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Mobility in the OPIR project. Ms Àngels FONT Project OPIR – Final Conference Brussels - 18 February 2011. Work methodology : a top-down approach. Institutional level. Operational level. Selection of two diplomas (EQF 3-4): Machining and Hairdressing.
Mobility in the OPIR project Ms Àngels FONT Project OPIR – Final Conference Brussels - 18 February 2011
Workmethodology: a top-downapproach Institutionallevel Operationallevel Selection of twodiplomas (EQF 3-4): Machining and Hairdressing Organization of trainingpathway – integration of common units Identification of keyactivities Tests: mobility Resultscollection Selection of a common, mobility-friendlyactivity (OPIR unit) Translationinto LO Credit pointsallocation Definition of assessmentstandards OPIR - Conférence finale du 18 février 2011
The OPIR mobility – Characteristics Decisions takenby OPIR partners: • Whowould be sendingtrainees • All countries participate • Oneschool minimum per country/region OPIR - Conférence finale du 18 février 2011
The OPIR mobility – Characteristics Decisions takenby OPIR partners: • Whowould be sendingtrainees • Morepracticalactivitiesthantheoreticalknowledge in TC and/or company • Linguisticpreparationensuredbythesendingpartner • Contents of theexchange OPIR - Conférence finale du 18 février 2011
The OPIR mobility – Characteristics Decisions takenby OPIR partners: • Whowould be sendingtrainees • Bilateral mobility • Timetables to be organized in each TC according to the OPIR module • 3 or 4 weeks • Contents of theexchange • Type and duration of exchange OPIR - Conférence finale du 18 février 2011
The OPIR mobility – Characteristics Decisions takenby OPIR partners: • Whowould be sendingtrainees • Eachpartner is responsible for thefunding of theoutgoingmobility • Contents of theexchange • Type and duration of exchange • Funding OPIR - Conférence finale du 18 février 2011
The OPIR mobility – Characteristics Decisions takenby OPIR partners: • Whowould be sendingtrainees • Classes and activitiesare to be held in thehostingpartners’ language • Contents of theexchange • Type and duration of exchange • Funding • Workinglanguage OPIR - Conférence finale du 18 février 2011
The OPIR mobility – Characteristics Decisions takenby OPIR partners: • Whowould be sendingtrainees • The assessmentwill be carried out in thehosting country • Contents of theexchange • Type and duration of exchange • Funding • Workinglanguage • Evaluationprocedure OPIR - Conférence finale du 18 février 2011
Mobilityimplementation Hairdressing Belgium-Catalonia OPIR - Conférence finale du 18 février 2011
Mobilityimplementation Hairdressing Belgium-Romania OPIR - Conférence finale du 18 février 2011
Mobilityimplementation Hairdressing Belgium-Switzerland OPIR - Conférence finale du 18 février 2011
Mobilityimplementation Hairdressing Catalonia-France OPIR - Conférence finale du 18 février 2011
Mobilityimplementation Hairdressing Andalusia-Italy OPIR - Conférence finale du 18 février 2011
Mobilityimplementation Machining Belgium-Romania OPIR - Conférence finale du 18 février 2011
Mobilityimplementation Machining Belgium-Switzerland OPIR - Conférence finale du 18 février 2011
Mobilityimplementation Machining Catalonia-France OPIR - Conférence finale du 18 février 2011
Assessment of themobilityactions • STRONG POINTS: • Highlevel of motivation of trainers, trainees and companies • Highlevel of cooperationbetweentrainersfromboth parties • Willingness to go on withtheexperience • WEAK POINTS: • Methods of assessment • Mobilityshould cover a longerperiod • Mobilityshouldnot be simultaneous OPIR - Conférence finale du 18 février 2011
Assessment of themobilityactions The averagelevel of satisfactionwiththemobilityexperience is good: 7’6/10 It is noteworthy that the evaluation methods used by the partner institution have received a significantly lower assessment than the ones used at the home institution OPIR - Conférence finale du 18 février 2011
Assessment of themobilityactions “Reduce paper-work! Too much burden in Learning Agreement” “The training centres should be kept informed during all phases of the project” “Learning activities in the TC require a minimum level of the foreign language both for trainers and trainees” “Avoid scattering the trainess geographically” “A better global link between OPIR coordination and mobility is desirable” “Deeper discussion about assessment procedures is required before mobility” “It was difficult for our system to adjust to the OPIR calendar requirements” “The hosting centre wasn’t aware of documentation procedures” “In some cases, a tailor-made OPIR group was created; not the OPIR goal, but an overall sucess” OPIR - Conférence finale du 18 février 2011
Lessonslearnt – Assessmentbythe competent bodies Integration of incomingtrainees: verydifficult Jointworkfostersinsight on theownwork and inducesopeness to otherqualifications Keyactivityof thejob: optimumstartingpoint of thejointwork The definiton of a common unit might be easierwiththecollaboration of thetraining centres; training centres and competent institutionsneed to worktogether Linguistic preparation is necessary; language has not been as big an obstacle as was thought at the beginning Easyagreement on assessmentcriteria, not so much on assessmentmethods Mutual trust must be reinforced for the success of joint work OPIR - Conférence finale du 18 février 2011
OPIR Closing conference Brussels, 18 February 2011 Àngels Font Burés Generalitat de Catalunya – Departament d’Ensenyament Head of Unit of International Programmes for VET angels.font@gencat.cat +34 93 551 69 00 - 3752 +34 93 241 53 23 OPIR - Conférence finale du 18 février 2011