engineering, tenders, testing, licensing • 2015 – 2022: construction, assembling, commissioning • 2022 – 2024: progressive MYRRHA start-up to full-power operation Neutron multiplier Flexible irradiation facility Fast neutron source Waste transmutation Material testing others: RI, NTD-Si,... Lead-Bismuth coolant D. Pauwels ISOLDE seminar November 11, 2010 CERN
100-200 mA, ~DC Ruggedized target: SiC/C, TiC/C, ZrC/C, La, Ta, UC/C ISOL@MYRRHA Sustainable 1+ ion source: Surface Ion., ECR, RILIS • Unique opportunities for: • Fundamental interactions • Solid-state physics • Nuclear physics • Atomic physics • Radio-pharmaceuticals RFQ cooler and buncher High-resolution mass separator Low-resolution mass separator An ISOL facility coupled to MYRRHA: ISOL@MYRRHA Proton duty cycle • I=4 mA (DC), E=600 MeV (upgradeable to 1 GeV) • <5 trips (>1s) per 3 months (=extremely high reliability) • Short beam-off time periods (100 ms) for diagnostics purposes I 2-4 ms 100 ms 100 ms I0 Ion Source 0 Magnetic kicker Spoke cavities 350 MHz Elliptical cavities: 700 MHz, 3 sections t RFQ DTL 1 GeV 3.8-3.9 mA, ~DC 4 mA, DC MYRRHA H+ ~100 ~200 ~500 600 ~0.1 3-5 ~20 E (MeV) Super-conducting section D. Pauwels ISOLDE seminar November 11, 2010 CERN
Element and isomer selectivity ISOL@MYRRHA: technical options • “Green field” facility at a nuclear site (SCK•CEN): • optimal lay-out of the facility: pre-separator – RF-cooler – post-separator (mass resolution: M/DM > 10000) • multiple ion beams simultaneously : limited mass range for same element • specific experimental hall requirements (e.g. neutron detection hall, vibration free laboratory, low-background room) • Ruggedized target materials • Ruggedized: Carbide (e.g., SiC/C, UC/C, …) or metal (e.g., Nb, Ta, …) targets • Including UC/C: workhorse targets at present • Ruggedized target-ion source systems delivering~50-keV RIB: • ECR 1+: gaseous elements (noble gases, C, N, O,..)) • Surface ion source (hot cavity): alkaline and earth alkaline elements • Laser ion sources D. Pauwels ISOLDE seminar November 11, 2010 CERN
RILIS ionization schemes Currently available elements Elements for which ionization schemes have been tested to some extent but not yet applied Elements for which ionization is feasible at RILIS but has not been tested http://isolde.web.cern.ch/ISOLDE/ D. Pauwels ISOLDE seminar November 11, 2010 CERN
ISOL@MYRRHA: production yields D. Pauwels ISOLDE seminar November 11, 2010 CERN
Strong energy dependency Strong energy dependency ~Energy independent ISOLDE-PSB EURISOL ISOLDE-SC and ISOL@MYRRHA ISOL@MYRRHA: production yields p + 238U D. Pauwels ISOLDE seminar November 11, 2010 CERN
Prospects of ISOL@MYRRHA • Based on proven technology (largely on ISOLDE and TRIUMF experience) • Can deliver: • pure RIB: selective ionization, chemistry, M/DM > 10.000 • intense RIB x100 compared to the present ISOLDE (‘standard’ RIB) • RIB of good ion optical quality • optimal experimental conditions/lay-out/support • very long beam times • Long beam times (e.g. several weeks) for experiments that: • need very high statistics • involve many time consuming systematic measurements • hunt for very rare events • have an inherent limited detection efficiency • Research in the field of fundamental interaction studies, nuclear physics, atomic physics, condensed matter research, life science,… • Long term options: • 1-GeV proton beam (spallation and target fragmentation region) • post-acceleration of the RIB to 10 MeV/u D. Pauwels ISOLDE seminar November 11, 2010 CERN
Complementary to other ISOL and In-Flight facilities HIE-ISOLDE, GANIL, TRIUMF, ORNL, EURISOL, GSI, RIKEN, MSU,… ISOL@MYRRHA Rare decays, high precision:cluster decay, SHE Nuclear Physics Decay: 1% Reactions: 10% Astro-physics Radiative capture reactions (low cross section) Reactions: 10%, 100 mb Bohr-Weisskopf, isotope dependence (84<Z<92) Atomic Physics Masses m, Q, <r2> Fundamental Interactions Correlation measurements, EDM Prototype Pilot studies Prototypes Condensed Matter Systematic sample measurements Radiopharmacy (prototype) Production Other Applications Radiotherapy (prototype) Exploitation SHE chemistry Time scale Day Week Month Year D. Pauwels ISOLDE seminar November 11, 2010 CERN
