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Smart Grids activities in ETSI

Smart Grids activities in ETSI. Presenter: Adrian Scrase ETSI Chief Technical Officer (CTO). Smart Grids ETSI Strategic Directions: confirmed. Building on the large ICT expertise of ETSI members Smart Grids Standards Gap Analysis From M2M to Smart Metering to Smart Grids

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Smart Grids activities in ETSI

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  1. Smart Grids activities in ETSI Presenter: Adrian Scrase ETSI Chief Technical Officer (CTO)

  2. Smart GridsETSI Strategic Directions: confirmed • Building on the large ICT expertise of ETSI members • Smart Grids Standards Gap Analysis • From M2M to Smart Metering to Smart Grids • Bringing Smart Grids requirements to other standards fields • Communication Architecture, Security, … • Collaboration with all stakeholders in the SG ecosystem • European Standardization System (CEN, CENELEC, ETSI) • Regulators, in particular within EU • Standards Developing Organizations (ITU-T, NIST, …) and fora • Users • Research

  3. European Standards Organizations in Smart Grids http://www.cen.eu http://www.cenelec.eu http://www.etsi.org European Committee for Standardization31 Members (NSB/NC of 27 EU Members + 3 EFTA countries + 1 EU applicant) European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization31 Members (NSB/NC of 27 EU Members +3 EFTA countries + 1 EU applicant) European Telecommunications Standards Institute700 ETSI member organizations from 60 countries worldwide “Recognized” by the European Union under Directive 98/34

  4. EU Smart Grid relatedMandates EU Mandates • EU asks the 3 ESOs to work on a specific set of standards • They all accepted and (co-)developed the program and output Smart Metering Mandate (M/441) • Issued in March 2009 and accepted by CEN, CENELEC and ETSI • An ESOs Smart Metering Co-ordination Group (SM-CG) is in place Charging of Electrical Vehicle Mandate, aka E-mobility (M/468) • Issued End of June 2010 and accepted by CEN, CENELEC and ETSI Smart Grid Mandate (M/490) – the overall framework • Issued March 2nd 2011 and accepted by CEN, CENELEC and ETSI • Work officially started on June 1st, 2011; • Reports of Phase 1 provided at end of 2012

  5. EU Mandate M/490Phase 1 results • Outcome: • High-level guidelines, recommendations to standardization • No specification of standards (will be done in TCs) • Four Working Groups and their main results: • Reference Architecture • Conceptual Model, SGAM, Communication Arch. • First set of standards • A list of standards applicable to SG systems now • Sustainable standardization processes • Use Cases Models; Repository; Application to Flexibility concept • Security • Principles, Architecture, Tools • All reports provided at the end of 2012

  6. Mandate M/490Phase 2 (2013-14) • Main objective of the mandate iteration: • to implement the developed methodology, which set up the foundations for managing the continuous engineering and deployment of standards to ensure a real end-to-end interoperability for all generic use cases explicitly including security. • Main expected results: • Further refinement of the methodology Analysis of selected new applications • A set of consistent standards • A system interoperability testing method • An assessment of needed profiles • Refined Security Toolbox and Recommendations

  7. Smart Grids Coordination Group Structure for M/490 Phase 2 (2013-14) EC Level Smart Grid Coordination Group (former JWG) EC Reference Group Mandate Scope JWG Level Steering Committee coordination Further Tasks • Report 2.0 • Liaisons • Promotion M/441 M/468 Smart Grids Set of Standards Inter operability New Applic. & Methodology Security TC Level • NIST • JISC • China • Etc. New joint WGs Existing WGs New joint WGs Existing WGs New joint WGs Existing WGs New joint WGs Existing WGs ETSI contributions ETSI contributions ETSI Lead

  8. Conclusions • Maturing SG standardization framework • Already largely adopted beyond EC • Challenges: • Global application of methodology • International alignment of main concepts • Promotion, education • Phase 2 of M/490 • Will address all these challenges • Will focus on maturity, acceptability and alignment • Cooperation between all interested parties will be a key success factor

  9. Thank you for your attention

  10. Supplementary Slides

  11. Market Enterprise Operation Station IEC 61850-8-1 Similar to Distribution Field Process Generation Transmission Distribution DER Customer Premise M/490 Phase 1 Results and how they were achieved Reference Architecture Sustainable Processes Smart Grids Systems Composent Communication Information List ofstandards SGAM List of generic Use Cases (UCMR) High-level mapping of the systems

  12. A pivotal result: SGAMSmart Grids Architecture Model

  13. Mandate M/490status at after first phase (2011-12) Achievements • Consensus • On time • International acknowledgement Standardization is ready • Systematic process in place • Current industry applications are supported by standards • Selection guide available - easy entry for all stakeholders • Overview on available and coming standards • Work Programme describes time table for new standards • Future requirements can be easily included in systematic framework

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