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HIPPI at end 2008. - Official end of the Activity in December 2008 no extensions will be considered. The remaining deliverables are due at the latest in the first months of 2009 (take end of February as limit date). Status of deliverables at end September 2008. 2005 : 1/1 delivered.
HIPPI at end 2008 - Official end of the Activity in December 2008 no extensions will be considered. The remaining deliverables are due at the latest in the first months of 2009 (take end of February as limit date). 2
Status of deliverables at end September 2008 • 2005 : 1/1 delivered. • 2006 : 8/8, delivered • 2007 : 8/9 delivered , (left is “cern beamline assembly”) • 2008 : 2/13 delivered . • Missing a grand total of 12 deliverables, of which 4 are the comparative assessment reports to be discussed and prepared at HIPPI08. 3
WP2 – deliverables status • All due deliverables have been delivered (5 over 8) • 3 deliverables to go : DTL (ok-no delay); H-mode DTL (ok-no delay); comparative assessment (editor C. Plostinar/RAL). 4 4
WP3 – deliverables status • 3 deliverables over 7 are delivered • 4 deliverables to go : • Elliptical cavities high power test will not be completed in 2008, needs re-scoping: 'High power tests of couplers for cavity A and B’ • Spoke cavity-proto testing : low power tests for sure, possibly high power test. • Final report on SC-CH (Frankfurt) • Comparative assessment: discussed in the HIPPI meeting. 5 5
WP4 - deliverable status • 4 deliverable over 6 are delivered • 2 deliverables to go • Beamline assembly (and measurements) : we will have a description of the beamline assembly but no measurements • Comparative assessment coordinated by AL. Material already available 6 6
WP5-deliverable status • 7 deliverables over 10 are delivered • 3 deliverables to go : • Code benchmarking at GSI (PRSTAB paper?) • Simulations (and experiments ) at CERN • Comparative assessment of dynamics and measurements 7 7
HIPPI Reporting • 1st 2008 Quarterly Report delivered more or less on time (thanks to all contributors!). • Spring Work Package meetings done as usual (except for WP3 !). • 2nd QR was due by end of September, the deadline has been extended to end of October in order to take into account the information presented at HIPPI08: only the WP2 contribution received up to now! The other WP coordinators should collect information at this meeting and send the chapter to MV+AL on November 10th at the latest! We should provide a report for 15.11. • The Annual Report (contributions due by end December) will be again a summary of the 2 QR’s, dome by MV and AL. • This year we have to provide a Final Report together with the Annual Report. It will be a summary of the activity done within the JRA. More details on next slide. 8
Final Report – Official rules(a good example of EU jargon…) The Final Report shall be submitted by the consortium to the Commission after the end of the project in addition to and at the same time as the annual report for the last reporting period i.e. within 45 days of the end of the project.It includes the following parts: A. a publishable final activity report, cumulating and summarising the project activities and results over the full duration. It is of suitable quality to enable direct publication by the Commission. While not excluding technical language, it should be broadly comprehensible to an interested general reader. B. a final management report consolidating the claimed costs of the contractors in an aggregate form covering the entire duration of the project. C. a final report on the distribution of the Community’s contribution consolidating the funding distributed to each contractor over the entire duration of the project. This report must be submitted by the Co-ordinator within 60 days after receipt of the final payment by the Commission. D. the completed questionnaires on science and society, workforce statistics and socio-economic aspects. The Final Reports must be prepared according to the templates (cover page, …) starting on the next page. Please follow the instructions indicated between [square brackets and in italic characters]. 9
CARE08 CARE meeting will be held at CERN from December 2nd to December 5th (the last day being reserved for the kickoff of EuCARD). Registration fee required 150CHF (includes CARE Conference Dinner on 2.12.2008 in the Globe of Science and Innovation) Registration on web site http://care08.web.cern.ch/care08/ Goverming board meeting on Wednesday 3rd from 17:30 to 19:30. 2 (possibly 3?) HIPPI talks (20’ including questions): - "Code benchmarking with beam experiments" by L. Groening (GSI). - "Development of the accelerating structures for Linac4“ by F. Gerigk (CERN) -Any superconducting proposal? 2 hour HIPPI session at 14:00 on Wednesday 3.12.2008, entirely devoted to the status of the missing deliverables and the preparation of the final report. As usual, the presence of the WP Coordinators will be highly appreciated. 10
HIPPI08 Meeting Last meeting of the series, goal and structure slightly different from previous years. Shorter WP sessions, ~1.5 hrs. (summary of work done in the last year). After the WP sessions, time (~1 hr)for the preparation of the common deliverable (common assessment), to be provided by the different Workpackages. Status of the three accelerator projects supported by HIPPI is presented in dedicated talks at the beginning of each session. ESAC has the additional task of summarising the overall achievements of the JRA and give input to the comparative assessments of the different Workpackages. Last day of the meeting: summary of status of the missing deliverables, plan for providing them before the end of the Activity. ESAC’s presentation on the last day. 11
HIPPI08 - Programme We thank the (large majority) of the speakers for having uploaded in due time their presentation on the Meeting web site! 12
HIPPI08 - Programme Visit at 5pm, in parallel with 1st ESAC meeting 13
HIPPI08 – Programme of last day + presentation on dissemination (A. Lombardi) 14
HIPPI08 dinner • Wednesday October 29th (=TODAY!) at 19:30 at the CERN Glass Box (the VIP room of the Main Cafeteria, entrance from the Hostel side). • Risotto de potiron et tuiles de parmesan • Pavé de canard et ses garnitures • Sablé au chocolat et caramel • Vins de la région • Café • Please confirm your participation ! 15
ESAC The feedback from the ESAC has been extremely important for the progress of the HIPPI work. This year the ESAC report could contain some general statements to be used for the preparation of the Final Report. The ESAC Report should be available as usual in time for start of the CARE Meeting, December 2nd. 16
ESAC Charges “Standard” charges can be modified in 2008: The External Scientific Advisory Committee for the HIPPI JRA inside CARE has been nominated to analyse the work done and planned in the frame of HIPPI and to give advice to the HIPPI management, by making assessments and by providing recommendations. More specifically, the following questions have to be addressed: # 1 (general) Please review and comment the overall scientific quality of the research carried out. What were the most important accomplishments of the past year? How does the work compare with the international level? Underline accomplishments for the entire project. # 2 (labs & groups) Does the work presented by the different labs match with the HIPPI work plan? Is it consistent and sufficiently transparent scientifically? Comment on the proper use of resources. Is it clear how the groups proceed in the following year? # 3 (WP's) Comment on the effectiveness of interaction within WP's. Is there enough visibility of WP collaboration? Comment on what needs to be strengthened. Effectiveness of interaction for the duration of the project. 17