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Explore the causes, key battles, and outcomes of the Mexican-American War that reshaped borders and history. Learn about the disputes over the Texas Republic, US ambitions for Pacific commerce, the declaration of war, and the significant Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo. Discover the impacts on Mexico, the US victory, and the New Mexico boundary dispute. Test your knowledge with a quick quiz and explore the key figures and elements of the war, such as Zachary Taylor and the Texas Rangers. Uncover fascinating details like the use of flying artillery and the role of the telegraph, and gain insight into the expansion of the US territory.
I. Causes of War A. Mexico never recognized Republic of Texas 1. Saw Annexation by US as an insult 2. Mexico insisted on Nueces as border B. Commerce 1. US beginning to trade with countries in Pacific 2. Wanted San Francisco in Mexico, California for a port C. US wanted Mexico to pay damages for Texas Revolution 1. US agreed to pay the Texas debt 2. Wanted to pay Mexico $30 million 3. John Slidell sent to negotiate 4. Mexican officials refused to negotiate 5. Polk ordered General Zachary Taylor to move troops across Nueces to Rio Grande
II. War Declared • May 1846, Mexican and American soldiers clashed • Polk claimed blood was shed on American soil, but it was on disputed land • May 13 war declared on Mexico • More than 5000 Texans answered call to arms
Battles of the Mexican War • 1st Battles: Palo Alto and Resaca de la Palma
Facts about the War • More soldiers in the Mexican War were killed by disease than by bullets. • Most Texans supported the Mexican War, although in other parts of the country there was much opposition, especially from abolitionists in the northern states.
III. United States Victory • US forces better equipped and better led • US forces captured Monterrey, Mexico City, and occupied California • Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo 1. Mexico abandoned all claims to Texas and 2. Accept Rio Grande as border 2. Mexican Cession - US paid Mexico $15 Million and received a. California, b. Nevada c. Utah, d. parts of Arizona, e. Colorado, f. New Mexico and g. Wyoming
Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo • Mexico gave up all claims to Texas and accepted the Rio Grande as the boundary • Mexico gave up all territory between western Texas and the Pacific Ocean (Mexican Cession: part of California, Utah, Nevada, Colorado, Arizona, New Mexico, and Wyoming) • The U.S. paid Mexico $15 million and agreed to pay American claims against Mexico
IV. The New Mexico Boundary Dispute • Texas claimed Rio Grande as southern and western border • Texas had ½ of New Mexico including Sante Fe • Texas-New Mexico Boundary Act (Pearce Act) 1. Part of Compromise of 1850 2. US gave Texas $10 million 3. Texas surrendered claims to disputed area
Compromise of 1850 • Between Texas and the United States… • Texas gave up its claim to the New Mexico Territory • The U.S. paid Texas $10 million Quick Quiz: What is a compromise?
Who’s Who in the Mexican War • U.S. General who moved his forces across the Nueces River and down to the Rio Grande • Zachary Taylor • U.S. General who captured Mexico City • Winfield Scott
Who’s Who, continued • U.S. President who said, “American blood has been shed on American soil” • James K. Polk • Texas governor who took a leave of absence in order to participate in the Mexican War • J. Pinckney Henderson • Served as scouts for the U.S. Army during the Mexican War. (named “Los Diablos Tejanos” by the Mexicans) • Texas Rangers
Other Information • The telegraph made it possible for the American people to get up-to-date information on the progress of the war. • Newspaper publicity was one reason Zachary Taylor became such a hero to the American people.
Flying Artillery • Cannons mounted on carriages which were lightweight enough to be moved quickly from one position to another on the battlefield. This gave the U.S. Army a considerable advantage
Other Information • As a result of the Mexican War, the United States acquired approximately 1/4th of its present size
O - OVERVIEW Write about what you see in a few sentences. P - PARTS List the details or parts. T TITLE Look at the title. Make a note on how the title helps you understand the visual. I - INFERENCE Look for connections between the parts to derive meaning. Look for the deeper meaning. C - CONCLUSION Write your conclusion about the meaning of the visual. One sentence is fine.