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Overview of Workshop. Refresher course for Academic Review ProcessTo provide some pointers in preparing your fileYour Academic Affairs Analysts are here to answer your questions and give you tips on file preparationPolicies do change and we want to make sure you have the latest information. ACADE

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    2. Overview of Workshop Refresher course for Academic Review Process To provide some pointers in preparing your file Your Academic Affairs Analysts are here to answer your questions and give you tips on file preparation Policies do change and we want to make sure you have the latest information

    3. ACADEMIC AFFAIRS OFFICE UCSD Medical Center Department of Medicine 8950 Villa La Jolla Drive, C106 La Jolla, CA  90237 Fax:  (858) 246-0958 Mail Code: 0912 http://med.ucsd.edu/academicaffairs.shtml

    4. ACADEMIC AFFAIRS STAFF David DeSpain - Academic Affairs Analyst GIM, Pulm, Neph, BMI (858) 822-1761 ddespain@ucsd.edu Nancy Phu-Lee - Academic Affairs Analyst Gastro, Physio. RAI, ID, Genetics (858) 246-0931 nphulee@ucsd.edu Julie Garrie - Academic Affairs Analyst Endo/Metab, Derm, Hosp Med, Geriatrics, GPH, BMT (858) 246-0932 jgarrie@ucsd.edu Christine Johnson - Academic Affairs Analyst Hem/Onc, Cardio, EMS (858) 246-0933 clj006@ucsd.edu Kelly Santos- - Academic Affairs Specialist Postdocs  (858) 246-0937 klsantos@ucsd.edu Tanya Tomlinson Academic Affairs Assistant Non-Salaried/Voluntary (858) 822-0776 tstomlinson@ucsd.edu Michele Fraser - Executive Advisor on Academic Affairs (858) 246-0935 mlfraser@ucsd.edu

    5. 2011 Academic Review Candidate Timetable

    6. 2011 Academic Review Candidate Timetable March Complete your documents and 2010 schedule a meeting with your Division Head or Faculty Sponsor to discuss your review as soon as possible April 15th DEADLINE for submission 2010 of candidate documents to your Division Head and/or Faculty Sponsor, and originals to your analyst for DOMCAP eligible files

    7. 2010 Academic Review Candidate Timetable April Division Heads meet with eligible 2010 faculty to vote on all actions, except normal merit advancements June – Aug DOMCAP meets – four meetings 2010 will be held during this time to review all actions except normal merit advancements Sept. – Oct. Department meetings – two faculty 2010 meetings will be held during this time to review and vote on all files reviewed by DOMCAP

    8. Below is a listing of UCSD websites in an effort to help familiarize and inform you on the Academic Personnel process POLICY AND PROCEDURE MANUAL DEPARTMENT ACADEMIC AFFAIRS WEBSITE: http://med.ucsd.edu/academicaffairs.shtml SOM DEAN’S OFFICE ACADEMIC AFFAIRS WEBSITE: http://som.ucsd.edu/index.php/academic/ UCSD ACADEMIC AFFAIRS WEBSITE: http://academicaffairs.ucsd.edu/offices/apo/

    9. Below is a listing of UCSD websites in an effort to help familiarize and inform you on the Academic Personnel process ACADEMIC SENATE COMMITTEE ON ACADEMIC PERSONNEL http://www-senate.ucsd.edu/committees/cap.htm INTERNATIONAL CENTER http://orpheus.ucsd.edu/icenter/scholars/visa_departments.html This page provides Visa information for Departments and International scholars. LEAVES OF ABSENCE ACADEMIC LEAVE POLICY (PPM 230-10) http://adminrecords.ucsd.edu/ppm/docs/230-10.HTML BENEFITS AND PRIVILEGES (APM 700 TO 760) http://www.ucop.edu/acadadv/acadpers/apm/sec5-pdf.html UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT – “AT YOUR SERVICE”SITE http://atyourservice.ucop.edu/employees/life_changes/leaves/index.html SABBATICAL LEAVES http://www.ucop.edu/acadadv/acadpers/apm/apm-740.pdf

