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Four-Vector Track-Trigger Studies. Jim Brooke, Emyr Clement, Giulia Ferlito, Robert Frazier, Kristian Harder, Lucy Kogan, Dave Newbold 23/07/09. Overview of 4-Vector Track-Trigger Studies Tool. History + Effort: Originally written by Jim Brooke; now also Kristian Harder and myself.
Four-Vector Track-Trigger Studies Jim Brooke, Emyr Clement, Giulia Ferlito, Robert Frazier, Kristian Harder, Lucy Kogan, Dave Newbold 23/07/09 Robert Frazier -- University of Bristol -- 4-Vector Track-Trigger Studies
Overview of 4-Vector Track-Trigger Studies Tool • History + Effort: • Originally written by Jim Brooke; now also Kristian Harder and myself. • Additional effort in the form of 3 summer students for the next ~2 months. • Purpose: • Fast and easy-to-use tool to scan over geometry and trigger options/ideas • If it doesn’t work at the 4-vector level, it will never work. • Else… move onto fast/full simulation. • What it does: • Extrapolates Pythia-generated particles on exact helices. • Simulates detector geometry: cylindrical layers with modules and pixels. • A hit is generated at the centre of each pixel traversed by a track helix. • Proper treatment of looping tracks. • Approximates secondary particle production through material effects. Robert Frazier -- University of Bristol -- 4-Vector Track-Trigger Studies
Overview of 4-Vector Track-Trigger Studies Tool • Advantages: • Very fast: • 0.003 seconds/event no pile-up. • ~ 5 seconds/event with 200 pile-up. • Detector geometry can be changed in seconds. • Also supports short layers. • Code is fairly self-contained, no major headaches in adding new features. • Not yet implemented: • Clustering • Tracks from stubs (in progress - should have v1 soon) • Endcaps (also in progress) Robert Frazier -- University of Bristol -- 4-Vector Track-Trigger Studies
Mission • To untangle the purely physicaleffects which limit the performance from the detectoreffects. • Understand the irreducible performance limit. • Provide a cross-check for full-/fast-sim studies. • Define limits of performance these studies can reach when fully optimised. • Provide a rapid indication of the effects of changes that are hard to validate in more detailed simulation code. Robert Frazier -- University of Bristol -- 4-Vector Track-Trigger Studies
In Detail - Geometry • Single, simple geometry file that is easy to change: • Barrel layers, modules and pixel dimensions. • E.g. The Long Barrel geometry (seen by hits) • No short stacks: r/cm z/cm Robert Frazier -- University of Bristol -- 4-Vector Track-Trigger Studies
In Detail - Geometry • Single, simple geometry file that is easy to change: • Barrel layers, modules and pixel dimensions. • E.g. The Long Barrel geometry (seen by hits) • No short stacks: • With short stacks: r/cm z/cm Robert Frazier -- University of Bristol -- 4-Vector Track-Trigger Studies
In Detail - Geometry • Single, simple geometry file that is easy to change: • Barrel layers, modules and pixel dimensions. • E.g. The Long Barrel geometry (seen by hits) • No short stacks: • With short stacks: • Adding endcaps into the simulation is now a priority. • Essential in order to study the hybrid geometry. r/cm z/cm Robert Frazier -- University of Bristol -- 4-Vector Track-Trigger Studies
r/cm z/cm In Detail - Track Propagation • Now uses the FastSim propagator class • BaseParticlePropagator • Looping tracks fully supported: • r-z view, 0.7 GeV particle gun tracks looping down the length of the barrel: Robert Frazier -- University of Bristol -- 4-Vector Track-Trigger Studies
In Detail - Material Interactions • Simulation of secondaries: • Currently, secondary particles are not linked directly to tracks crossing a layer. • Estimate number of secondary interactions as: • Create corresponding number of interaction vertices with random distribution across layer. • Create two charged particles for each production vertex. • Still need to tune the momentum distribution of the secondaries. Thickness of layer in radiation lengths (configurable) Interactions per radiation length (currently set to 1) Estimate of number of charged tracks crossing a layer Robert Frazier -- University of Bristol -- 4-Vector Track-Trigger Studies
