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Energy resolution results for Microbulk MICROMEGAS at high energy and pressure. Alfredo Tomás Alquézar Universidad de Zaragoza on behalf of the collaboration College de France : P. Gordetzsky and P. Salin IRFU-Saclay : E. Ferrer-Ribas and I. Giommataris
Energy resolution results for Microbulk MICROMEGAS at high energy and pressure. Alfredo Tomás Alquézar Universidad de Zaragoza on behalf of the collaboration College de France: P. Gordetzsky and P. Salin IRFU-Saclay: E. Ferrer-Ribas and I. Giommataris Zaragoza: T. Dafni, F.J. Iguaz, I. G. Irastorza and A. Tomás
Outline • The subject: Microbulk µicroMegas • The motivation:A NEutrino Xenon gas TPC for decay searches • The tests:high energy & pressure resolution • Ar + isoC4H10 (already presented, Amsterdam I.G. Irastorza) • pure Xe (preliminary) • Results (preliminary) RD51, Paris 14th October Alfredo Tomás Alquézar, Universidad de Zaragoza
Micromesh 5µm copper Kapton 50 µm Readout pads Microbulks (not to mistake for bulks) Readout plane + pillars + mesh manufactured simultaneously. Uniformity of amplification gap up to few microns . Next generation of MM for CAST (3 microbulks + CCD) RD51, Paris 14th October Alfredo Tomás Alquézar, Universidad de Zaragoza
100µm 40 µm kapton pillards cooper mesh cooper anode epoxy support anode contact mesh contact Mibrobulk simplest prototype 55Fe 12,3% FWHM 25 mm RD51, Paris 14th October Alfredo Tomás Alquézar, Universidad de Zaragoza
0nbb& NEXT • Neutrinoless Double Beta (0nbb) • Neutrino: Majorana or Dirac? • Absolute scale of netrino’s mass • NEXT • Monolithic Xe detector • Topological signature: RD51, Paris 14th October Alfredo Tomás Alquézar, Universidad de Zaragoza
NEXT: energy resolution requirement Energy is the main observable for a decay experiment. Good resolution is essential to distinguish the ultimum and unavoidable background: the bb2n spectrum. RD51, Paris 14th October Alfredo Tomás Alquézar, Universidad de Zaragoza
oxisorb P exhaust The tests: set up Lower part • Simple anode microbulk • HP 2 liter TPC (from HELLAZ) • Single run: full TPC (through oxisorb) and isolate gas Upper part RD51, Paris 14th October Alfredo Tomás Alquézar, Universidad de Zaragoza
The tests:Ar + 2% isobutane • Already presented (I.G. Irastorza, Amsterdam RD51 meeting). • 1,5-2% FWHM along the 2-5 bar pressure range. • Landau deconvolution points out 0,7% FWHM intrinsicicroMegas resolution. • Very similar results obtained in a wide range of parameters like: electric drift field, gain, electric fields ratio, electric drift field homogeneity, etc. 4,75 bar RD51, Paris 14th October Alfredo Tomás Alquézar, Universidad de Zaragoza
The tests:pure Xe (PRELIMINARY) • Enough gain was achieved only with Xe. • Resolution and gain were not so robust as in Ar, moreover some peak’s defects indicated the presence of attachment . • Pulse shape offline analysis can help to clarify this situation: RD51, Paris 14th October Alfredo Tomás Alquézar, Universidad de Zaragoza
2,8% FWHM VERY PRELIMINARY Pure Xe at 2 bar PRELIMINARY 4,2% FWHM • Risetime-Amplitude correlation hadn’t been observed in Ar measurements. • Different slopes at variable conditions on gas purity convinced us the effect is really due to attachment. RD51, Paris 14th October Alfredo Tomás Alquézar, Universidad de Zaragoza
Pure Xe at 3 bar PRELIMINARY 7,8% FWHM 7,8% FWHM 4,9% FWHM 4,9% FWHM VERY PRELIMINARY RD51, Paris 14th October Alfredo Tomás Alquézar, Universidad de Zaragoza
Pure Xe at 4 bar PRELIMINARY 14,4% FWHM 4,5% FWHM VERY PRELIMINARY RD51, Paris 14th October Alfredo Tomás Alquézar, Universidad de Zaragoza
? ? Pure Xe: Gain At least 180 Product Q primary · G seems to be the limitation, independent on pressure when working at high Qp and (not so) low gain. PRELIMINARY RD51, Paris 14th October Alfredo Tomás Alquézar, Universidad de Zaragoza
Summary • Microbulks represent the state of the art in icroMegas in relation to energy resolution (less than 15% @5,9 keV guaranteed in Ar + isoC4H8 at atm pressure). • Results in pure Xe at high energy (5,6 MeV 241Am ) & pressure: • Expected improvements (PROSPECTS) in • Better gas system quality • Quencher • Addition of Light readout • icroMegas geometry VERY PRELIMINARY Gain higher than 180 RD51, Paris 14th October Alfredo Tomás Alquézar, Universidad de Zaragoza