1. Discharge in PHT Experiences from the Integrated Discharge Bureau and a Vision for the Future of Discharge from the Hospital
2. Overview of Presentation Discharge – A Love Story…
Background to the Challenges
Discharge – How Difficult Can it Be?
Integrated Discharge Bureau
Embedding Frontline Ownership
Next Steps
Any Questions?
3. Don’t let a Poor Discharge Break your Heart
4. Discharge – Importance of the Task Good discharges are critical for:
Patient experience
Flows through the hospital (and hence £)
Outcomes (i.e. risk of failed discharge)
11% of complaints received by PHT in December 2009 related to issues connected with admission or discharge processes
5. Problems with Non-Levelled Discharge Suggests reactive approach
Bias towards tail end of day causes problems for external services / care packages
Mismatch between admissions and free beds to admit to results in necessary, but undesirable actions such as outlying
6. The Vicious Cycle of Discharge
7. The Virtuous Cycle of Discharge
8. Discharge Typology
9. Discharge – How Difficult Can It Be?
10. Integrated Discharge Bureau
11. The Idea Focus on complicated and complex
Bring together existing resources into formalised structure
Twice daily meetings, action driven
Answer every query there and then
IDB - centre of best practice / learning for clinical services
Clinical services rotating chair – Matrons and OMs own
Focus on bringing down length of delay
Trust and support, don’t blame but hold to account
12. Scale of the Task
13. The Challenge of the Lost Days
14. Ownership of the Bureau 80/20
Strategic leads – importance for flushing out and escalating
80% of all NHS initiatives fail due to lack of sustainability plan
IDB Plan to engage Matrons and OMs through learning and personal development
Strong and visible links to senior managers in community health and social care
Market as a shared resource, not just for hospital but for local population
15. Next Steps Embed the new systems and processes to progress transfers of care for complex patients
Shift IDB to 7 day working
Apply virtuous cycle principles to routine discharge across the entire organisation
Continue strategic leadership at arm’s length – frontline managers empowered to shape