Fundamental interactions Possible subjects: Nuclei of interest: 1. Ft0+ 0+ - Conserved vector current hypothesis - Unitarity of CKM quark mixing matrix - Right-handed currents - Scalar currents 2. Correlation measurements - Scalar currents - Tensor currents - Parity violation - Time reversal invariance 3. Superallowed beta transitions of the T=1/2 mirror nuclei - Unitarity of CKM quark mixing matrix - Right-handed currents - Time reversal invariance - Scalar currents - Tensor currents 4. Symmetry tests in neutral atoms - Parity violation - Time reversal invariance 1. Nuclei at or close to the N = Z line - Nuclei with 0+ 0+ transitions - T = 1/2 mirror nuclei (e.g. 21Na21Ne) 2. Nuclei with fast (small logft) and pure G-T transitions 3. Neutral atoms with high atomic number Z - Atomic states with opposite parity close in energy - Strong nuclear octupole deformation - Simple atomic structure (e.g., alkali elements) Type of experiments: • High-precision experiments with long beam times • Data taking (statistics) • Instrument calibration (systematic errors) D. Pauwels ISOLDE seminar November 11, 2010 CERN
2. 3. 4. Via inclusion of Fierz interference term: (90% CL) 0+→0+ Fermi transitions J.C. Hardy and I.S. Towner, Phys. Rev. C 79 (2009) 055502 1. CVC OK up to 4 * 10-4 level • CVC hypothesis • Unitarity CKM matrix • Right-handed currents • Scalar currents D. Pauwels ISOLDE seminar November 11, 2010 CERN
0+→0+ Fermi transitions: Error budget • Overall precision: 4 * 10-4 • Required precision of single measurements: < 10-3 • T1/2 and BR : < 10-3 • Theoretical corrections dC, dR~ 1% : < 10% Error budget and opportunities for ISOL@MYRRHA Options: - improve quantities indicated by green & blue arrows (alkalis and noble gases only) - if CVC accepted Ft-measurements test dc - dNSfrom theoretical models - go for factor ~10 higher precision in Ft than available now for the 4 isotopes indicated - investigate other candidates using a laser-ion source D. Pauwels ISOLDE seminar November 11, 2010 CERN
Traps • Search for exotic currents: pure Fermi (S current) or GT (T current) decay • aF, aGT (nucleus recoil: trap, g-ray Doppler shift with crystal spectrometer) ; AGT (dominated by syst. errors) • Symmetry tests: Parity violation and time reversal invariance • AGT, BGT (parity) ; D(V and A), R(S and T) (time reversal, only n, 8Li and 19Ne measured) Solution Correlation measurements D. Pauwels ISOLDE seminar November 11, 2010 CERN
2. More sensitive than 0+→ 0+ decays. For 35Ar, e.g.: measuring A at 0.5% (now at 5%), gives Vud at 7 * 10-4. 3. Scalar and tensor currents a(r), A(r), B(r) 4. Parity violation A(r), B(r) 5. Time reversal invariance R(r) Super-allowed decays of T=1/2 mirror transitions O. Naviliat-Cuncic and N. Severijns, PRL 102 (2009) 142302 ; N. Severijns et al., PRC 78 (2008) 055501 defined from a(r), A(r), or B(r) A. 29P 1. CVC OK up to 3.6 * 10-3 level 21Na 19Ne 35Ar 37K B. r: from measured Ft and using Ft0+→0+ D. Pauwels Scientific Meeting January 6, 2010 Leuven
Nuclear Structure b-decay spectroscopy: Interest in small b-decay branches: b Z,N n • Decay rate l ~ f x |M|2 • branching ratio = l/ltot • Beta-decay f-factor ~ (Q-E)5 • transitions with large strength to high E • Allowed / first forbidden / … Qb Sn Z+1,N-2 Z+1,N-1 High-precision measurements and/or experiments with inherent limited detection efficiency: • Example: g-ray crystal spectrometer with a bent-crystal geometry (cf. GAMS5): <10-5 • Required equipment: • Implant in catcher foil / detector – trap • Detectors for b, g, charged particles, n D. Pauwels ISOLDE seminar November 11, 2010 CERN
Possible subjects for nuclear structure 1. (Multi-)particle emission • β n/p emission: study of p/ competition • β 2p: only data for 31Ar • β 2n: very limited information 11Li, 19C, 30-34Na, 52K • βd/t emission:6He (,d); 8He (,t) • New branches • 8He (,d); 11Li (,pn) • βt 29,30,32Ne, 32,33,34Na; βd 32Ne, 34Na 2. Decay of ‘Halo’ nuclei • Decay into continuum • Clustering 3. Other cluster studies • 12C – 3 α’s:decay of 12N/B • 13N/C – add nucleon: decay of 13O/B • 16O – 4 α’s / 12C+α:decay of 16N D. Pauwels ISOLDE seminar November 11, 2010 CERN
Solid-state physics (8Li b-NMR) • produce polarized 8Li • circularly polarized laser light • asymmetry in -decay of 8Li • Implant 8Li in surface • destroy asymmetry by sending in NMR signal • Frequency and line shape tells about interaction between solid and 8Li 8Li b-NMR at TRIUMF What happens near an interface? • We go from 3D to 2D system • Changes in magnetic, electronic and structural properties with superior depth sensitivity. Questions: How/why do the properties change?On what scale ? Motivation: Better understanding of both bulk and interface Application in devices. D. Pauwels ISOLDE seminar November 11, 2010 CERN