    10. Normal Periods of Service Professorial Series (or equivalent titles) Assistant Professor I Two years at each step II III IV V & VI Cross-over merit Used in exceptional situations. May be used in lieu of service at Assoc. Prof., steps I & II

    11. Normal Periods of Service Professorial Series (or equivalent titles) Associate Professor I Two years at each step II III IV & V Cross-over merit Used in exceptional situations. May be used in lieu of service at Prof., steps I & II

    12. Normal Periods of Service Professorial Series (or equivalent titles) Professor I Three years at each step II III IV V Step V may be for indefinite duration VI Granted on evidence of continuing great distinction, recognized nationally or internationally in scholarship or teaching. Continuing excellence and high merit in original scholarship, teaching, and service VII Three years at each step VIII IX Four years at step Above Four years at each salary level. Same as Scale Professor VI with international recognition

    13. You will find the following policies and criteria at our website: http://med.ucsd.edu/academicaffairs.shtml ++ Policy on Appraisals ++ Policy on Advancement to: Professor, Step VI and above Professor Above Scale Policy on Accelerations Basic Appointment/Promotion Criteria for: FTE In Residence Clinical X Adjunct Clinical Research Scientist

    14. List of Academic Review Forms to Review: Teaching Quantification Form Biography Bibliography Candidate’s Self-assessment Referee List

    15. Teaching Quantification Form

    16. INSTRUCTIONS FOR TEACHING QUANTIFICATION FORM 1. Prepare an individual Teaching Quantification form for each academic year (i.e. 7/1/08-6/30/09). Do not combine academic years on one form. Important to put the correct dates on top of form, each form should go through June 30th of each year. 2. List exact course numbers AND course titles as listed in the course catalog. List Student/Trainees that you have mentored during that academic year.

    17. INSTRUCTIONS FOR TEACHING QUANTIFICATION FORM 3. List of Courses CORE Courses: Medicine 401 - Medicine Core Clerkship Primary Care 401 - Primary Care Core Clerkship SOM 410 - From Principles to Practice Neurology 401 - Neurology Core Clerkship Pediatrics 401 - Pediatrics Core Clerkship Psychiatry 401 - Psychiatry Core Clerkship Reproductive Medicine 401 - Obstetrics and Gynecology Core Clerkship Surgery 401 - Surgery Core Clerkship PRECLINICAL CORE Courses: SOM 201A/B - Introduction to Clinical Medicine SOM 202A - Social and Behavioral Sciences-Doctor/Patient Relationship SOM 202C - Social and Behavioral Sciences-Human Growth and Development SOM 202D - Social and Behavioral Sciences-Introduction to Health Care Systems SOM 202E - Social and Behavioral Sciences-Psychopathology SOM 204 - Cell Biology and Biochemistry SOM 205 - Basic Neurology SOM 206-206L - Organ Physiology SOM 207 - Human Anatomy SOM 208 - Human Disease SOM 209 - Endocrinology-Reproduction-Metabolism SOM 211 - Basic Cardiac Life Support SOM 213 - Histology SOM 214 - Hematology SOM 216 - Laboratory Medicine SOM 217A/B - Principles of Pharmacology SOM 218 - Epidemiology/Biostatistics

    18. INSTRUCTIONS FOR TEACHING QUANTIFICATION FORM A list of elective and subspecialty courses can be found here: http://meded.ucsd.edu/Catalog/overview/electives.html The form is an Excel program and the totals will be automatically calculated at the bottom of each box. In clinical teaching, a session is defined as a half-day. Credits for committee membership should reflect actual meeting attendance.

