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Foreign Language Terms Review. These are words you should know from freshman year. Most of the first ten words are of French origin. A. RSVP B. Déjà Vu C. Faux Pas D. Du Jour E. Bon Voyage 1. Do you feel like you’ve seen these words before? You are experiencing __________. A. Déjà Vu.
Foreign Language Terms Review These are words you should know from freshman year. Most of the first ten words are of French origin.
A. RSVP B. Déjà Vu C. Faux Pas D. Du Jour E. Bon Voyage 1. Do you feel like you’ve seen these words before? You are experiencing __________.
A. Déjà Vu • a feeling that one has seen or heard something before
A. RSVP B. Déjà Vu C. Faux Pas D. Du Jour E. Bon Voyage 2. Be sure that you do this before the big party.
A. RSVP • to respond to an invitation • répondez s'il vous plaît,
A. RSVP B. Déjà Vu C. Faux Pas D. Du Jour E. Bon Voyage 3. Showing up in a white-trash costume would be a major ______ if the event was black-tie.
C. Faux Pas • a social blunder • French, literally, false step
A. RSVP B. Déjà Vu C. Faux Pas D. Du Jour E. Bon Voyage 4. She wears a different headband every single day. It is like headband ________.
D. Du Jour • French, literally, of the day
A. RSVP B. Déjà Vu C. Faux Pas D. Du Jour E. Bon Voyage 5. As my parents left for their anniversary cruise, we yelled this at them.
E. Bon Voyage • French, literally, good journey! • A farewell
A. Hoi polloi (Greek origin) B. Avant-garde C. Esprit de corps D. Joie de vivre E. Femme fatale F. Carte blanche 6. His artwork is very cutting-edge. You could describe it as being this.
B. Avant-Garde • Cutting edge • of or pertaining to the experimental treatment of artistic, musical, or literary material.
A. Hoi polloi (Greek origin) B. Avant-garde C. Esprit de corps D. Joie de vivre E. Femme fatale F. Carte blanche 7. Angelina Jolie often plays deadly but beautiful women; she is a _______.
E. Femme Fatale • French: literally, fatal woman • an irresistibly attractive woman, especially one who leads men into difficult, dangerous, or disastrous situations; siren.
A. Hoi polloi (Greek origin) B. Avant-garde C. Esprit de corps D. Joie de vivre E. Femme fatale F. Carte blanche 8. My mom refuses to shop at Wal-Mart; she won’t mix with common folk or the ______.
A. Hoi Polloi • Greek: the many • Common people; the masses
A. Hoi polloi (Greek origin) B. Avant-garde C. Esprit de corps D. Joie de vivre E. Femme fatale F. Carte blanche 9. That girl’s dad gave her a credit card with no limits. She has _______.
F. Carte Blanche • French: literally, blank document; • unconditional authority; full discretionary power.
A. Hoi polloi (Greek origin) B. Avant-garde C. Esprit de corps D. Joie de vivre E. Femme fatale F. Carte blanche 10. My best friend has such a zest for life. She has a real ____________.
D. Joie de Vivre • literally, joy of living
A. Hoi polloi (Greek origin) B. Avant-garde C. Esprit de corps D. Joie de vivre E. Femme fatale F. Carte blanche 11. Members of the RHS Band have a strong sense of camaraderie, a real ____________.
C. Esprit de corp • the common spirit existing in the members of a group and inspiring enthusiasm, devotion, and strong regard for the honor of the group
These words are of Latin origin. A. I.E. which stands for “that is” B. Alma mater C. Cum laude D. Verbatim E. Ad nauseam 12. She talks about herself so much that I want to puke. She brags ________________.
E. Ad nauseum • to a sickening or excessive degree
These words are of Latin origin. A. I.E. which stands for “that is” B. Alma mater C. Cum laude D. Verbatim E. Ad nauseam 13. What did you just say?! Repeat it to me word for word.
D. Verbatim • in the exact words : word for word
These words are of Latin origin. A. I.E. which stands for id est B. Alma mater C. Cum laude D. Verbatim E. Ad nauseam 14. This can be the school you graduated from or your school song.
B. Alma Mater • a school, college, or university which one has attended or from which one has graduated • the song or hymn of a school, college, or university • Latin, fostering mother
These words are of Latin origin. A. I.E. which stands for id est B. Alma mater C. Cum laude D. Verbatim E. Ad nauseam 15. We all hope to graduate with high honors.
C. Cum Laude • Latin, with praise, with distinction
These words are of Latin origin. A. I.E. which stands for id est B. Alma mater C. Cum laude D. Verbatim E. Ad nauseam 16. My teacher, that is Ms. Rathmann, seems really scary.
A. I. E. • that is, or in other words
These words are of Latin origin. A. E pluribus unum B. Status quo C. Caveat Emptor D. Alpha and omega E. Tabula rasa 17. You are starting your sophomore year with a blank slate or a _____________.
E. Tabula Rasa • Latin, smoothed or erased tablet • something existing in its original pristine state
These words are of Latin origin. A. E pluribus unum B. Status quo C. Caveat Emptor D. Alpha and omega E. Tabula rasa 18. If you pay $20 for a supposedly new IPod, all I can say is let the buyer beware.
C. Caveat Emptor • a principle in commerce: without a warranty the buyer takes the risk • Latin, buyer beware
These words are of Latin origin. A. E pluribus unum B. Status quo C. Caveat Emptor D. Alpha and omega E. Tabula rasa 19. You can find the expression “one from many” on most coins.
A. E pluribus unum • out of many, one
These words are of Latin origin. A. E pluribus unum B. Status quo C. Caveat Emptor D. Alpha and omega E. Tabula rasa 20. They have been in a relationship forever. Their _________ is unchanged.
B. Status quo • Latin, state in which • the existing state of affairs
These words are of Latin origin. A. E pluribus unum B. Status quo C. Caveat Emptor D. Alpha and omega E. Tabula rasa 21. This means the beginning and the end.
D. Alpha and Omega • The beginning and ending • From the fact that alpha and omega are respectively the first and last letters of the Greek alphabet
The final word is Italian. 22. Prima Donna means… • The first Donna • A diva • A type of pasta • An Italian dessert
B. Diva • A vain or undisciplined person who finds it difficult to work under direction or as part of a team • Italian, first lady
New words for this year… • Carpe diem, seize the day • Tempus fugit, time flies • C’est la vie, such is life • Bona fide, made in good faith without fraud or deceit. Not counterfeit, ex: A bona fide Gucci purse. • Savoir faire, capacity for appropriate action; especially: a polished sureness in social behavior. Ex: At the very fancy restaurant, I realized that I lacked the savoir-faire to use all of the utensils correctly.
New words for this year… • Non sequitur, a statement (as a response) that does not follow logically from or is not clearly related to anything previously said. Ex: We were talking about the new restaurant when she threw in some non sequitur about her dog. • Enfant terrible, a usually young and successful person who is strikingly unorthodox, innovative, or avant-garde. Ex: The young designer is an enfant terrible in the fashion world who is known for his crazy behavior.
New words for this year… • Terra firma, solid ground. Ex: After the long trip, the sailors were glad to reach terra firma. • Vox populi, Latin, voice of the people, popular sentiment. Ex: The reporter conducted a interviews to get a feel for the vox populi.
For Homework… • This assignment will be worth 10 points. • You must choose 10 foreign words or phrases and use them in a sentence (one word or phrase per sentence for a total of 10 sentences). • This is due the next time class meets. (1st period-due Thursday, 8/18)