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Scholarship Meeting Wed., October 3, 2018 Ms. Dhillon and Ms. Moorhouse

Find hundreds of scholarships, bursaries, and grants available for local, external, and university entrance opportunities. Learn about different sources of financial aid, including scholarships, bursaries, grants, loans, and awards. Research, apply, and send applications with required documents.

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Scholarship Meeting Wed., October 3, 2018 Ms. Dhillon and Ms. Moorhouse

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  1. Scholarship MeetingWed., October 3, 2018Ms. Dhillon and Ms. Moorhouse

  2. No One Source Hundreds of Scholarships, Bursaries & Grants Available (non-repayable) • Local Scholarships/Bursaries • External Scholarships/Bursaries • University Entrance Scholarships/Bursaries • BC Government Scholarships/Grants • You are responsible for researching, applying, and sending your applications with all required documents.

  3. DIFFERENT SOURCES OF FINANCIAL AID SCHOLARSHIPS • Although many scholarships are based heavily on academic achievement, many have other criteria, which play a large role as well. A combination of the following is also considered: community activities, leadership qualities, athletic ability, a commendable character, ethnic background, special needs, specific area of study, career plan, parents’ union affiliation BURSARIES • Bursaries are a non-repayable sum of money that are given based primarily on financial need, yet considers academic achievement and other criteria. Usually official documentation affirming your financial situation is required. GRANTS • Grants are a non-repayable sum of money that is given based primarily on financial need, yet considers academic achievement. Government grants are available. (financial need and academics) LOANS • Money borrowed by student demonstrating financial need, which must be repaid. A full financial statement is a necessary part of the application form. Student may get a loan from the government or a bank. AWARDS • Monetary awards made in recognition of achievement and significant individual contributions to the school, cultural and athletic development of school/community

  4. Some scholarships require a student be nominated by their school from their school. • Loran Awards • U of T Book Award • Queen’s University Entrance • Schulich Leaders Scholarships (January) • University of Western Ontario (February)

  5. LORAN AWARDS • Eligibility: Must be a graduating student, have a minimum cumulative average of 85%, be a Canadian Citizen or permanent resident status and be at least 16 years of age by Sept. 1 of the following year. Loran Awards are only tenable at participating universities in Canada, but finalist and provincial awards are tenable at any accredited public university in Canada. See website below for details. • Criteria: Must have outstanding service, leadership and character (integrity, humility, kindness, courage, tenacity and personal autonomy) and demonstrated a commitment to serving/improving their community/school. • Value: up to $100,000 • Deadline to submit paper copy of completed online application to Ms. Dhillon or Ms Moorhouse to be considered for school sponsorship: Oct. 10, 2018 • Deadline to apply (Sponsored Applicant): Oct. 17, 2018 • Deadline to apply (Direct Pool Applicant): Oct. 24, 2018 • Online Application:www.loranscholar.ca/apply

  6. UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO NATIONAL BOOK AWARD ANDSCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM • Pinetreecan nominate one student for the U of Toronto Book Award. • If you intend on applying U of T and would like to be nominated for the Book Award, submit a brag sheet to Ms. Dhillon or Ms. Moorhouse by October 24th. • For the National Scholarship at U of T, you do not have to be nominated to apply. • For more information and to apply online visit: www.uoft.me/national-scholarship • Please visit the site to determine eligibility. • Deadline to apply for the National Scholarship Program is Nov. 1, 2018.

  7. Queen’s Univ. Major Admission Awards • Deadline to apply for MAA: Dec. 1, 2018 • Must apply to Queen’s Univ. no later than Nov. 20, 2018. • Nomination process. Please submit brag sheet to Ms. Dhillon or Ms. Moorhouse by November 20th, 2018. • Go to https://www.queensu.ca/studentawards/admission-awards/major-admission-awards for more info.

  8. UBC Major Entrance UBC Presidential Scholars Award (academic/leadership) Students will be automatically considered for this award if they apply to UBC through the online application by December 1, 2018. Centennial Scholars Entrance Award (based on financial need and still be a strong academic student and meet all of UBC’s admission requirements) Application is required and due December 1, 2018. Application form (Available Oct. 1) Scholarships for international students: apply to UBC by Jan. 15, 2019 to be automatically considered. Awards for Aboriginal students: must self-identify on UBC application.

  9. SFU Major Entrance • You must have grades in the 90% range, excellence in extra-curricular. Very competitive. • Application is openOct. 1, 2018 • Deadline to apply for this scholarship is Dec. 3, 2018. • Available for both domestic and international students. • References are VERY important. Must know you well and be able to speak about your extra-curricular. Leadership, involvement in community/service, over along period of time. Be specific in describing involvement and what you accomplished/learned • Essay questions • References should be able to describe/speak to your involvement not just your academics.