    19. INSTRUCTIONS FOR TEACHING EVALUATIONS 1. Teaching Evaluations are a critical component of faculty academic review files. A file devoid of high quality teaching evaluations will be denied advancement. 2. Occasionally, course coordinators will forward a copy of composited teaching evaluations to the Chair’s Office. Evaluations on file in the Chair’s office are copied and sent to Division Heads in the early part of each review cycle. You may review your evaluations in either the Division Heads office or in the Chair’s office, to determine which evaluations are missing from your file. 3. If evaluations are missing, candidates need to communicate with course coordinators to ensure that composited evaluations are sent to the Chair’s office each quarter for inclusion in your review file. (All evaluations must be composited.) 4. It is also recommended that a list of former and/or current trainees (as listed on the Biography form in section II.g. Student Instructional Activities), be submitted with the file, especially when formal teaching is limited. Prepare the Mentee Evaluation form found at our web site under FORMS: http://dom.ucsd.edu/AcademicAffairs/tabid/59/Default.aspx The Chair will solicit evaluations in confidence, from these individuals. A composite will be provided for your review upon request.

    20. Mentee Contact Form




    24. Section III - Bibliography A. PRIMARY PUBLISHED WORK I. Original Articles 1. Picard, Jean-Luc. An Analysis of Starship Captain's Log Procedures. The Starship Journal 5:150-163 (2007) 2. Picard, Jean-Luc. Trading with the Ferengis. The Journal of Intergalactic Economics 10:55-80 (2007) from 3. Picard, Jean-Luc. Cybernetic Androids: Starship Command Material? Journal of Positrionic Research submitted 19:111-131 (2008) _________________________________________________________________________________________________ *4. Picard, Jean-Luc. The Q and the Question of Omnipotence. Journal of Metaphysics In Press (2010) II. Invited Articles, Book Chapters, etc. 1. Picard, Jean-Luc, Crusher, Beverly, and Riker, William. The Proper Care and Feeding of Young Starship Ensigns. The Starship Journal 5:23-20 (1997) (Invited Article) from in press 2. Picard, Jean-Luc. Recreational Uses for Starship Holodecks. In: Federation Starship of Captains 13-21 (1999) (Book Chapter) _________________________________________________________________________________________________ *3. Picard, Jean-Luc. The Evolution of Starship Captains from the 20th Century to the 21st Century: A Study in Discipline. In: Federation Starship of Captains 10-35 (2002) (Book Chapter)

    25. Section III - Bibliography B. OTHER WORK I. Abstracts Published (Optional) 1. Picard, Jean-Luc and Riker, William. Cost Effectiveness of Traveling at Warp Speed 4 versus Warp Speed 5. Proceedings of Intergalactic Economics, 7:29-30 (2001) _________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. Picard, Jean-Luc, Crusher, Beverly, and LaForge, Geordi. Travel at Warp Speeds In Excess of 5.5 May Cause Wrinkles. The Starship Journal 6:131 (2002) II. Abstracts Presented (Optional) 1. Picard, Jean-Luc, and Crusher, Beverly: Secretion of Klingon blood and its regulation in human subjects. 188th Annual Meeting of the lntergalactic Medical Society, October 1999. _________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. Picard, Jean-Luc: Migration of the Vulcans to Earth. 3045th Annual Conference of the Earthling Captains Society, April 2002. III. Miscellaneous (Optional) 1. Picard, Jean-Luc. It's Not Easy Being a Borg. (1996) (Thesis) ________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. Picard, Jean-Luc. Robotic Optical Sensing Device. (2001) (Patent) 3. Picard, Jean-Luc. Space: The Final Frontier. New York: Up in the Sky Company, 2002. (Book Review)

    26. Section III - Bibliography C. WORK IN PROGRESS (Optional) 1. Picard, Jean-Luc and LaForge, Geordi. An Analogy Between Anti-Matter and Tribbles. Submitted to Journal of Space Engineering. (2010) (Original Article) ______________________________________________________________________________ *2. Picard, Jean-Luc. Effective Methods of Interrogation for Androids and Other Alien Species. The Starship Journal. (2010) In Preparation (Original Article)

