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The Roots of the Middle Eastern Conflict

The Roots of the Middle Eastern Conflict. Why they hate us? Section 19.4. Abraham’s Genealogy. Abraham. Hagar. Sarah. LATER. Ishmael. Isaac. Muhammad Bin Abd al Wahhab & Muhammad bin Saud. 12 Arabian Tribes. Esau. Jacob. People of Arabian Peninsula. 12 Tribes Of Israel.

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The Roots of the Middle Eastern Conflict

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  1. The Roots of the Middle Eastern Conflict Why they hate us? Section 19.4

  2. Abraham’s Genealogy Abraham Hagar Sarah LATER Ishmael Isaac Muhammad Bin Abd al Wahhab & Muhammad bin Saud 12 Arabian Tribes Esau Jacob People of Arabian Peninsula 12 Tribes Of Israel Not Muslim

  3. Palestine in Ancient Texts Philistia--- • “Old Testament” –Philistia was used to describe the area controlled by the Philistines • Philistines are thought to no longer exist as a distinct peoples since the Babylonian Captivity • Philistines were actually Greek

  4. Use of the Term “Palestine” Palestine-------- According to Herodotus Palestine is a toponym – a word to describe locality, region, or some other part of Earth’s surface Thought to be used for the 1st time by Herodotus in the 5th century BCE to describe the area between Egypt and Phoenica

  5. So a Palestinian is… Anyone who liveshere is technicallya Palestinian Anyone: Arab, Christian, Jew, Muslim, anyone who lives in the area known as Palestine There are Palestinian Jews

  6. Enter the Romans • Before the Romans, Judea was ruled by the monarchs of the Hasmoneans • The revolt in 63 BCE allowed the Romans to step in, quell the revolt…and take over Judea • Caesar was the one to end anger by bringing stability to the nation • Herod comes to power (dies in 4 BCE, Israel goes back to fighting) • 66 CE – The Great Jewish Revolt • Vespasian was sent by Nero to put it down • 70 CE – Temple of Solomon was destroyed and the capture of Jerusalem • 2nd Jewish Revolt lead by Bar Kokhba (132-135 CE) lead to the destruction of all Judea and its inhabitants expelled • Only Jews in Galilee and Samaria were allowed to stay

  7. The Arch of Titus

  8. Hadrian’s Punishment • Renames the area once occupied by the Israelites as Syria Palaestina to disassociate it with the Judeans • He was insulting the Jews by naming the territory after their enemies the Philistines • After this Hebrew as a spoken language is almost non-existent in the area

  9. Coming of the Muslims • 400 CE until 638 CE Christians held Jerusalem • In 638 CE Muslims conquer Jerusalem • Allow a few Jewish families settle • Arab Bedouins start to come into the area and settle in mass as soldiers of the Muslim forces • Starts the claim of Arab/Arab Palestinians for the land

  10. The Crusades

  11. Ottoman Period (1517-1917) • Ottoman’s generally treated Jews well • Allowed for them to settle during the Spanish expulsion of the Jews • 25% of Palestine Jewish at this time

  12. The Rise of Wahhabism • Puritanical form of Sunni Islam • Practiced in Saudi Arabia and Qatar • Derived from Muhammad bin Abd al Wahhab (1703-1791) • Sought to reverse the “moral decline” in his society • Wanted a return to the pure and orthodox practices of the Quran • Muhammad bin Saud to unify the tribes in the Arabian Peninsula • Founder of the Al Saud dynasty (in Saudi Arabia)

  13. Zionism Theodore Herzl1860-1904 • Goals • The spiritual and political renewal of the Jewish people in its ancestral homeland of Palestine • Freedom from Western anti-Semitism

  14. The Middle East in 1914

  15. The British Again… • Hussein-McMahon Letters • Between Sharif Hussein ibnAli and Sir Henry McMahon (British High Commissioner in Egypt) • Britain recognizes the independence of • Balfour Declaration (1917) • The establishment of a Jewish homeland • Sir Arthur James Balfour – British Foreign Secretary

  16. Jews and Arabs in Palestine, 1920 • In 1920, there was one Jew to ever ten Arabs in Palestine • By 1947, the ratio was two Arabs for ever Jew • Arabs felt they were losing control of their “country”

  17. Modern Saudi Arabia - 1932 • Close relationship between the Saudi ruling family and the Wahhabi religious establishment • Difference between Wahhabism and Salafiyya • Wahhabism – the Saudi form of Salafiyya • Salafiyya – believe that the Quran and Prophet’s practices are the ultimate religious authority in Islam • Not a unified movement • Exists outside of Saudi Arabia and Qatar • Many scholars believe these groups did not become militant until the 1980s with the takeover of Afghanistan by the Russians

  18. The Holocaust

  19. Aliyah bet: Illegal Jewish Immigration

  20. U.N. Partition Plan of 1947

  21. Jerusalem

  22. Israel Becomes a Nation Chaim Weizmann,1st President David Ben-Gurion,1st Prime Minister 14 May 1948

  23. War Begins 15 May 1948 Arab countries informed Arab Palestinians to flee so they would not be killed during the extermination of the Jews