In Detail - Material Interactions • Distribution of MC particle vertices (radius in x-y plane) Material effects of long stacks 1,2,3,4,9,10 clearly visible r/cm Robert Frazier -- University of Bristol -- 4-Vector Track-Trigger Studies
In Detail - Stub Finding • Stubs are found on a per-module basis • Local algorithm. • Inner-hit pixel on a stack is the centre of a configurable phi/z acceptance window for the outer-hit. • Acceptance window specified in number of pixels in phi and z. • E.g. for a 1 stub acceptance window: Robert Frazier -- University of Bristol -- 4-Vector Track-Trigger Studies
In Detail - Stub Finding • Local stub-finding algorithm produces a stub-threshold that varies with stack radius. • Threshold moves from ~0.5 GeV to 2 GeV for a phi acceptance window of 2 pixels. (Long barrel, 1mm stack separation). Pt (GeV) Robert Frazier -- University of Bristol -- 4-Vector Track-Trigger Studies
In Detail - Stub Finding • Local stub-finding algorithm produces a stub-threshold that varies with stack radius. • Threshold moves from ~0.5 GeV to 2 GeV for a phi acceptance window of 2 pixels. (Long barrel, 1mm stack separation). • Slightly problematic for FastSim comparisons • Fast-sim stub-finder currently seems rather artificial. • Uses floating point phi cut for stub-thresholds? Pt (GeV) Robert Frazier -- University of Bristol -- 4-Vector Track-Trigger Studies
Comparisons with Fast Simulation • Apples to apples comparison with results from Laura Fields’s work using the Fast Simulation • Good agreement between the two simulations for hit- and stub-rates • Using: • Long barrel geometry (without short stacks). • 1mm stack spacing. • Stub-thresholds are matched as well as possible. • Material interactions not switched on in four-vector simulation (needs more tuning). • 200 pile-up events per crossing, no signal. Robert Frazier -- University of Bristol -- 4-Vector Track-Trigger Studies
Comparisons with Fast Simulation • Sample hit-rate comparisons: Four-Vector Fast-Sim Robert Frazier -- University of Bristol -- 4-Vector Track-Trigger Studies
Comparisons with Fast Simulation • Sample stub-rate comparisons: Four-Vector Fast-Sim Request: FastSim results with better statistics to compare against! Robert Frazier -- University of Bristol -- 4-Vector Track-Trigger Studies
Results Wiki Page • We now have a wiki page for results: • https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/CMS/FourVectorSLHCTriggerSimulationResults • Similar to Laura Fields’s “standard plots” results page: • http://www.lns.cornell.edu/~ljf26/SLHCTrackingTriggerStudies/standardPlots.html • Currently only shows results for variations of the long-barrel geometry. • Variations in stack separation and stub-finder pixel window in phi. Robert Frazier -- University of Bristol -- 4-Vector Track-Trigger Studies
Future Plans • We now have a lot more effort available • Myself up to ~80% on this now. • Lots of summer student effort available. • In good standing for getting results by September. • Critical software tasks to finish: • Add in endcaps ASAP. • Add algorithms to generate tracks from stubs. • Link to FastSim Calo + Muons. Robert Frazier -- University of Bristol -- 4-Vector Track-Trigger Studies
Future Plans • Once all the software is in place… • We can quickly cover large amounts of geometry phase-space. • Study track-matching algorithms for different geometry options: • Particularly outside-in approach (not well covered yet?) • Optimise efficiencies • Examine response of track-matching algorithms for fake electrons located by calo trigger. • Can we reject this reliably? • Understand tradeoff between rate-reduction and efficiency for the parameters of our detector and algorithms. • Quantify occupancies and data rates. Robert Frazier -- University of Bristol -- 4-Vector Track-Trigger Studies
For Late September • Full scan over parameter space • Long Barrel. • Hybrid Geometry. • Others? • Performance with realistic quantities of readout data per primitive • Estimates of trigger rate reduction • For a range of stub-matching algorithms Robert Frazier -- University of Bristol -- 4-Vector Track-Trigger Studies