    27. HELPFUL TIPS FOR PREPARING YOUR BIBLIOGRAPHY The citations in each of the three Sections must be in chronological order, beginning with the earliest and ending with the most recent entry. Ensure that each item appears only once on the bibliography. Numbers assigned to citations are permanent and may not be moved or re-numbered once the format is established in Sections A and B. Publications that were inadvertently omitted from the previous bibliography should be inserted in its chronological place without changing the existing numbering system. Instead, a letter (x, y, x) or a symbol should be used instead of a number. A parenthetical explanation stating the item was omitted in error or inadvertently omitted last review should appear at the end of the citation. Authors, titles, journal title, volumes, editors, pages, etc. MUST be listed on the bibliography EXACTLY as they appear on the publication. "Et al." may not be used in lieu of listing multiple authors. The inclusive page numbers and year of publication must follow each citation. Draw a solid horizontal line in each Section (A, B and C) to separate the new citations from citations listed at the time of the last advancement. A dotted or dashed line should be drawn in each Section (A, B and C) to separate the new citations from citations listed at the time of the last review when there was no advancement. Place an asterisk (*) to the left of each number for which you are submitting a reprint, galley proof or publisher’s binding acceptance of entire corpus. In the left margin, indicate the change in status of citations from the last review to the present one, e.g., “From In Preparation, “From Submitted”, “From Accepted”, “From In Press”. Do not type “NEW” in the left margin of new work below the line. A new signature and date should be affixed each time the bibliography is revised.

    28. HELPFUL TIPS FOR PREPARING YOUR BIBLIOGRAPHY A. PRIMARY PUBLISHED WORK This section consists of work published in the open literature (peer reviewed), which one may reasonably expect to find in libraries other than UCSD. Websites may be listed in this section. This section should be separated into subsections: I. Original Articles; II. Invited Articles, Book Chapters, Books/Edited Books. In Section II, a descriptor is required at the end of the citation (e.g. book chapter, book, invited article). Do not list descriptor in the right hand margin. In Press and/or Accepted items should also be included in this section. Such items should indicate “in press” or “accepted” at the end of the citation. For accepted work, please include publisher’s binding acceptance of entire corpus; for in press, please include galley proofs, if submitting with review file. Do not list Abstracts in Section A at all. Abstracts are to be listed under “B. Other Work” It is suggested that bibliographies be redone to meet this format, HOWEVER, you may begin the new format using your existing bibliography placing new items under the line in the new format.

    29. HELPFUL TIPS FOR PREPARING YOUR BIBLIOGRAPHY B. OTHER WORK (Use of this section is optional) This section should include other published work, which the candidate may wish to list to demonstrate scholarly activities. This includes Abstracts (presented and published), patents, non-reviewed work, book reviews, conference proceedings, Letter to the Editor, newsletters, encyclopedia entries, DVDs, CDs, videos. This section may also be separated into subsections (e.g., Abstracts Presented, Abstracts Published, Miscellaneous). If not sub sectioned out, a descriptor is required at the end of each citation (e.g., DVD, conference proceeding, etc.) These items need not be forwarded along with the file.

    30. HELPFUL TIPS FOR PREPARING YOUR BIBLIOGRAPHY C. WORK IN PROGRESS (Use of this section is optional.) Section C will continue to be important in certain disciplines and in certain cases, e.g., cross-over merits and appraisals. This section is for work that is submitted or in preparation only. You must submit a manuscript (in any shape or form) that are listed in this section. For items previously listed under Section C, "Work in Progress", which are now published and appear in Section A, it should be deleted from Section C. The numbering in this section may be changed with each review. If not published after two review cycles, remove from Section C. REPRINTS: 1. Section A – Submit a copy of each reprint, galley proofs and/or publisher’s binding acceptance of entire corpus of all new material. You may select which reprints to submit with the file. You do not have to send all new material below the line with the review file. 2. Section B – not necessary for this section. 3. Section C – A manuscript in any shape or form is required. 4. Place corresponding # in upper right corner of each reprint.

    31. HELPFUL TIPS FOR PREPARING YOUR BIBLIOGRAPHY FIVE MOST SIGNIFICANT PUBLICATIONS: Appointees in the Ladder Rank, In Residence, Adjunct and Professional Research Scientist series are required to submit a listing of their five most significant publications when undergoing career reviews (i.e., promotions, Step VI, Above Scale). This does not exclude the submission of a required full bibliography, but puts the burden on the selected publications to satisfy the criterion of creativity. The intent is to reduce the pressure to publish a large number of slight papers and to concentrate on a smaller number of substantive works. On a separate sheet of paper, list 5 most significant publications since a candidate’s last career advancement or appointment (i.e., since promotion from Assistant to Associate, Associate to Full Professor/Research Scientist.) These are listed with proper citations, corresponding bibliography number and must be either published or in press only. A short statement as to the significance of the publication and the candidate’s role in writing the publication is required. Place an asterisk to the left of each item number on the bibliography and submit a reprint or galley proof with review file. Do not duplicate if already included as part of the reprint package. (Do not send more than one copy of any reprint.)

