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RESPIRATORY SYSTEM. Ch. 42 The second half. Aquatic Gas Exchange. Advantage: Keeping surface moist is no problem Disadvantage: O 2 concentrations in water are low, especially in warmer and saltier environments. Terrestrial Gas Exchange. Advantages: O2 diffuses faster in air

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  1. RESPIRATORY SYSTEM Ch. 42 The second half

  2. Aquatic Gas Exchange • Advantage: • Keeping surface moist is no problem • Disadvantage: • O2 concentrations in water are low, especially in warmer and saltier environments

  3. Terrestrial Gas Exchange • Advantages: • O2 diffuses faster in air • Air contains much more O2 than water • Disadvantage: • Surfaces must be internal to avoid loss of water due to evaporation

  4. Ventilation • Ventilation increases the amount of O2 taken in – stagnant water is no good • Crayfish wave their appendages to create currents – brings fresh water to gills • Fish force water across their gills • Blood also runs countercurrent to the water • Taking in and forcing out O2 from lungs

  5. Protists and Less Complex Animals • Once again, less complex organisms do not need complex organ systems • Gas exchange takes place due to diffusion

  6. Insects • Have a series of openings along their sides called SPIRACLES • Tubes called TRACHEA lead from spiracles to all of the body tissues • Open circulatory system does not transport O2 and CO2

  7. Fish • Most fish breathe with gills – feathery filaments that contain capillaries and a large surface area for gas exchange • They breathe by pumping water through the mouth, over gill filaments and out through slits in the sides of the pharynx • Double Pump System: by decreasing pressure in mouth, water is forced in; by increasing pressure in mouth, water is forced out through the opercula

  8. Fish • Because the gills are so VASCULAR and have a large surface area, gas exchange can happen adequately

  9. Fish • Countercurrent blood flow increases the efficiency of obtaining O2 from water

  10. Human Respiration • Works together with the circulatory system • Exchange of gases between atmosphere, blood, and cells • If respiratory system and/or circulatory system fails, death will occur • Cells need O2 for work; release CO2 as a waste product • Accumulation of excess CO2 is toxic to cells and MUST be removed

  11. Respiratory System Intakes oxygen Releases carbon dioxide waste Circulatory system Transports gases in blood between lungs and cells

  12. Respiratory Structures and Organs

  13. Respiratory Structures and Organs • Nose – made of cartilage and bone and is designed to warm, moisten, and filter air as it comes into the system • Pharynx – (throat) conducts food and air; exchanges air with Eustachian tube to equalize pressure

  14. Respiratory Structures and Organs nasal cavity pharynx larynx • Larynx – (voice box) connects the pharynx and the trachea; made of cartilage; contains vocal cords • Epiglottis – flap of tissue that covers trachea; ensures food travels down the esophagus

  15. Respiratory Structures and Organs larynx trachea bronchi bronchioles • Trachea – (windpipe) tubular passage way for air; carries air to the lungs, C-shaped cartilage rings, divides at end • Bronchi – pair of tubes that branch from trachea and enter lungs; have cartilage plates; lining is ciliated & secretes mucus

  16. Respiratory Structures and Organs bronchiole smooth muscle • Bronchioles – tiny tubes lacking cartilage and cilia; possess smooth muscle • Autonomic nervous system regulates diameter of bronchioles • Sympathetic division dilates bronchioles • Parasympathetic division constricts bronchioles

  17. Respiratory Structures and Organs • Alveoli – cup shaped structures at the end of the bronchioles that resemble bunches of grapes; are in direct contact with capillaries (gas exchange); covered with SURFACTANT that keep them from collapsing

  18. Alveoli

  19. Lungs – paired, cone-shaped organs that are surrounded by a pleural membrane, made of elastic tissue, and divided into lobes

  20. Mechanics of Breathing • Inhaling (active process) – Air moves in. Why?? • Gases move from an area of high pressure to low pressure • During inspiration – diaphragm pulls down and lungs expand • When lungs expand, it INCREASES the VOLUME, which DECREASES the PRESSURE inside lungs • Lung pressure is lower than outside pressure, so air moves in

  21. Mechanics of Breathing • Exhaling (passive process) – breathing out • Diaphragm and muscles relax • Volume in lungs and chest cavity decreases, so now pressure inside increases • Air moves out because pressure inside is HIGHER than OUTSIDE atmosphere

  22. Respiration • What is respiration? • External respiration – exchange of O2 and CO2 between respiratory surfaces and the blood (breathing) • Internal respiration – exchange of O2 and CO2 between the blood and cells • Cellular respiration – process by which cells use O2 to produce ATP

  23. External Respiration • Exchange of O2 and CO2 between alveoli and blood • Partial pressure of O2 higher in alveoli than blood so O2 diffuses into blood • Partial pressure of CO2 higher in blood than alveoli, so CO2 moves into alveoli in opposite direction and gets exhaled out

  24. Internal Respiration • Exchange of O2 and CO2 between blood and tissues • Pressure of O2 higher in blood than tissues so O2 gets release into tissues. • Pressure of CO2 higher in tissue than in blood so CO2 diffused in opposite direction into blood. • CO2 Is a waste product • O2 Is used in cellular respiration

  25. Gas Exchange • Earth’s atmosphere is about 78% Nitrogen and about 21% O2 • What happens to the air when we inhale? • 300 million alveoli in a healthy lung • Hemoglobin can hold four O2 molecules

  26. Gas Transport in Blood • Carbon dioxide • 70% as bicarbonate ion (HCO3-) dissolved in plasma • 23% bound to hemoglobin • 7% as CO2 dissolved in plasma • Oxygen • 99% bound to hemoglobin • 1% as O2 dissolved in plasma • Carbon monoxide poisoning occurs because CO binds to hemoglobin more readily than O2

  27. Control of Breathing • Breathing is regulated by the rhythmicity center in the medulla of brain • Medulla stimulates inspiratory muscles (diaphragm & external intercostal muscles) rhytmicity center

  28. Control of Breathing • The most important factor affecting the rhythmicity center is CO2 •  in arterial CO2 causes  in acidity of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) •  in CSF acidity is detected by pH sensors in medulla • medulla  rate and depth of breathing

  29. Respiratory System Disorders • Asthma – muscles of bronchioles constrict, drastically reducing ventilation • Emphysema – destruction of alveoli • Tuberculosis – highly contagious bacterial infection • Lung cancer – 90% of lung cancer victims have a history of smoking

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