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Addressing e-Researchers Requirements

Addressing e-Researchers Requirements. Licia Florio, TERENA florio@terena.org. REFEDS Meeting 2 June 2013. FIM4R Paper. FIM Paper highlighted some of the issues that hinder the usage of federated access in the e-Research community: Contains use-cases Present common requirements

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Addressing e-Researchers Requirements

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  1. Addressing e-Researchers Requirements Licia Florio, TERENA florio@terena.org REFEDS Meeting 2 June 2013

  2. FIM4R Paper • FIM Paper highlighted some of the issues that hinder the usage of federated access in the e-Research community: • Contains use-cases • Present common requirements • There is common consensus to work towards increased use of Federated Identity Management within the eScience communities: • However there are a number of use-cases that are not well (or at all) supported by the ID Feds

  3. Roadmap for collaboration • REFEDS/eduGAIN produced a document to address FIM4R issues: • Provides an initial list of prioritised requirements (thanks also to Bob Jones & co.) • Addresses some perceived issues • Presents proposals to solve some of the challenges https://refeds.terena.org/images/3/3e/AnalysisFIMDocumentv0.7.pdf

  4. Approach • The roadmap IS a joint work ID Fed and e-Researchers: • Identify key projects within the e-research community that REFEDS/GÉANT can liaise with • Funding: • eduGAIN and GN3plus have dedicated budget to carry out some work and do some pilots • REFEDS can offer a limited budget • Participating e-Research projects may use some of their funding ?

  5. The Proposals • Selection of areas presented at the FIM4R Workshop: • Federated access for non-Web applications • Not really in scope for REFEDS • Guests IdPs • Controversial topic: some people are in favour, some other are against • Community managed attribute authorities • Work is happening in the GN3+ project • But maybe also in scope for REFEDS • Motivating IdPs to release attributes • Lots in the REFEDS plan (entity categories, LoA, CoC, etc.,)

  6. What’s Next? • Feedback on the proposals (and the document) • Done • Roadmap is ready • REFEDS/GN3 Gather use-cases: • https://refeds.terena.org/index.php/FIM4R-Use-Cases • Deadline was 10 May • Need to select the use-cases to work with • Answers should be expected by Mid june • Start working 

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