    32. HELPFUL TIPS FOR PREPARING YOUR BIBLIOGRAPHY CURRICULUM VITAE This is used to send with referee solicitation letters for those proposed for promotion or a change-in-series. Please make sure your CV is current and free from typos We also want to retain a current copy on file for all faculty.

    33. Candidate’s Self-assessment This is a required part of your file! This will give you a chance to explain what can’t be done in other sections or documents, or why you did one thing as opposed to something else. Tip: if you have a section of your file that is lacking, you can give your plan on how it will be addressed in this section.

    34. Candidate’s Self-assessment We suggest you title the document “Candidate's Self-assessment” at the top of the page, followed by the text. Make sure you sign and date at the bottom. Send the original with the other original documents to your analyst. Additionally, you should include a copy along with the documents you send to your Division Head.

    35. Candidate’s Self-assessment RESEARCH AND SCHOLARLY ACTIVITES Describe the focus of your research, notable observations, your specific role in collaborative research ventures, new grant funding and any additional noteworthy information. Describe awards or prizes won. Specifically define your role (e.g. Principal or Co-Principal Investigator or head of a CORE program project), for each award. TEACHING ACTIVITIES Describe precise teaching role(s) in each course, as well as special lectures (e.g., Medical Grand Rounds, M & M, etc.), seminars or other teaching activities. Describe teaching awards won. Also, comment on mentoring activities, particularly those that you list in Section I, g. on the biography form. CLINICAL ACTIVITIES Describe patient care related activities. Include approximate numbers of patients’ evaluated/time, venues and other relevant information. UNIVERSITY AND PUBLIC SERVICE Describe areas of University/Public Service. Include your specific involvement, time commitment, and accomplishments.

    36. Referee List Everyone, in all series, who are proposed for promotion, career review (step VI), above scale, or a change in series are required to submit a Referee List. Some things to remember: REFEREES MUST BE HIGHER THAN YOUR CURRENT RANK. REFEREES MAY NOT INCLUDE: - COLLABORATORS WITHIN THE LAST 10 YEARS. - THOSE WHO ARE LISTED ON YOUR BIBLIOGRAPHY FROM 2000 TO PRESENT. (ANALYSTS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK YOUR LIST AGAINST YOUR BIBLIOGRAPHY) - ANYONE WHO SERVED AS YOUR MENTOR WITHIN THE LAST 10 YEARS.

    37. Referee Criteria Clinical Series Scientist Clinical X Ladder, In Res, Adjunct

    38. Referee List

    39. Certification A Those due for normal merit advancement must submit Certification A with their review documents. All others will be advised of the proposed action before it is voted on by the department. By signing Certification A, the candidate certifies that he or she was informed of the pending review and was given the opportunity to ask questions and provide pertinent information and evidence, to suggest names of referees (if applicable), and to review the material in the file.

    40. Certification B Cert B is signed and dated after the departmental review of the file and prior to submission of the file. By signing Certification B, the candidate certifies that he or she has had the opportunity to review the completed file and the department's recommendations prior to submission of the file for campus review.

    41. Certification C Cert C is signed by the candidate if material is added to the file after it is forwarded to the Dean’s Office and/or Academic Personnel Office.

    42. Few Other Things to Keep in Mind Service options: Intern Selection Committee~ contact Anne Bamrick for details. If you have taken Sabbatical during the review period, you will need to include a copy of the Sabbatical Report with your documents. If you have received any service acknowledgement letters (you did a great job letter), you should include them with your documents.

    43. Questions? http://med.ucsd.edu/academicaffairs.shtml

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