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C.A.L.L SECOND PROJECT. SUBJECT: TOYS CLASS LEVEL: 4 GRADE I tried my best to tell the subject as easily as I can tell and make the student understand the lesson with the help of rich visual materials. Which of these do you have at home?. What is THAT?. It is a TOY.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. C.A.L.L SECOND PROJECT SUBJECT: TOYS CLASS LEVEL: 4 GRADE I tried my best to tell the subject as easily as I can tell and make the student understand the lesson with the help of rich visual materials.

  2. Which of these do you have at home?

  3. What is THAT? It is a TOY.

  4. That is a toy TRAIN…

  5. T R A I N

  6. That is a toy PLANE.

  7. P L A N E

  8. That is a DOLL.

  9. D O L L

  10. That is a toy CAR.

  11. C A R

  12. That is a toy SHIP.

  13. S H I P

  14. That is a toy BULLDOZER.

  15. B U L L D O Z E R

  16. That is a toy TRUCK.

  17. T R U C K

  18. That is a PLAY STATION.


  20. Now, It is time for some EXERCISE.

  21. SHIP TRUCK PLANE DOLL What is that?

  22. crtuk truck psih ship iantr train lodl doll anple plane ulblorezd bulldozer Put the letters into correct order to form a word!

  23. Are they for males,females or both?

  24. REFERENCES • http://www.mes-english.com/ • http://www.flickr.com/groups/top20toyphotos • http://images.google.com/ • http://www.oldwoodtoys.com/photos.htm • http://www.xihalife.com/tags/photos/toy


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