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My Country. Traces of history of our region. KOZIENICE
My Country Traces of history of our region
KOZIENICE First mention about Kozienicach it comes from from 1206r. Norbertanek's monastery when along with were broadcast with neighbouring villages in Płocku. Landed property these were however distant considerably from Płocka, so Kozienice in road exchanges stood oneself royal property and they stayed her until to partitions. In 1326 year village Kozienice she was transferred on right magdeburskie by WładysławaŁokietka . The locality laid on the verge the PuszczyKozienickiej she near track from Wilna to Krakowa became jednym of stamping grounds of the king's huntingsWładysławaJagiełły , which he spended here 10 times.
monument towards worship Jan paweł II in kozienice Blessed pope monument be consecrated JanPaweł II. Was consecratedin 2nd April 2007 by bishop Zygmunta Zimowskiego.
Jewishcemetery The Jewish cemetery in Kozienicach he was established in 1627 r. W time II world war of Mauzoleum, similarly how different tombstones, Niemcy destroyed. The ochel in 1984 year of terns of cemetery was enclosed as well as rebuild existing formerly.
The cemetery of family Dehnów After fall of rise of November good the kozienickie received the Russian general IwanDehn. The small situated on terrain of park cmetery with this period comes from . The remnants of members of family general rest on him Dehna.
Hamernia Wooden hamernia in Kozienicach then seat working in years 1784 – 1788 arms institutions, elaborative fire-arm . She was this the largest this the type the factory on terrain of Rzeczypospolitej. Metallurgic stove remained from blast furnace and hammer inside wooden building driven water-wheel.
KOZIENICKI LANSCAPE PARK Kozienicki lanscape park was created in 1983 year for behaviour of local scenery - geographical as well as considerable the areas of natural forests of PuszczyKozienickiej from rich vegetation herbaceous and interesting it form the terrain.
Pałacowo Parkowy team Team palatially - park in Kozienicach. Itit was built was insummers 1778-91 according to. Franciszka'sPlacidiegoproject for king Augusta's Stanisława Poniatowskiego - rebuiltinsummers 1839-65 for general Iwana Dehna .
Commemorativecolumn It is the oldest secular Polish monument raised (surely 1527-35) for commemoration of births in KozienicachZygmunta's king I Starego.
It covered bath "Delfin" is only equipped object so kompleksowo in Kozienicach. The garden Jordanowski - the fire of extraschool work.
Community centre The community centre them. BogusławaKlimczuka.The concerts, meeting of youth as well as different kind be hold here artistic workshops.
Thehornbeamsover Pilicą itisthe old settlementmakingupthecentre of colonizationthisthe part Zapiliczainearly Middle Ages. She was the most probablytheforestsettlement and connectedwithforestry and agriculturethistradition of occupationsshe be keptafterpresentday. In 1569 year be exchanged as Grabów. Thetoponym be led out fromhornbeam. GrabównadPilicą
Former border watch tower, at present office populaces in Grabowienad Pilicą. Department populaces
Monument Maria komornicka It in day 8 March 2009 r. before Urzędem of Gminy in Grabowie, in 60 anniversary of Marii's death Komornickiej it was uncovered was Jej monument, designed and executed by TomaszaGórnickiego in studio the Profesora of Janusza of Pastwy at ASP in Warszawie. Monument hefrombronze was cast by Piotra Piszczkiewiczain Podłężu near Krakowem. Council powers supported the work of building of monument: Mazowieckiego province, PowiatuKozienickiego, Grabów'sGminy over Pilicą, and also individual donors.
Monument Cichociemnych He the monument cameintobeingwithinitiative of Światowego theŻołnierzy's Związku Krajowej Armii, near share of Urzędu theGrabów's Gminy over Pilicą. Solemnexposures was executed 23 April 2006r. Itisnext symbol, remindfulfamousformation Cichociemnych.
Stone in place of Nazi execution Exceptionally evocative standing before stone it is the money transfer of board memoratywnej elucidative the event. Hitlerites murdered us. There now we do not it sleep. Eyes of this stone on Was alive we look
Erygowana parish became about year 1382 by poznańskiego bishop Andrzeja from Bnina. She belonged to poznańskiej diocese initially. First wooden church came into being along with the erection of parish. He next be put in XVI in. and Ignacego's, foundation. Next aspen temple was burnt by Szwedów in year 1656. Walewskiego it was built in 1776 r. She to burn in 1906 r. Then also, to time the building of new church, one put the temporary chapel from bought from presbytery material former the chruch in Stromcu and it was placed in her the former great altar from paintings. Present church according to project arch. Thomas Pajzderskiego built 1907 was in summers-1912, endeavour of Józefa's priests Janiszewskiego, StanisławaChatłasa, StanisławaTomaszewskiego and MarcinaZarębowicza, thanks to effort the parishioners and financial assistance the hr. John Zamoyskiego. Church was consecrated in raw state 2 September 1913 by Feliksa'sks. Kuropatwińskiego, dean from Kozienic. The consecration of church and great altar the pw. Trio Przenaj holier he executed 21 August 1922 bpPawełKubicki. Church became destroyed during II world war completely. Church was rebuilt again in neoromańskim style in summers 1950-1953, endeavourks. CzesławaRejdaka, according to project arch. JanuszKalbarczyka. The devotion of temple in raw state happened 29 September 1953 r., and consecration 24 May 1964 r. The parish of ŚwiętejTrójcy in Grabowie over Pilicą
Military cemetery I World Warin Grabow nadPilica Of 700 soldiers of all armies fighting on eastern front ok. rests here. It obelisk was placed was from commemoratory occupants plate Grabowa killed in war Polsko here also - Bolshevik. Obelisk was placed on mound.
The team of Szkół in Grabowie over Pilicą By many summers occupants Grabowa and neighbouring village they demanded about construction on terrain the populaces of new school.Their requests and hints did not it find among powers support long with reason of lack of financial means thereon the aim.Really 17 October 1967 year on general meeting of occupants of nearby villages the relating the performance in money on building of school was adopted the a resolution. It was assented on location and building of school also in Grabowie over Pilicą.
City in Mazovianwoj., in you will say grójeckim, seat populaces miejsko - country Warka. She be laid over Pilicą. In years 1975-1998 city belonged to radomskiegowoj. administratively.Warka received right municipal between 1284 and 1321, because in 1321 KsiążęTrojden I, fact confirmed already it existence city Warka. The city developed as centre of production of beer as well as thanks to trade mainly. Warka
Museumthem. Kazimierz Pułaskiego in Warka Museumthem. Kazimierz Pułaskiego thismuseum historyczno - biographicconsecratedthehero of Polski and United States Kazimierzowi Pułaskiemu, and thealsoPolishemigration, fromspecialregardthe United State of North America.
Monument PolishAviators To commemorate battle aerial rolled down by Polish aviators from German Luftwaffe 23.08.1944 r.
Manor-house on Długiej It the manor-house on Długiej is the centre of culture in Warce. Here numerous concerts, competitions be hold. Different type artistic occupations be led.
Place, where house stood Piotra Wysockiego Peter Wysocki he 27 October 1857 year came back with transportation. He settled in presented him by society of house tzw. "on wójtowstwie" in Warce near ul. Wójtowskiej 24 – at present monument. Historical work was lighted the way.
Railway tower in Warce served to it supply steam engines. Several years from some time become spoiled in backwards she served for place to drinking bout for local meneli yet. They stopped you her visiting when steps were have done away already to reservoir. Water tower, railway station in Warka
Weronika Cieślak preparedintroduction: