1. Fleet Forum Agenda Welcome 9:00am – 9:05am
What Can a Penny Save 9:05am – 9:10am
Meter Rejects 9:10am – 9:50am
Non-GasCard Carwashes 9:50am – 10:05am
Break 10:05am – 10:20am
Service Level Agreements 10:20am – 10:50am
Higher Education Accidents 10:50am – 11:35am
2. What Can a Penny Save? Presented by Jeff Done
Fuel Manager
3. What can a penny save?
4. What can a penny save? We dispense 20,000,000 gallons of fuel per year.
5. What can a penny save? A few minutes of planning is all it takes.
6. Jeff Done
Division of Fleet Operations
Fuel Manager
Phone # 801-538-3695
7. Meter Rejects Presented by Angie Watson
Your new Meter Reject Lady
8. Meter Rejects – A New Philosophy My Goal: To work myself out of a job!
To ensure all vehicles have correct meter and usage information documented in FleetFocus so as to best provide reliable, cost effective vehicles to state employees
To eliminate/resolve as many meter problems as possible so as to provide customers with positive results instead of problems
Let’s FIX the problem
Simply providing a current meter reading does not FIX the problem
We need to:
Identify why the meter is rejecting
Either inform drivers of correct procedures or modify data in FleetFocus
AND provide a current meter reading
9. How Does a Meter Reject? If the meter exceeds the Edit Range it will “Reject”. Meter Rejects only occur via GasCard Transactions.
10. Why would a Meter Reject? If the Meter Class Code is set up incorrectly (ie: Busses should not be listed with a 500M edit range)
If the number of digits displayed on the odometer is not correctly set up in FleetFocus
If the Driver enters the Tenths
If the Driver enters the Tripometer
If the Driver enters the Kilometer reading
If the Driver enters the wrong meter on a dual meter piece of equipment
If the Driver uses the wrong GasCard
If the Driver enters their PIN number instead of the Meter
If one or more Fuelings do not get paid for via GasCard (for Units that typically fuel with GasCard)
If the driver does not enter exactly what the odometer displays
If a replaced odometer is not reported/documented in FleetFocus
11. Meter Rejects Process We want to focus on the Problems!
You will not receive a notification for each meter that rejects.
If a meter rejects one time, it will be put in a “Holding Tank”. Chances are likely the next transaction will self-correct itself.
It the meter does not self-correct itself, then it goes to the “Meter Reject Program” and I will look into it.
You will receive a notification when a meter has a history of rejects.
12. Expectations of Meter Reject Contact(s) Assist in Solving the Problem
Provide Timely Solutions
Train your Employees in the importance of entering correct meter readings
Create signs or other sorts of reminders that will help Employees enter the correct meter readings
Make sure Meter Info is Documented Correctly in FleetFocus
13. Expectations of Drivers Always enter meter exactly as it is seen on odometer
Never enter the tenths
Make sure the Tripometer is not on display
Make sure Kilometers is not on display
If unit has dual meters, know which one is the primary meter and always enter that one
If fueling does not occur through GasCard, report it immediately
Make sure the PIN and Meters are entered on the appropriate prompts
14. Expectations of Data Entry Personnel Know when to and when not to update a meter through Work Orders, Reservations, manual Fuel Tickets, etc…
Never choose a validation unless you are prompted to.
Never choose “EQ UPD” if you are back-dating information.
Never choose “EQ UPD” if the meter you are entering is less then the current meter reading.
15. Examples of Meter Problems
16. Examples of Meter Problems
17. Examples of Meter Problems
18. Examples of Meter Problems
19. Examples of Meter Problems
20. Examples of Meter Problems
21. The Future of our Meters If solutions are not received in a timely manner, daily charges may begin to incur beginning July 1st, 2006.
This adheres to our current rule:
R27-3-10. Use Requirements for Monthly Lease Vehicles
(b) Report the correct odometer reading when refueling the vehicle. In the event that an incorrect odometer reading is reported, agencies shall be assessed a fee whenever the agency fails to correct the mileage within three (3) business days of the agency's receipt of the notification that the incorrect mileage was reported. When circumstances indicate that there was a blatant disregard of the vehicle's actual odometer reading at the time of refueling, a fee shall be assessed to the agency even though the agency corrected the error within three (3) days of the notification.
22. The Future of our Meters I am going to be looking for missing fuel transactions.
I will also be distributing the following audits:
Miles per Gallon
Zero Miles
Low Utilization
23. Angie Watson
24. Non Gascard Carwashes Presented by Gala Dumas
Fleet Supervisor
25. Non Gascard Carwash This type of carwash assists remote locations in Utah where cleaning your state vehicle cannot be done by using your Gascard.
You are allotted the same $30.00 per month per vehicle.
You can only use ONE or the OTHER…no double dipping…or your agency will be charged the difference.
26. Request Information Send your request to me via email at gdumas@utah.gov and include the following:
Vendor information:
Vendor Name
Vendor Contact person
Vendor Phone and Fax and email
Vendor Address
Vendors State Purchasing ID number
27. Request Information cont. Vehicle Information:
Fleet Vehicle number
Agency contact person information
Alternate DASID if not to be billed to default vehicle account
I am beginning to create a more automated system for your requests and the payment process to the vendors.
28. Any Questions?
Do not hesitate to contact me with your questions and concerns.
I will endeavor to maintain the level of customer service you expect from Fleet Operations.
29. Gala Dumas
30. Break
31. The 2007 Service Level Agreement &Diesel Rental Rates Presented by Sam Lee
Acting Division Deputy Director
32. Today’s Discussion… What is the purpose of the Service Level Agreement?
Reference to the DFO Administrative Rule
Timing of the SLA
Completing the SLA
Don’t I just have to sign it…?
Fleet Statute referencing an
“annual audit”
Capital Lease Vehicles
Fleet Contact Database Update
Reading/Discussion the language of the SLA
Diesel Rates on the Rate Matrix for FY 2006
33. What is the Purpose of the Service Level Agreement? Administrative Rule R27-1 (38)
“Service Level Agreement (SLA) means
an agreement,
signed annually,
between an agency and DFO in which
the agency agrees to follow
all rules, policies and procedures published by DFO
concerning the use of state vehicles.
This document also clearly defines
the level of service between DFO and agencies.”
In summary the SLA serves as the “contract” between Fleet Operations and your Agency for state leased vehicles
34. Timing of the 2007 SLA July 1, 2006 – June 30, 2007
(The Fleet Operation’s SLA always mirrors the State’s Fiscal Year)
You will receive a blank copy of the 2007 Service Level Agreement Today
I will email the final version of the 2007 SLA to designated Fleet Manager’s in the next couple of weeks.
The fiscal year 2007 Service Level Agreement must be returned to Sam Lee by June 30, 2006
35. Completing the SLA…
“…Don’t I just have to sign the SLA and return it to DFO?”
…its almost that simple
Depending on:
If you have capital lease vehicles
If you are a “non state” Agency
If you have been watching your vehicle data
If you have had personnel changes with fleet contacts
36. Completing the SLA Continued Email Instructions:
1. Print the SLA document from the
attached Word file
2. Verify your agency’s vehicle information as directed in the text of section 1 of the SLA. Put an "X" in the box on the last page of the SLA designating to DFO that your agency’s vehicle information has been verified or updated.
Why do we have you do this?
63A-9-401(h) “Conduct an annual audit of all state vehicles for compliance with division requirements”
3. For agencies with capital lease vehicles put an "X" in the box under sections 9 indicating to DFO you have attached copies of the preventative maintenance programs used to maintain capital lease vehicles
37. Completing the SLA Continued Email Instructions Continued:
4. Have your Agency Fleet Manager and your Agency Director sign their name to the SLA in the designated area on page 5.
5. Open the Excel spreadsheet attached to this email and update or fill in the contact information in all 21 fleet management categories listed.
6. Send the signed hard copy of the SLA back to Sam Lee by inter office mail or by US Mail. If by US Mail please send it to the following address: 447 West 13800 South, Draper, Utah 84020.
38. Contact Information The SLA is the time DFO verifies and updates fleet contact information. There are currently 21 different fleet contact types
39. Reading the 2007 Service Level Agreement 1. The Agency shall lease from DFO the vehicles found on the secured reports section of the DFO home page at the following address: http://fleet.utah.gov/services/reports/report intro.htm. The Agency shall verify that all information included in the “Vehicle Listing” report is correct at the time the SLA is signed. If inaccuracies or missing pieces of information are discovered in the “Vehicle Listing” web report the Agency shall download the vehicle information in an Excel spreadsheet format from the web page, add columns next to the inaccuracies, and enter the correct information to be forwarded to DFO (Attention: Sam Lee, samlee@utah.gov). All changes to vehicle information stored in Fleet Focus (DFO’s fleet tracking system) or missing pieces of information must be submitted to DFO with the signed copy of this document for the SLA to be considered complete.
Put an “X” in the box to the left to indicate your Agency has verified the information on the DFO “Vehicle Listing” web report referenced above.
40. Reading the 2007 Service Level Agreement
2. The Agency shall pay to DFO a monthly lease for each vehicle for the duration of this SLA. As a part of all full service leases the Agency shall also pay a variable lease rate based on mileage to cover the cost of fuel, repair and preventive maintenance. All vehicle rates are approved by the Department of Administrative Services Rate Committee and by the State Legislature.
3. Entities not covered by the Utah State Risk Management Fund (non-state agencies) shall provide the Division of Risk Management with proof of third party liability insurance for each vehicle leased through this SLA.
41. Reading the 2007 Service Level Agreement 4. In the event of an accident/incident involving a leased state vehicle from DFO, either the driver of the vehicle or the employing Agency shall notify within 24 hours of the occurrence of the accident, DFO and the Agency's Management (See Utah Admin.Code R27-7-2). DFO requires all accident reports to be submitted on line at the following DFO web page: http://fleet.utah.gov/services/forms/acdntreptform.htm.
The Agency shall be responsible to pay the insurance deductible cost incurred as a result of an accident/incident involving a leased vehicle covered in this SLA. A loaner vehicle may be provided, if available, by DFO (meter charge only) while the permanently assigned leased vehicle is out of service for repair.
42. Reading the 2007 Service Level Agreement 5. When designated DFO personnel receive a complaint about a state vehicle/driver, a written summary of the information received will be forwarded to the designated Agency contact to investigate. DFO expects a response to the validity of the complaint within 10 working days so a response can be provided back to the complainant. DFO must be notified if disciplinary action taken against a state employee by a leasing Agency results in the suspension or restriction of the state employee’s driving privileges for state vehicles.
43. Reading the 2007 Service Level Agreement 6. Agency drivers shall take all full service lease vehicles to an authorized Automotive Resource International (ARI) vendor for all vehicle repairs. If the driver is unaware of an ARI approved vendor, call 1-800-227-2273 (ARI’s main number) to obtain information about approved ARI vendors near the driver’s location. The chosen vendor has the responsibility to obtain authorization for repair service and parts from ARI before any repair or service is completed on a state vehicle leased from DFO. Drivers of leased vehicles have no authority to authorize repairs to state vehicle leased from DFO. It shall be the responsibility of the Agency to pay any costs incurred for repairs to leased vehicles, covered by this SLA, due to operator error, abuse or neglect of the vehicle (determinations about operator error, abuse or neglect are made by the designated DFO employee, currently Al Orwin). Appeals of the decisions made by the designated DFO employee resulting in charges to the Agency for operator error, abuse or neglect of the vehicle shall be submitted in writing to the DFO Fleet Manager (currently Sam Lee).
44. Reading the 2007 Service Level Agreement
7. In the event a DFO leased vehicle covered by this SLA is in need of extensive mechanical repair a loaner vehicle may be provided, if available, by DFO (meter charge only) while the permanently assigned leased vehicle is out of service. The Agency shall return the loaner within 24 hours of the repaired vehicles return to service. Any loaner vehicle not returned within the 24-hour time frame shall be subject to the full daily rental rate.
45. Reading the 2007 Service Level Agreement 8. All vehicles currently in a “full service” lease status will continue to be leased under this status as part of this SLA. Leased vehicles by the Agency under a “Capital” lease status will be allowed to continue a Capital only lease from DFO if reports from the Fleet Management system (FleetFocus) show that the 2006 fiscal year cost per mile for maintenance and repair at the standard class level is equal to or less than the cost per mile incurred by full service lease vehicles for maintenance and repair during fiscal year 2006.
In addition the Agency with Capital lease vehicles must:
A. Use preventative maintenance programs that follow at least the vehicle manufacture’s minimum requirements for service
B. Set up appropriate preventative maintenance schedules in the Division of Fleet Operations fleet management system (FleetFocus)
C. Accurately capture all maintenance and repair data in the Division of Fleet Operations fleet management system (FleetFocus)
If at anytime during the duration of this 2007 SLA, Fleet Operations determines the Agency is not following the minimum standards for Capital only lease vehicles (outlined above), the delegation privilege associated with the Capital only lease vehicle will be removed by the DFO Division Director and the status and rate of the Agency leased vehicles will be changed to the “full service” lease status. See R27-1-2 (8).
46. Reading the 2007 Service Level Agreement 9. The Agency shall require vehicle operators to take all full service lease vehicles to repair locations according to the prescribed preventative maintenance program published in the ARI coupon books. Failure by the Agency to have preventative maintenance performed on the leased vehicle as prescribed in the ARI coupon book shall result in the Agency paying any repair/replacement costs associated with the lack of preventative maintenance. A preventative maintenance program shall be available to each driver of capital lease vehicles to reference as vehicles pass set mile parameters (3,000 or 5,000 miles) for preventative maintenance. Capital lease Agencies must provide a copy of the preventative maintenance programs to DFO to complete the 2007 Service Level Agreement.
Put an “X” in the box to the left to show your Agency has attached copies of the preventative maintenance programs used to maintain capital lease vehicles (The Agency must submit copies for each PM program at the standard class level where a Capital Lease will be in place for fiscal year 2007).
47. Reading the 2007 Service Level Agreement 10. In the event the leased vehicle breaks down or warning lights indicate the leased vehicle should not be driven the Agency driver should call ARI roadside assistance (1-800-227-2273) for help. If the vehicle needs to be towed to a repair location, the driver must notify DFO within 24 hours where the vehicle was taken so appropriate arrangements can be made to return the leased vehicle to its home location with the Agency.
11. The Agency shall require all vehicle operators within their Agency to abide by all state and federal laws governing the licensing and operation of a motor vehicle (See Administrative Rule R27-3-13). In addition the Agency shall provide each employee’s drivers license information to DFO through the Operator ID module in Fleet Focus (DFO’s fleet management software program). Driver licenses are checked each week with the Department of Public Safety, Driver’s License Division to identify for DFO, which state employees are currently able to use a state vehicle and which are potentially driving without a valid Utah driver’s license.
48. Reading the 2007 Service Level Agreement
12. Only Agencies with specific authority in state statute besides DFO are allowed to purchase, maintain and surplus state vehicles. Agencies with this authority shall follow all administrative rules governing the use of state leased vehicles. A current reference to all administrative rules related to DFO leased vehicles can be found at the following link: http://fleet.utah.gov/services/policies/fofleetpolicies.htm
13. The Agency shall park all DFO leased vehicles in a safe and secure location. Vehicles should always be locked when not in use and parked off the street where possible.
49. Reading the 2007 Service Level Agreement 14. Drivers shall enter correct odometer readings when fueling leased vehicles covered by this SLA. In the event a wrong odometer reading is entered, the Agency contact for “meter rejects” may be notified by a designated DFO employee to verify the correct mileage. Blatant error meter entries will result in a one-time charge (OTC) fee according to the DFO approved rate schedule.
15. The Agency shall provide appropriate safety inspections and emissions certificates from vendors for both marked and unmarked vehicles on or before the date assigned by the DFO’s Operations staff in email notifications to the Agency.
50. Reading the 2007 Service Level Agreement 16. The replacement criteria for vehicles leased from DFO is based mainly on mileage. DFO leased vehicles will be replaced when they reach 90,000 miles (all regular unleaded gasoline engines) or 180,000 miles for designated diesel vehicles. Some leased vehicles will exceed a 12, 15, or 20-year maximum replacement schedule (depending on the rental class) and will be replaced on year criteria regardless of the 90,000 or 180,000 mileage replacement requirement because the vehicles are in a “low use” environment. See the current “Rate Matrix” published in the DFO web page for the most up to date rate information for leased vehicles.
The fixed monthly rates associated with DFO vehicle leases will be adjusted in July of 2006 and January of 2007 to reflect the use of the vehicle by the Agency according to the DFO published rate matrix. The vehicle replacement list for model year 2007 will be created after the state contracts from the vehicle manufacturers are finalized by the State’s Division of Purchasing in the fall of 2006. Ordering of replacement vehicles will be made from December 2006 to April of 2007. It is anticipated that the exchange of vehicles for model year 2007 will take place primarily during the months of March, April, May, and June of 2007 but may be delayed depending on delivery from the manufacturers to DFO.
51. Reading the 2007 Service Level Agreement 17. All leased vehicles not designated as “low use” should meet DFO’s “Standard Utilization Schedule” of at least 625 miles per month. Every quarter (January, April, July, October) DFO will send out current utilization information to all fleet contacts of leasing Agencies. Vehicles not marked as low use that remain on the underutilized list for 6-12 months will be designated as “chronically underutilized” and may be subject vehicle reassignment or reallocation according to Administrative Rule R27-4-12.
18. As part of all leases, DFO shall provide the following services:
Daily vehicle rentals available through the motor pool locations managed by DFO
Access to web reports via the DFO web page.
A $0.20 per gallon rebate for using natural gas fuel in bi-fuel or dedicated natural gas vehicles
Repair coordination services for accidents and vehicle breakdowns
A preventive maintenance coupon book from ARI (full service lease vehicles only)
Emergency roadside assistance through ARI
52. Reading the 2007 Service Level Agreement 19. The Agency shall provide a designated contact for each category of Fleet Management identified by DFO. Please review and update the contact information for each Fleet Management category in the attached spreadsheet. Your Agency’s SLA for FY2007 will not be considered complete until all Agency contact information is returned via email to Sam Lee if DFO.
20. The Agency shall monitor the exception reports provided on the DFO web page at the following address: http://fleet.utah.gov/services/reports/reportintro.htm. The purpose of the monitoring is to assist the Agency in its management of the proper use and utilization of each leased vehicle. Specifically the Agency should check and analyze the “zero miles report”, “cost per mile exception reports”, “fleet at a glance report”, “gascard fueling history report”, “outstanding recall report”, and “Vehicle Detail” at least monthly.
53. Reading the 2007 Service Level Agreement
21. This SLA may be renegotiated at any time with 30-days prior written notice and agreement from DFO and the Agency.
22. The Agency agrees to have all drivers of full size passenger vans sign the “Full Size Passenger Van Protocol” before they drive a DFO leased full size passenger van. The Agency also agrees to keep the hard copy signed protocols on file for the active time period for audit review by the State of Utah Division of Risk Management at anytime.
54. Diesel Rate Discussion What has changed?
At the beginning of fiscal year 2006 DFO created new rental classes where the diesel rate goes out to a:
15 year life
180,000 replacement criteria
Why the change?
DFO received feedback from leasing Agencies that the diesel vehicles could remain effective far beyond the traditional 90,000 (12 year replacement)
This was a way for the State to save money and keep vehicles longer than the traditional 90,000 mile replacement
Is 180,000 miles the appropriate replacement time?
55. Is 180,000 miles the appropriate replacement time? DFO has received feedback from a leasing Agency that the ideal replacement should be based on 150,000 mile replacement (instead of 180,000 miles)
What is your feedback?
56. Diesel Class Code Comparison
57. Sam Lee
58. Higher Education Accidents Presented by Margaret Chambers
Acting Division Director
59. Higher Education Accidents Presented by Margaret Chambers
Acting Division Director
60. Margaret Chambers