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Bushrangers on the Goldfields

Bushrangers on the Goldfields. By: Joseph Luu 5 Gold 2010. What are Bushrangers?. Bushrangers are thieves and convicts who are against the law, robbing small town banks or coach services. Bushrangers are people that wanted revenge on the government.

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Bushrangers on the Goldfields

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  1. Bushrangers on the Goldfields By:Joseph Luu 5 Gold 2010

  2. What are Bushrangers? • Bushrangers are thieves and convicts who are against the law, robbing small town banks or coach services. • Bushrangers are people that wanted revenge on the government. • Bushrangers are also called the Old West Outlaws.

  3. What did bushrangers do? • Bushrangers ambush and kill people who have a variety of rare items that can be stolen. • Bushrangers use weapons to ambush and kill diggers and miners that have gold.

  4. What Weapons did they use? • Assault Rifles • Snipers • Pistol • Revolvers • Sharp Rifles • Knives • Pocket Colts

  5. What Did Bushrangers Wear? • Bushrangers had Beards and Old Boots. • Thick t’s and Trousers. • Hats, Vests and Holsters • Bushrangers normally wear old brown clothes.

  6. Were the bushrangers involved in the Eureka Stockade? • Some bushrangers were involved in the Eureka Stockade because they knew there gold there and so they decided to steal some and rob them from the governor. Bushrangers ambush people that walk around the bushes with gold then they strike and kill the person and steal their gold.

  7. Here are some bushrangers • Ned Kelly • Alexander Pearce • Benjamin Hall • Mad Dog Morgan • Frank Gardiner • Captain Midnight • Captain Thunderbolt • Captain Moonlight

  8. Ned Kelly • June 1854 – 11 November 1880. • Born in Victoria. • Ned Kelly wore Metal Armour • Ned Kelly worked with a group called the Kelly Gang. • Ned Kelly was a bushranger but then became an outlaw. • He was born in an old Irish family.

  9. Mad Dog Morgan ( John Fuller) • Mad Dog Morgan became a bushranger when he was 30 years old from 1863 to 1865. • Mad Dog Morgan was one of the most vicious and callous bushrangers in Australian History. • His career ended when he was shot by some station employees.

  10. Captain Midnight (Thomas Smith) • Captain Midnight began his criminal life when he was sentences to jail for 5 years for thieving cattle. • He escaped 1 year later and started his own gang, but soon he found himself locked up again but this time for 6 and a half years. • He died when he was back to prison.

  11. Bibliography • http://www.sbs.com.au/gold/ • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_Page • http://www.cap.nsw.edu.au/bb_site_intro/stage2_modules/bushrangers/bushrangers.htm • http://www.wilmap.com.au/bushrangers.html

  12. Thank You for watching • I guess this is the end of my gold project….]

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