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ENVIRONMENTAL CHALANGE in connection with the BASEL CONVENTION IMPLEMENTATION. MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT AND WATER MANAGEMENT OF ROMANIA General Directorate for Waste Management and Dangerous Substances Liviu Baciu –Counsellor of Directorate of Waste Management
ENVIRONMENTAL CHALANGE in connection with the BASEL CONVENTION IMPLEMENTATION MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT AND WATER MANAGEMENT OF ROMANIA General Directorate for Waste Management and Dangerous Substances Liviu Baciu –Counsellorof Directorate of Waste Management Radulescu Monica – Deputy Director, Legal Department Madalina Lobda – counsellor of NEPA liviu.baciu@mmediu.ro monica.radulescu@mmediu.ro madalina.lobda@anpm.ro
ENVIRONMENTAL CHALANGE in connection with the BASEL CONVENTION IMPLEMENTATION Ratification of the Basel Convention Law 9/1991 Ratification of the Basel Convention Amendments Law 265/2002
ENVIRONMENTAL CHALANGE in connection with the BASEL CONVENTION IMPLEMENTATION National Competent Authority Focal Point Ministry of Environment and Water Management of Romania • Directorate of Water Management and Dangerous Chemicals • National Agencies for Environmental Protection
ENVIRONMENTAL CHALANGE in connection with the BASEL CONVENTION IMPLEMENTATION Regulation CEE 259/93 on control and supervision of the waste shipment in European Community -Proper legal an institutional framework -Transition periods -Implementation Plan
ENVIRONMENTAL CHALANGE in connection with the BASEL CONVENTION IMPLEMENTATION • Governmental Decision no. 1357/2002 establishing the public authorities responsible for supervision and control of the import, export and transit of waste; - Of. J. no 893/10.12.2002; • Governmental Decision no. 228(as amended) on the control of introducing into the country of non hazardous waste with the purpose of import, inward processing and transit - Of. J. no. 189/04.03.2004; • Common ministerial order 2/2004 on Procedure control for the transport of the waste.
ENVIRONMENTAL CHALANGE in connection with the BASEL CONVENTION IMPLEMENTATION • Within the National Environmental Protection Agencies subordinated to the Ministry of Environment and Water Management (MEWM), a special office responsible for the control of shipment waste has been established • Notification form and Movement form
ENVIRONMENTAL CHALANGE in connection with the BASEL CONVENTION IMPLEMENTATION Requirements for imports September –January • 214 notifications • 796 962 tons of wastes • Paper and cardboard • Textile • Glass • Tobacco • Metals
ENVIRONMENTAL CHALANGE in connection with the BASEL CONVENTION IMPLEMENTATION Illegal transport of hazardous waste: • 1992 more than 400 tons • 2005 more than 100 tons Returned to exported countries
ENVIRONMENTAL CHALANGE in connection with the BASEL CONVENTION IMPLEMENTATION • Inspections as regards the legal aspect of wastes transport control, performed in port areas with an intense activity, have showed the fact that up to 30% of transports are made by contraventions of legal provisions (study carried out by UE) .
ENVIRONMENTAL CHALANGE in connection with the BASEL CONVENTION IMPLEMENTATION PROJECT OBJECTIVES: • To consolidate both the national competent authorities capacity and the focal points established on the base of article 2 item 6 and 7 of the Basel Convention. • To increase capacity of the national competent authorities to cooperate in the Black See area and at the same time increasing the cooperation with UE and with the countries are Parties of the Basel Convention.
ENVIRONMENTAL CHALANGE in connection with the BASEL CONVENTION IMPLEMENTATION ACTIVITIES: • training meetings for experts with responsibilities on the trans-boundary movements of hazardous wastes, regard to: • competent national authorities staff training for increasing their capacity for correctly filling in the forms (notification forms, movements / expedition forms) requested by the Basel Convention; • focal points staff training in order to collect and transmit the information requested by the Basel Convention Secretariat; • custom authority staff training for performing an efficient control to cross border points in order to combat illegal traffic;
ENVIRONMENTAL CHALANGE in connection with the BASEL CONVENTION IMPLEMENTATION • The training courses conducted by the representatives of the Basel Convention Secretariat, Interpol and World Custom Organization. • The training meetings focused on the implementation of the Basel Convention provisions but not only. • The implementation of the Basel Convention connected with other international legal acts adopted for regulation of the transboundary movements of hazardous wastes and their disposal.
ENVIRONMENTAL CHALANGE in connection with the BASEL CONVENTION IMPLEMENTATION • Synergy with the respective policies of the European Union • 259/93/EEC Regulation provisions taken into consideration
ENVIRONMENTAL CHALANGE in connection with the BASEL CONVENTION IMPLEMENTATION • 3-7 April 2006 “Open Ended Working Group “ of Basel Convention • Switzerland proposal : • Mobil Phone Partnership Initiative • Waste Mobil Phone Management Projects • Romania , Egypt
ENVIRONMENTAL CHALANGE in connection with the BASEL CONVENTION IMPLEMENTATION • Central and Eastern European Countries • Bratislava Regional Center for Basel Convention Implementation • Waste Mobil Phone Management Projects • Collaboration between the public and private sectors • Involve Mobil Phone manufactures
ENVIRONMENTAL CHALANGE in connection with the BASEL CONVENTION IMPLEMENTATION Future activities focus on: • Improvement of • Notification Form • Movement Form • Technical Guidelines for POPs • Ship Dismantling • Resource mobilization • Financial Mechanism