  24. Arab Refugees - 1948 The Palestinian Diaspora begins – formed of Palestinian-originated communities living outside of Palestine 2nd largest diaspora after Gulf War in 1990 when Palestinians kicked out of Kuwait

  25. Armistice Signed - 1949

  26. Arabs Grab Land • Israel tends to be blamed for Palestinian plight • Arabs take as much land as the Israelis in the original Arab/Israeli War • Arabs refused to treat Palestinian refugees as equals so put them into camps • Israelis did as well

  27. RFK Assassination SirhanSirhan

  28. Why does Israel keep winning? American Financial and Military Assistance How do the Arab States break this relationship?

  29. Attack the US Economy • Sneak attack Israel and then put pressure on the US by cutting off their oil supply if they help Israel • Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) • Cartel – association of manufacturers or suppliers with the purpose of maintaining prices at a high level and restricting competition

  30. Embargo Effects • Gas went from 38¢ to 55¢ (1 year) • If gas hits $4.59 on May 24th we will have the same increase • Rationing System – could only fill up by last number of license plate • This owner could only fill up on odd days of the month • Though embargo lasted about a year the affects will last until the late 1970s – another gas crisis hits in 1979

  31. Sadat Goes to Israel • 1977 – Egyptian president Anwar Sadat traveled to Israel • First Arab leader EVER to travel to the Jewish state • Met by Menachim Begin Israel’s Prime Minister

  32. Camp David Accords • Egypt will recognize the state of Israel • Israel would leave the Sinai Peninsula • Israel would remove troops from the West Bank and Gaza Strip • US gives money to both sides • $1,300,000,000 to Egypt • $3,000,000,000 to Israel

  33. Mohammad Mossadegh (1950s) • Democratically elected Prime Minster of Iran • Very popular with the people • Purges military corruption • Nationalizes foreign oil fields

  34. Operation Ajax Mossadegh on Trial Shah of Iran CIA – sponsored coup of the popular, democratically-electedleader of Iran US support strengths the Shah

  35. Dictatorship of Shah Reza Pahlavi Lives lavishly Establishes close ties to the West Represses political dissidents People live in poverty

  36. The Iranian Revolution - 1979 Shah flees to U.S. Iranian Hostage Crisis Ayatollah Khomenei

  37. Iranian Hostage Situation • Originally 66 hostages • All women and black hostages released because they were “oppressed minorities” • Another hostage was released because of sickness • 52 held for 444 days • Operation Canadian Caper – 6 diplomats evaded capture and were smuggled out of the country • Operation Eagle Claw – Carter sent in a special forces team to to free the hostages • Operation Credible Sport – using a C-130 Hercules airlifter modified with rocket engines

  38. Is it really better? Islamic Republic of Iran (Theocracy) Strong Constitutional Monarch

  39. Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan Equivalent of Vietnam for Soviet Union Becomes a “proxy war” and the US will start supplying Afghan rebels with money and arms A group known as Al Qaeda under Osama bin Laden will be formed and will be given aid by the US

  40. Iran-Iraq War (1980s) With a concern about the rise of fundamentalist Shia in Iran, Iraq under Saddam Hussein feels the need to invade Iran. Age old conflict of Shia vs Sunni and Arab (Iraq) vs Persian (Iran) Iranians used “human wave” attacks. Iraqis will resort to the use of chemical weapons (1st time since World War 1) The U.S. will give military aid to Iraq (Dual Use Equipment). Generally to get back at Iran for the Iran Hostage situation. Iraq will attack the U.S.S. Stark. Mistake? U.S. Stark only ship ever successfully struck by a missile in U.S. Naval history In reaction to Iran mining the Persian Gulf (U.S.S. Samuel Roberts) Operation Praying Mantis. The U.S. will engage in its largest surface naval engagement since WW2 and attack Iranian Oil tankers and Oil platforms. U.S. Vincennes will accidentally shoot down a Iranian commercial airliner thinking it was an enemy aircraft.

  41. The Middle East in the 1990s • People were angry with their gov’ts • “Islam is the solution” to the poverty, injustice, cultural alienation, lack of respect for human rights, etc. • Worried about the end of the Cold War and the decline of USSR money • Saddam Hussein stirred the pot – Kuwait in 1990 • Other countries in this area were hurting economically • More unrest amongst the people • Many places talked of moving toward democracy and opening up the countries but it never took place

  42. September 11th

  43. Arab Spring • Started in 2010 when a 26-year-old man, Mohamed Bouazizi, set himself on fire after he was humiliated by the police • Protests, sparked by this, started all over Tunisia which then spread to all of the Middle East very quickly • And with the help of Facebook and cellphones • Egypt becomes the face of the Spring because they forced President Honsi Mubarak to step down and broadcast much of the revolution on Facebook • A free election was held in November 2011 but protests still continue in Tahrir Square • While many countries (6) have overthrown their gov’ts there is still much fighting going on in the region

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