  10. PROVINCIAL SCHOLARSHIPS PROGRAMMust be a Canadian Citizen or Permanent Resident BC ACHIEVEMENT SCHOLARSHIPS (no application required) • 8000 scholarships of $1250 • Top graduates with the high average on courses required for graduation, including elective courses but not GT • Based on achievement in Grades 10, 11, and 12 courses • Must have at least a B (73%) in English 12 and pass the provincial exam DISTRICT/AUTHORITY SCHOLARSHIPS (Early March) • 5500 scholarships of $1250 for tuition • Apply through school counsellor in March/April • Must show outstanding achievement in Indigenous Language and Culture, Fine Arts, Applied Design/Skills & Technologies, Physical Activity, International Languages, Community Service, Technical and Trades Training BC EXCELLENCE SCHOLARSHIPS (January) http://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/education-training/k-12/support/provincial-scholarships/bc-excellence-scholarships • 55 scholarships of $5000 (only one person per school) • For students showing community service inside and outside the school and leadership and a commitment to chosen career path • Submit resume, provide references, and written statement • Applications if nominated will be due Feb. 15, 2019. *can not win both BC Excellence and Pathway to Teacher PATHWAY TO TEACHER • 20 scholarships of $5000 • To students who demonstrate a commitment to a career path in K-12 teaching • Applications due Feb. 15, 2019. • Submit two references, resume, written response *can not win both BC Excellence and Pathway to Teacher http://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/education-training/k-12/support/provincial-scholarships

  11. Where to find information? • The Career Centre Website: pinetree.sd43.bc.ca there is a list of some of the scholarships available on in Financial Aid page. If you are having difficulty accessing the page, please see Ms. Moorhouse in the counselling area on Mondays and Fridays. • Financial Opportunities Guide available on the Financial Aid page on the Career Centre site on the Pinetree website. • The Howl, Career Office Bulletin Boards in counselling area, Local Newspapers.

  12. Where to find information cont’d • Student Information Brag Sheet is available underFinancial Aid webpage on the Career Center website. Please fill out and give a copy to Ms. Dhillon in the counselling office. It can be updated throughout the year if volunteer information changes. If you ask a teacher for a reference letter, give them a copy as well. • Look for information on financial aid offered on the post secondary institution site, e.g. Entrance Scholarships are also found on every university website that offers them.

  13. What you need to do! • Have a “ME” file. Include in it: • Pinetree Student Information Brag Sheet • Copies of Awards • Contact information for Volunteer Experience • Timeline of upcoming Scholarships • Include copies of any essays or applications • Follow application instructions. • Most Pinetree scholarships require Canadian Citizenship or Permanent Resident. Know your status and check the requirements of the specific scholarships. • Apply by due dates. Check whether it is apply by or received by for the application date. Give time for the application to arrive by mail. • Sign up your email to be included in Ms. Moorhouse’s scholarship contact list for scholarship updates

  14. What you need to do (cont’d) If you are asking your teachers for a reference letter: • Give adequate time (at least two weeks) • Make sure you give a copy of your student information form (Brag Sheet) • If possible include a copy of your application • Some letters may be included in your application; some may need to be submitted directly by your teacher.

  15. ESSAYS • Edit! Edit! Edit! • Read the topic carefully • Scholarship providers get to know you through your essays so be specific • Use examples • Only provide information that you are comfortable being shared with others. Many essays are published along with winner’s profiles.

  16. If you win a scholarship… • When you are notified that you have won a scholarship tell Ms. Dhillon so you can be recognized at Commencement

  17. Upcoming Univ. Events • Canadian Univ. Event: Thurs., Oct. 4 6:30pm-8:00pm (gym) • BC College & Univ. Mini-Fair: Thurs., Oct. 11 after school (cafeteria) • Univ. of Victoria: Fri., Oct. 12 lunch time TBA • Univ. of Victoria Business Program: Wed., Oct 17 lunch time TBA • SFU & UBC Info Night: Tues., Oct. 23 SFU 6-6:45pm /UBC 7-8pm(cafeteria) • Western Univ.: Thurs,. Nov. 1 after school (library) • SFU Beedie School of Business: Fri., Nov. 2 lunch time TBA • U of Toronto: Mon., Nov. 5 after school (TBA) • York Univ.: Tues., Nov. 6 after school (library) • McGill Univ.: Wed., Nov. 7 7:00-8:30pm (Heritage Woods Sec.) • U of Alberta:Wed., Nov. 28 after school (library) • Road to Graduation: November 2018 Date and time TBD

  18. University/College Application Timeline For BC go to https://apply.educationplannerbc.ca/to apply. • BCIT – Apply Early!Applications for most full-time technology programs are accepted beginningNov. 1, 2018. Go to http://www.bcit.ca/admission/whentoapply.shtmlApplications for trades programs accepted throughout the year. • Douglas College –Different deadlines for different programs. Applications now being accepted. • SFU – Deadline isJan. 31, 2019. • UVic– Application deadline is Feb. 28, 2019. • UBC – EarlyApplication Deadline isDec. 1, 2018 • UBC – Final Application Final Deadline is Jan. 15, 2019. Out-of-Province Application Timeline for Fall 2019 Entry • U of Toronto – Apply by Nov. 1 and submit documents by Nov. 15. • University of Alberta – Application open Oct. 1 Apply early! Go to https://www.applyalberta.ca/pub/ to apply. • Universities in Ontario –apply EARLY – recommended you apply before Christmas! Go towww.ouac.on.ca/ouac-105/ to apply. • McGill – Deadline to apply is Feb. 1, 2019. (apply early for early admission) • All other universities/colleges –check their website for application deadlines.

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