Solid-state physics (Emission Channeling) Elements for which channeling experiments have been reported Direct information on the lattice site of impurity atoms with high sensitivity and precision: Understand the effect of impurity atoms and the influence of lattice defects Understand electrical, magnetic, and optical properties Important criteria: Decay T1/2 (< ~ months), energy of emitted particle, superposition decay chains, radiation protection issues, RIB yield. Higher yield: more suitable isotopes and several new probe elements become available Long and frequent beam access: more detailed systematic studies become possible D. Pauwels ISOLDE seminar November 11, 2010 CERN
Atomic-physics techniques Observables: Nuclear ground-state properties: Mass, Isotope shift, Magnetic-dipole interaction parameter (A), Electric-quadrupole interaction parameter (B), Hyperfine anomaly Nuclear binding energy, Mean-square charge radius, Magnetic-dipole moment (A), Electric-quadrupole moment (B), Mean-square neutron radius Model-independent information • Interest in laser- and radiofrequency-spectroscopy with: • High sensitivity (study of weakly-produced beams) • Resonance-ionization spectroscopy • experiments with MOTs • Laser-Ion Source Trap (LIST) for ultra-high selectivity • High precision (observing weak effects) • Collinear spectroscopy • experiments with MOTs • experiments with EBIT (highly-charged ions) and Penning traps D. Pauwels ISOLDE seminar November 11, 2010 CERN
Ultra-selective ion source Hyperfine anomaly Except for a few cases, there are no systematic measurements Polarized beams LIST K. Blaum et al., NIM B 204 (2003) 331 For fundamental-interaction studies, solid-state physics (see above), and biophysics (e.g., b-NMR of Cu atoms in proteins). Opportunities with laser spectroscopy 6He in MOT(L.-B. Wang et al., PRL 93 (2004) 142501) Collinear spectroscopy of Be (W. Nörtershäuser et al., PRL 102 (2009) 062503) Charge radii of light nuclei Single-atom sensitivity D. Pauwels ISOLDE seminar November 11, 2010 CERN
Burkitt-lymphoma cancer study on mice: (G.J. Beyer et al., Eur. J. Nucl. Med. Mol. Imaging 31 (2004) 547) Tumor-seeking tracer: Rituximab Radio-isotope: 149Tb 5MBq 149Tb-MoAb, 5mg MoAb Beginning of: • Systematic radio-nuclide therapy 300mg MoAb Tumor-seeking tracer labeled with a emitter Range of a emitters: 30-80 mm (cell surgery) Important criteria: 5mg MoAb • Half-life • Radio-toxicity of daughter isotopes • Bio-kinetics (in-vivo stability of tumor-seeking tracer) • Affordable production price • Reliable supply No therapy 70-kg patient sample (5 GBq): 0.6-GeV p + Ta: ~1.5h/sample (~6000 per year) 1-GeV p + Ta: ~0.6h/sample (~15000 per year) Radio-pharmaceuticals Conventional cancer treatments: • Surgery • Radiation therapy • Combination of radiation and surgery • Chemotherapy 149Tbproduced at ISOL facility D. Pauwels ISOLDE seminar November 11, 2010 CERN
Timeline ISOL@MYRRHA 2020-2022: MYRRHA ADS commissioning phase → 1st beam on ISOL@MYRRHA possible 2013: finish concept design of ISOL system and target stations 2015: finish the engineering design 2016: awarding construction contracts 2017-2018: construction 2019: assembly and installation of ISOL and target system 2020: 1st beam on ISOL@MYRRHA D. Pauwels ISOLDE seminar November 11, 2010 CERN
More information iks32.fys.kuleuven.be/wiki/brix/index.php/Main_Page D. Pauwels ISOLDE seminar November 11, 2010 CERN
1 month 1 3 Maintenance On-line 3 months 3 3 MYRRHA cycle: Conclusions ISOL@MYRRHA provides intense and pure Radioactive Ion Beams (RIB) for experiments needing long beam times and/or frequent beam access. ISOL@MYRRHA is complementary to other existing and future RIB facilities in various research fields. A preliminary report addressing the technical and scientific aspects of ISOL@MYRRHA is being distributed amongst the NuPECC working groups and is available on-line. Further applications for the full 4-mA beam? Initial funding of the MYRRHA project granted (up to the end of 2014), BUT excluding ISOL@MYRRHA… D. Pauwels ISOLDE seminar November 11, 2010 CERN
Solid-state physics (8Li b-NMR) Understanding physics of nanostructured materials: Microscopic information about local electric and magnetic fields Experimental methods for studying magnetic depth profile: D. Pauwels Scientific Meeting January 6, 2010 Leuven